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I am angry!

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maybe next time tell her the story of my great nephew. Thanks to some virus passed around at day care by some mom that thought her child wasn't "that sick" to stay home with, the virus attacked his heart instead of the usual lung/cold thing. By 6 months of age, he was on the heart transplant list, by 9 months the first infant in our state to receive an experimental Berlin heart machine to keep him alive. He died while on that.


You never know who you might infect with your little ole sniffles and how that might turn into an ugly evil beast.


I think you did well not to ask her if she was a complete idiot who was a candidate for the first brain transplant or just a selfish mean person. I can understand the low grade come and go 99. temp that never seems to stay but knowing they have a fever that you have to treat?? Stupid!!

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maybe next time tell her the story of my great nephew. Thanks to some virus passed around at day care by some mom that thought her child wasn't "that sick" to stay home with, the virus attacked his heart instead of the usual lung/cold thing. By 6 months of age, he was on the heart transplant list, by 9 months the first infant in our state to receive an experimental Berlin heart machine to keep him alive. He died while on that.


You never know who you might infect with your little ole sniffles and how that might turn into an ugly evil beast.


:crying: That is HEARTBREAKING!!! Poor little baby! :(

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Sounds like it's time to go to the governing board of the soccer teams and request that they put into place a policy about sick kids. While I don't normally pay much attention to such things because my kids don't go to public school nor play sports, there has been a LOT of chatter about it on my support group because lots of those kids DO play sports.


I just went and asked and the policy for the football league is that the child has to have been fever free WITHOUT MEDICATION for 48 hours or they may not play. Apparently because of H1N1 this type of policy is getting to be very common, and the wording they used for the football league is the same as the public school system for our county adopted before school started this August! The school's policy is that any child in a classroom who is running a fever or obviously ill is to be taken to the office for the school nurse to notify the parents to pick them up.


Now I can't really say I know since my kids have never been to public school, but enough friends have complained over the years about their Susie getting sick because little Johnny came to school sick and no one does anything unless the kid barfs......so this would seem to be a BIG change in policy.


I know a lot of parents send kids to school "drugged up" to mask the illness because they have no sick care plans and can't (or won't) take the day off from work....financial.....so this new policy IF ENFORCED is going to be quite a hardship for some parents. I know the day care lady down the street has a strict policy (and has for years) about no sick kids....that's to protect the other kids and because she jokes she doesn't get paid enough to clean up barf.


An elementary school on the other side of town apparently had almost 200 kids out on Friday due to the flu. So it's here, and it's spreading fast.


Ok, time to go wash my hands again! :tongue_smilie:

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I have tried not to be, but I am.


On Saturday, my son went to play in a soccer game. I know all the moms and when I sat down, one came over next to me and brought her chair. At the time, her son was on the field playing with my son kicking the ball around.


As she sat down, she said, "my son is sick as a dog today." She went on to describe that he had a 103.5 fever...but it was okay because he has had motrin. :001_huh: WHAT???


I am seriously STILL livid with this mother. Not only did she have a child who was obviously sick out playing a sport (whether he wanted to do so or not is not the point, IMO. He is 6 for goodness sake! She is the parent)!, but she had him out there WITH A FEVER likely infecting other kids. The type A flu has really just hit here where I live in the last 3 weeks or so. We possibly had it several weeks ago...but we weren't tested, so we don't know for sure. This child's fever could very well NOT be that, but come on! Why take a chance???


What I do know is that both the coach AND the mother acted selfishly and let the child play. Her excuse, "Oh...he never gets all that sick. He will be fine by tomorrow." GREAT...but what about the immunocompromised little girl on our team? What about MY child who has already been sick and likely still isn't up to snuff to fight something off so easily from the last go-round. I am just so mad! And I can't seem to get over it. I am really considering just letting him quit the team. If the coach and parent have no more respect for the other players than that, I don't want to be part of that team!


GAH! Someone...talk me down! :chillpill:


I used to play a varsity sport in college. The sports medicine doc would pretty much let us play with whatever injury we had as long as we could stand it! However, he absolutely would not allow us to play with even a lowgrade fever because the body loses its ability to regulate internal heat when it has a fever and you can die.


But about being mad about other people letting their sick kids around others--it's not just sports--it's everywhere. Don't let it make you mad or you'll just go around mad. People have very different thoughts on this. I've had a friend bring her kids out because she was "stir crazy". Why? They'd all been throwing up! She's a lovely person, but it would not bother her for her kids to be exposed, so it doesn't occur to her that it would bother others.


ETA: I didn't see the part about a kid on the team who is immunocompromised. That is truly outrageous that knowing that, the woman would come and the coach would allow it.


I would talk to the coach about the fever thing for the kid's own sake and about the child with health problems. I would mention that you are concerned with his liability if he knew that the child had a fever because the kid could die (there's been enough about that on the news lately) and you wonder if he'd be liable if he granted permission and the health-compromised child got it and suffered severe consequences.

Edited by Laurie4b
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I just went and asked and the policy for the football league is that the child has to have been fever free WITHOUT MEDICATION for 48 hours or they may not play. Apparently because of H1N1 this type of policy is getting to be very common


All the policies in the world aren't going to stop someone who thinks it's okay to send a kid with 103F fever to a soccer game. Seriously.. they'll still say their kid is fine. "Nope, he's been fine for two days now" --- {as he guzzled Tylenol.}

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I don't have much to do with other mothers, and this is one reason why. What obscene selfishness!

I just delayed my daughter starting a much anticipated tae kwon do class because she had a runny nose...I can't imagine tossing her in the middle of a bunch of kids with a nasty fever.

You'd think with all the paranoia surrounding swine flu lately, people would be a little more cautious. I guess that only applies when it's THEIR family being put at risk. Something tells me the mother in OP's post wouldn't have been so blase about it if it had been someone else's kid out there, sick as a dog.

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I was on the phone last week with a friend whose son was showing the symptoms of swine flu. She was asking me what to do since we have had it.


I told her to get a flu swab, stress that he has asthma, and try to get him some Tamiflu. I told her where to get some if her doctor's office is full.


Finally she said that she would call the doctor the next day when her son gets home from school. I told her that he can't go to school if he is "burning up" right now, no matter how he feels in the morning.


She said it was fine to send him because she did not actually take his temperature, and doesn't intend to. That solves everything. Now he can go to school.

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She said it was fine to send him because she did not actually take his temperature, and doesn't intend to. That solves everything. Now he can go to school.


Hmmm...is this the mom version of the military's don't ask don't tell policy? :lol: If I don't ask my kid if they're sick I don't have to tell you they threw up?



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She said it was fine to send him because she did not actually take his temperature, and doesn't intend to. That solves everything. Now he can go to school.


WHAT????? That lady and my soccer mom lady need to get together huh? What are they thinking????


Well, today is day 4 and thus far, no sickies. I am still keeping a watch, though. And WE will not be attending soccer practice today because I am not ready to put my kid back in a situation where he is being exposed to this. I am SURE that mom will be there with her sick child and if he has had the flu for the last 4 days, he is likely still contagious. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice..shame on ME. Not happening!


I am still thisclose to stopping soccer because of this. I plan to e-mail the coach today and let her know why we aren't coming.

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enough friends have complained over the years about their Susie getting sick because little Johnny came to school sick and no one does anything unless the kid barfs......so this would seem to be a BIG change in policy.


I know a lot of parents send kids to school "drugged up" to mask the illness because they have no sick care plans and can't (or won't) take the day off from work....financial.....so this new policy IF ENFORCED is going to be quite a hardship for some parents.


The other side of the story is that any kid who has missed more than 3 days of school in our school system has a threatening attendance compliance letter sent home.


At the same time that they say "Keep sick kids home!", they just can't wait to terrorize the parents who do keep their sick kids home. I'm so glad my kids are not in public schools any more. Excuse me while I go do the happy dance.


I too resent it when people drag their sick kids around. My son is always recovering from a surgery or preparing for the next surgery. They last thing he needs is the cold or flu.

Edited by Elizabeth Conley
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WHAT????? That lady and my soccer mom lady need to get together huh? What are they thinking????


Well, today is day 4 and thus far, no sickies. I am still keeping a watch, though. And WE will not be attending soccer practice today because I am not ready to put my kid back in a situation where he is being exposed to this. I am SURE that mom will be there with her sick child and if he has had the flu for the last 4 days, he is likely still contagious. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice..shame on ME. Not happening!


I am still thisclose to stopping soccer because of this. I plan to e-mail the coach today and let her know why we aren't coming.


This is so sad. I think it's awful that you have to stop your activities because of the recklessness of one person. I wish she would come on here and read this thread, maybe then she could see why what she's doing is harmful to not only her son but to others as well. :(

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I mean, I know that peole who have kids in ps get that mentality sometimes, but HOMESCHOOLERS? Really? My kids had something pretty mild in comparison to the flu my older had in 2003 and I still kept them home for a WEEK....mostly because I CAN and it is the right thing to do. I guess, for some reason, I just expect homeschoolers to not have that ps "work through the fever cause I need a babysitter" mentality. :( And no offense meant to any ps mom who doesn't feel that way. I know I never did when my oldest was in ps. But there is no denying that SOME parents do seem to think that way...


Actually my personal experience is that this attitude is rampant in home school circles. Most of my friends who ps wouldn't dream of sending a sick child to an activity, school, church, etc. But, my family and I have been repeatedly exposed to illness that run the gamut from a fever to whooping cough by those whom we associate with in the home school community! :tongue_smilie:

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When my son was in K at ps, we would keep him home when he was sick. It was his first year of school, so he was sick a lot. Then we got the threatening attendance compliance letters. It even said he wouldn't graduate K if he missed any more days. :confused:


Absoultely! I have a friend who does counseling in the ps system here and they are telling parents that if their child has flu like illness, they are to keep them home 5 days straight. However, if they miss more than 5 days, they are truant. :glare:

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The other side of the story is that any kid who has missed more than 3 days of school in our school system has a threatening attendance compliance letter sent home.


At the same time that they say "Keep sick kids home!", they just can't wait to terrorize the parents who do keep their sick kids home. I'm so glad my kids are not in public schools any more. Excuse me while I go do the happy dance.


I too resent it when people drag their sick kids around. My son is always recovering from a surgery or preparing for the next surgery. They last thing he need is the cold or flu.


Ds has a friend/neighbor boy who was sick a lot during his school year two years ago. At the end of the year, even though he had aced everything and was in the gifted program and had made top grades on his TAKS test, his mother was fined like $200 and made to go to court because he was "truant" for missing so many days due to illness. It was just beyond ridiculous. He was obviously not missing anything educationally because of his numerous absences.

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I talked with the coach. She understood, but her hands are tied. It is a Christian soccer league and there are very few "rules" she can go by. Last year, the woman who brought her sick kid WAS A COACH. It is not in the rules and I do understand that the coach had no leg to stand on.


She was, however, very upset that my ds was not coming and asked that we please not let this ruin it for our family. I told her that what would "ruin it" most for all the soccer families is to have a child hospitalized or worse due to one careless, selfish parent. She whole-heartedly agreed.

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I talked with the coach. She understood, but her hands are tied. It is a Christian soccer league and there are very few "rules" she can go by. Last year, the woman who brought her sick kid WAS A COACH. It is not in the rules and I do understand that the coach had no leg to stand on.


She was, however, very upset that my ds was not coming and asked that we please not let this ruin it for our family. I told her that what would "ruin it" most for all the soccer families is to have a child hospitalized or worse due to one careless, selfish parent. She whole-heartedly agreed.


So is the coach going to say something to this mom then?? I mean, she may not have "rules" to go by, but surely as coach she must have some type of clout over what happens with the team, no?

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So is the coach going to say something to this mom then?? I mean, she may not have "rules" to go by, but surely as coach she must have some type of clout over what happens with the team, no?


I don't assume she will. Her golden opportunity would have been when the mom said, "(child) is running a 103 fever this morning, but I gave him some motrin, so he is fine." If I had been coach at that point, I would have said, "If (child) is running fever that high, he can't play in today's game" or, at the very least, "dont' you think he will get other players sick??? Perhaps you should take him home." But she didn't. I will have to contact the director to get anything done...and even then, it may not happen.


ETA: She offered me the other mom's phone number and suggested I take it up with her myself. LOL Yeah, that wouldn't be pretty - nor do I think it would be terribly, um, respectable of me.

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I don't assume she will. Her golden opportunity would have been when the mom said, "(child) is running a 103 fever this morning, but I gave him some motrin, so he is fine." If I had been coach at that point, I would have said, "If (child) is running fever that high, he can't play in today's game" or, at the very least, "dont' you think he will get other players sick??? Perhaps you should take him home." But she didn't. I will have to contact the director to get anything done...and even then, it may not happen.


ETA: She offered me the other mom's phone number and suggested I take it up with her myself. LOL Yeah, that wouldn't be pretty - nor do I think it would be terribly, um, respectable of me.



Sigh. It sounds like the coach is avoiding confrontation and wants to pass the buck on to you. :( It's a shame. It really is. I don't see anything wrong with using her position as coach to all the children on the team and with all of their interests at heart to tell the mom after the fact, that sick kids really belong at home not on the field. I mean, how did that kid even perform in the game anyway?? I'm sure it wasn't even worthwhile for them to even be there. :(

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That would INFURIATE ME. I would be totally livid, and probably would not have been able to keep my mouth shut.


It's an easy rule, if your kid is sick, keep them HOME! I mean, what the *&^% was she thinking? How can the kid get any better running around like that? What kind of care is that-making the kid run around while he's sick, and HELLO, swine flu anyone?






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Sigh. It sounds like the coach is avoiding confrontation and wants to pass the buck on to you. :( It's a shame. It really is. I don't see anything wrong with using her position as coach to all the children on the team and with all of their interests at heart to tell the mom after the fact, that sick kids really belong at home not on the field. I mean, how did that kid even perform in the game anyway?? I'm sure it wasn't even worthwhile for them to even be there. :(



Well, since he was all doped up on motrin, he did run a bit and play. Toward the start of the 2nd half, he came over and told his mom he was "freezing" - it was in the mid 60's, he had on a long sleeve shirt and pants UNDER his normal uniform, and he had been running around on a field. Fever anyone?

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Ds has a friend/neighbor boy who was sick a lot during his school year two years ago. At the end of the year, even though he had aced everything and was in the gifted program and had made top grades on his TAKS test, his mother was fined like $200 and made to go to court because he was "truant" for missing so many days due to illness. It was just beyond ridiculous. He was obviously not missing anything educationally because of his numerous absences.


This is insane! When I was growing up and attending ps, as long as you had a doctor's note, you were fine. Anytime a sick student missed school, all work was sent home to finish at home. I guess now the teachers don't want students to do too much work at home. Learning can only happen at school apparently.


My guess is these current attendance rules stem from parents who take their kids out of school for vacations.

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Well, since he was all doped up on motrin, he did run a bit and play. Toward the start of the 2nd half, he came over and told his mom he was "freezing" - it was in the mid 60's, he had on a long sleeve shirt and pants UNDER his normal uniform, and he had been running around on a field. Fever anyone?


:( I feel so sorry for that kid. I hope that he doesn't wind up in the hospital or something awful like that. :(

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Does the board meet regularly? We have monthly board meetings that are open to the public, and address concerns there. We also have people emailing us (the board) with concerns, but the most effective way to get a situation addressed is to bring it up to the board at one of our meetings. It seems entirely reasonable to request that a rule be put in place effective immediately that addresses sick children playing. Make it a liability issue, if nothing else - both for the sick child AND his or her teammates.


Barring that, I'd write the commissioner of your son's age group with your complaint. Sticking to the facts (sick kid, coach feels her hands are tied to deal with the situation) and asking for help resolving the situation. Copy the coach in on the email so she knows what is going on, maybe even CC the President of the league so that he is also aware of the situation. I'm not sure your coach feels as strongly about the situation as you do, so I'd question whether she took this up the chain to where it could be properly addressed. I like the idea of matching whatever policy the local school district has.


FWIW, my kids want to play even with excessive fevers. They slow down somewhat, but we don't medicate fevers and they still want to be up and active. My son hates to miss sports games, and would still want to be there - even with a fever. (The difference is, I guess, that I pull rank and tell him no way.)

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Ds12 was in ps for one year. In the middle of the year(around February) he had a fever-for 2 wks straight. I called each day and told them he had a fever. By the 4th day they started harassing me. I took him to the doc twice but nothing was found. He had no symptoms except a fever around 101-102. I started getting sassy with them. He has a 101 fever-do you WANT me to send him? Ummm, no. Well, what do suggest I do? Well, he can't miss X amount of days-blah,blah, blah. Do you WANT me to send him? No. This went on for a week. I was so glad when his fever was better. I was even gladder(not a word-I know) when the year ended and we did not reenroll him.


I read the whole thread and I can not believe how selfish some parents are. I have a special needs child so I am vigilant about illnesses. I do not send ds10 to his school(for special needs kids) when he is sick. Why would I take a chance of him infecting kids who are much worse healthwise than my son? Or the teachers? Or the bus driver? Etc But I am always hearing about X's mom who sent her child to school with _____. I get that parents have to work but there are alot of medically fragile children at ds10's school. Two kids from ds10's bus died last year. That has made me even more paranoid about sick people around us.


I hadn't been to the GYN in about 3 years. I had an appointment set up. I then received a call from the county health board that we were exposed to the measles at a doctor's appt. I cancelled my GYN appt. I have a kid with medical issues. Why would I take the chance of infecting some pregnant lady with the measles? I also didn't send ds10 to school until the window had passed. Two of the therapists there were pregnant at the time. Of course, we didn't get the measles. But it would have wrecked me if *I* did have it and then infected others.


People just tick me off with their entitlement issues. It's alright if *they* send in a sick kid. But heaven forbid someone else did that. That same person would be complaining their head off. Hey lady/dude! You are not the center of the world. It is not ok to send in your typhoid mary/joey to infect everyone else. How about you care about your fellow neighbors, friends, etc for a change? We would all appreciate it.

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I hadn't been to the GYN in about 3 years. I had an appointment set up. I then received a call from the county health board that we were exposed to the measles at a doctor's appt. I cancelled my GYN appt. I have a kid with medical issues. Why would I take the chance of infecting some pregnant lady with the measles? I also didn't send ds10 to school until the window had passed. Two of the therapists there were pregnant at the time. Of course, we didn't get the measles. But it would have wrecked me if *I* did have it and then infected others.





See...this is how I am. My kids missed a week and a half of social activities when they were sick. Mostly, I thought of how it would kill me to give it to another family and it maybe not be so easy on them. We DID give it to another family - my friend and her dd were with us when my ds started getting sick. I e-mailed daily checking on them and apologized profusely. Even though there was nothing I could do - he was not sick when we left the house and i had no idea this would come on him - I still felt bad. If one of them had ended up in the hospital...OMG, I don't know how i would live with myself. It hurt me to unintentionally infect someone...I can't imagine if I had willingly and knowingly done it. I guess I just expect people to have that same respect for me. Guess not. :(

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This is insane! When I was growing up and attending ps, as long as you had a doctor's note, you were fine. Anytime a sick student missed school, all work was sent home to finish at home. I guess now the teachers don't want students to do too much work at home. Learning can only happen at school apparently.


My guess is these current attendance rules stem from parents who take their kids out of school for vacations.


I think it is primarily a budget issue. I know where we are from they figure out the number of students a school will be paid for based on attendance days so a child who is out for a significant amount of time isn't "worth" as much to the school as a child who shows up to school every day.


The attendance issue is one of my big reasons for homeschooling. If my kid is sick she will be at home and I refuse to explain my reasoning. I won't even get started on the time with family and travel opportunities that I refuse to miss for the sake of 6 hours a day spent sitting in a classroom learning to add.

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That is a program that is not well run.


If the coach does not have a courage or fiber to take on an issue like this, then she won't take on anything else either. That means trouble all year, in my experience.


She is in charge of the children and the program, and responsible for their safety and well-being. If she is not stepping up to that responsibility, then it's time to find another program, not in a spirit of spite, but just that there will be more and more issues throughout the year and it's not good to put your children through that.

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Since there seems to be so much confusion among the general public, I made this handy flowchart. This should clear things up for a lot of people. Feel free to pass these out among your less intelligent friends and neighbors.



Edited by s.z.ichigo
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Since there seems to be so much confusion among the general public, I made this handy flowchart. This should clear things up for a lot of people. Feel free to pass these out among your less intelligent friends and neighbors.


Woohoo, I need this, I'm totally stealing it.

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Since there seems to be so much confusion among the general public, I made this handy flowchart. This should clear things up for a lot of people. Feel free to pass these out among your less intelligent friends and neighbors.


LOL Awesome!!! "reconsider answer" classic!! Thanks for posting that. You really made my day! :D

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I just went and asked and the policy for the football league is that the child has to have been fever free WITHOUT MEDICATION for 48 hours or they may not play. Apparently because of H1N1 this type of policy is getting to be very common, and the wording they used for the football league is the same as the public school system for our county adopted before school started this August! The school's policy is that any child in a classroom who is running a fever or obviously ill is to be taken to the office for the school nurse to notify the parents to pick them up.


Now I can't really say I know since my kids have never been to public school, but enough friends have complained over the years about their Susie getting sick because little Johnny came to school sick and no one does anything unless the kid barfs......so this would seem to be a BIG change in policy.


I know a lot of parents send kids to school "drugged up" to mask the illness because they have no sick care plans and can't (or won't) take the day off from work....financial.....so this new policy IF ENFORCED is going to be quite a hardship for some parents. I know the day care lady down the street has a strict policy (and has for years) about no sick kids....that's to protect the other kids and because she jokes she doesn't get paid enough to clean up barf.


An elementary school on the other side of town apparently had almost 200 kids out on Friday due to the flu. So it's here, and it's spreading fast.


Ok, time to go wash my hands again! :tongue_smilie:


The other side of the story is that any kid who has missed more than 3 days of school in our school system has a threatening attendance compliance letter sent home..



The other side of the coin is that for YEARS, if you kept your sick child home and didn't take them to the doctor, it was unexcused. Often sick kids just need a couple of days and they're fine; they're too sick for school but not sick enough to go to the doctor. THAT is when parents are most likely to send them anyway. Because the schools don't allow parents to say "Janie isn't feeling well today, I'll keep her home in bed with some chicken soup and send her tomorrow." No, little Janie had darned well have a doctor's note when she comes back to school or the fur will fly!

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The other side of the coin is that for YEARS, if you kept your sick child home and didn't take them to the doctor, it was unexcused. Often sick kids just need a couple of days and they're fine; they're too sick for school but not sick enough to go to the doctor. THAT is when parents are most likely to send them anyway. Because the schools don't allow parents to say "Janie isn't feeling well today, I'll keep her home in bed with some chicken soup and send her tomorrow." No, little Janie had darned well have a doctor's note when she comes back to school or the fur will fly!


I just had to take my son to the doctor today for this very reason. He's been out of school since last Friday and I have been treating him at home and he's been responding well to the treatments. I called the school Wednesday and told him that he would be out the rest of the week and they told me I had to have a doctor's note for when he came back. :( The doctor examined him and told me that the treatments were working fine and then told me I could get the note at the front desk when I checked out. :mad: I gave the note to my dh to get a photocopy of it at work just in case the school should lose it or something. I told him, "that note cost us 15 bucks, make sure to get a copy of it." Sigh. I WISH I could homeschool my ds too. I hope some day I will be able to and write the school off completely.

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I just had to take my son to the doctor today for this very reason. He's been out of school since last Friday and I have been treating him at home and he's been responding well to the treatments. I called the school Wednesday and told him that he would be out the rest of the week and they told me I had to have a doctor's note for when he came back. :( The doctor examined him and told me that the treatments were working fine and then told me I could get the note at the front desk when I checked out. :mad: I gave the note to my dh to get a photocopy of it at work just in case the school should lose it or something. I told him, "that note cost us 15 bucks, make sure to get a copy of it." Sigh. I WISH I could homeschool my ds too. I hope some day I will be able to and write the school off completely.


Your co-pay is cheap compared to ours....we have a $2,000 deductible which we never meet (insurance is really for the big illness, hospital stays and knock-wood, none of those here in more than a decade!). So we'd be on the hook for the entire "exam"....couple hundred bucks.


Ok...so here folks we have reason number 241,492,459,783 why I'm glad we homeschool. And probably why the schools are glad I homeschool, 'cause I'd flat out refuse to pay a couple hundred bucks for a waste of my and the doctors time (not to mention the chance at catching the NEXT illness waiting in the doctor's office instead of my kid being tucked warmly in their bed sleeping and getting better).


I'm curious about what they'd do if you refuse to take them to the doctor for a note.....kick 'em out of school? I know their concern is the money they lose when your child doesn't attend school....but wouldn't kicking the kid out for "excessive absences" be self-defeating since then they'd not get his per diem for the rest of the school year? Sounding ancient here, but "back in my day" they had a truant officer that would come by your house after so many days absent to check on the child......as a child I had chronic broncitis (spelling?) and would be out for a week or more at a time about once a year.....the guy would come by, say hello, have a cup of coffee with my mom while I hacked and wheezed and watched TV in the living room and then he'd leave. Back then, I always thought that was to make sure we weren't playing hooky without mom's permission....as an adult I figured it was also to be sure mom wasn't abusing the kid and keeping them home until the bruises fade. :glare:

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Your co-pay is cheap compared to ours....we have a $2,000 deductible which we never meet (insurance is really for the big illness, hospital stays and knock-wood, none of those here in more than a decade!). So we'd be on the hook for the entire "exam"....couple hundred bucks.


Ok...so here folks we have reason number 241,492,459,783 why I'm glad we homeschool. And probably why the schools are glad I homeschool, 'cause I'd flat out refuse to pay a couple hundred bucks for a waste of my and the doctors time (not to mention the chance at catching the NEXT illness waiting in the doctor's office instead of my kid being tucked warmly in their bed sleeping and getting better).


I'm curious about what they'd do if you refuse to take them to the doctor for a note.....kick 'em out of school? I know their concern is the money they lose when your child doesn't attend school....but wouldn't kicking the kid out for "excessive absences" be self-defeating since then they'd not get his per diem for the rest of the school year? Sounding ancient here, but "back in my day" they had a truant officer that would come by your house after so many days absent to check on the child......as a child I had chronic broncitis (spelling?) and would be out for a week or more at a time about once a year.....the guy would come by, say hello, have a cup of coffee with my mom while I hacked and wheezed and watched TV in the living room and then he'd leave. Back then, I always thought that was to make sure we weren't playing hooky without mom's permission....as an adult I figured it was also to be sure mom wasn't abusing the kid and keeping them home until the bruises fade. :glare:


I almost wish they did have truancy officers still. Times have certainly changed, but at least you wouldn't be shlepping kids off to dr.'s offices just to get notes. :rolleyes: That's a good point that you bring up about what would they do if you didn't have the note. Hmmmm. I wonder what they WOULD do. That stinks about the deductible!! My co-pay for the GP is pretty good I guess, but still it is money that is going out instead of coming in and with dh's job situation the way it is now with him having to take days off without pay every bit matters even 15 bucks. But still it bugs me that I have to spend money, time and like you said risk exposure to other illnesses in the waiting room for a stupid formality. I even called the dr.'s office to see if I could just get them to write me the note without having to bring him in but they said no. :( Where's that truancy officer when you need him. :rolleyes:

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I just had to take my son to the doctor today for this very reason. He's been out of school since last Friday and I have been treating him at home and he's been responding well to the treatments. I called the school Wednesday and told him that he would be out the rest of the week and they told me I had to have a doctor's note for when he came back. :( The doctor examined him and told me that the treatments were working fine and then told me I could get the note at the front desk when I checked out. :mad: I gave the note to my dh to get a photocopy of it at work just in case the school should lose it or something. I told him, "that note cost us 15 bucks, make sure to get a copy of it." Sigh. I WISH I could homeschool my ds too. I hope some day I will be able to and write the school off completely.



See...THAT type of situation angers me to no end. Now your sick child has also been exposed to God knows what at the dr. office...all so the school could get that piece of paper. I would be livid. That seems to be my mood in general lately, though. LOL

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See...THAT type of situation angers me to no end. Now your sick child has also been exposed to God knows what at the dr. office...all so the school could get that piece of paper. I would be livid. That seems to be my mood in general lately, though. LOL


LOL Yeah it really bugged me too, but I also understand the thinking behind it. The truth is that the school doesn't trust parents (or legally cannot) and will not just "take them at their word". They require proof. I find that extremely annoying but I also realize that the policy is there because of truancy in cases where there is no illness. Just another case of bad apples spoiling it for the bunch I reckon. I did take my son in for the earliest appointment time (7:45am) and got there early so he would hopefully cut his risk of exposure to other illnesses. The waiting room was still dirty though from the day before so who knows. But so far he seems fine and it's all in God's hands anyway.

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Rebecca did anyone get sick from the soccer team? Just wondering how it turned out. I can't believe the coach let the kid play!


I don't know....we haven't been back. The practice was cancelled due to rain and the game today was also cancelled due to rain. Thank God, though - by the time we do go back (if we got back), watever it was should be gone with two weeks of rest time between. That doesn't change the fact, though, that most of the kids who play soccer are ps kids and we are exposing ourselves no matter what. My kids won't go to practices this week - mostly because they had the flu shot yesterday and I don't want to take them out and around other kids who could be sick, so next time we go will be a week from today (again...IF we go! LOL)


Thanks for asking.

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Glad you guys are doing well. We are also heavily exposed to ps kids through sports and friendships. I thought of you today, my 7 year old has a 100.4 fever so he is missing a basketball game. Even if I weren't worried about him being contagious to others, I think he really needs to rest rather than play sports right now. Imagine that!?!?

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I know on such an active board this is probably considered a bump....but I have to say that I would NOT pander to the school if my daughter went there. If she were sick with something non-serious and they demanded a doctor's excuse I would tell them where they could stick it. We don't have insurance and going to the doctor for a cold seems like the most ridiculous waste of money ever.

Maybe I'm a massive PITA at heart, but if she's too sick for school, she's too sick for school. They'd have to accept that, unless they're the ones paying for the doctor visit (as well as the treatment of anything nasty she picks up AT the office).

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