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Fabulous HSing Article


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I used to read his wife's blog (DIYPreschool). I remember the article her friend wrote last year, as well.


From a comment...


The main reason for home schooling is not the low quality of American public schools; if parents cared about that they could volunteer to help in schools.
Riiiight. Because we'd certainly be able to effect broad curricular changes that way. In time to do our kids some good. You know what? We have three new hs'ers at our park day who all cited the inaccessibility/excessive privacy of their children's classrooms as reasons for homeschooling. They were just plain discouraged from being there.
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Yes, but did you read some of the letters in response. Ooh boy... What is it about homeschooling as a concept that raises such hackles?




I think the author puts it best in the article -- it's mostly other mothers interpreting the actions of mothers who do something differently as an attack on their parenting, rather than being able to take a "different stroke for different folks." It's the same with every parenting issue -- if I say I breastfeed, someone else interprets that to mean I hate them because they formula fed, if I say we co-sleep, someone accuses me of claiming they're bad parents for using a crib, if I say I homeschool, someone insists I'm really talking bad about public schoolers. Moms can't win.

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My brother who has never even acknowledged that we've homeschooled during the 8 years that we've done so, sent me a link to this article! (He told me to ignore the comments as many were vicious.)


I printed this up and will read it away from the computer. I won't be reading the responses...I feel fragile these days and just. don't. need. it!! lol


Jean, I think that is huge that your brother did that!! It makes me smile!! It's like a quiet confirmation. Kudos to your bro!

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The article was fabulous - by the time I finished it I had hope for world peace :001_smile: and then I read some of the responses...holy cow :confused: and :001_huh:and :chillpill:


Well, that settles it. I simply refuse to read the responses. Instead, I will sit here smiling. :D


Thank you so, so much, Asta, for sharing! I needed that, especially since I've had several of those conversations just this week and was feeling a bit discouraged. It's wonderful, and I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

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Okay, I guess it's just me. I always have a hard time at Salon because there's a bleeping pop-up ad covering half the article, and I can't close it! :cursing:


hover over where it says "close and enter Salon" or something like that. I tried to click the actual X but it's the words next to the X that actually let you close it!

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Nice article.


I read some of the responses and may I just say, huh??? I have never in my life seen more ridiculous, poorly reasoned, and just plain stupid responses to a hsing article. There are plenty of cons to hsing, to be sure, but so many of these responses are so weird. What the heck is the demographic for this mag? :001_huh: That didn't come out right, lol. What I meant was for every comment that had a well reasoned argument for or against there were 6 posts bashing the author or homeschooling that really made no sense; it was almost like they had never really heard of hsing. ??


Reading that made me feel like I've got to go and quickly make sure my kids have a better grounding in rhetoric....lol




Edited by Georgia in NC
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hover over where it says "close and enter Salon" or something like that. I tried to click the actual X but it's the words next to the X that actually let you close it!


Thanks! I was clicking on the x and rather than closing it, it was opening a new tab with the advertiser's website AND leaving up the stupid box. Annoying. Thank you for explaining!

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I enjoyed the article a lot but wish he hadn't taken a jab at other homeschoolers while making his case ("Bible-thumping Christians" and "off-the-grid hippies").


I stopped reading the comments as soon as I saw one of the first, which described the contact of homeschoolers with their children as almost "pedophilic."

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As a denim jumper wearing, Bible believing, Christian, I was mildly offended by his disdain toward me. I thought it was an okay article, but not that fabulous.


People choose to homeschool for many reasons. That is fine with me. There's no need for any of us to claim that our reasons make us more superior and worthy than any other homeschooling families.


The two groups of people that I do discourage from homeschooling are those who are doing it because of fear or anger. I tell them that they will run out of fear or anger before they run out of homeschool. Those emotions wear off, but homeschooling is for the rest of the school year! IMO, unless there is an emergency, it is not good to quit in mid year and pop a child into another type of educational system. I think homeschooling is strongest when based on working toward some positive goal you want for your child rather than fleeing from a negative one.


Other than that, I don't care if someone homeschools for political, social, academic, religious, health, or other reasons. I just say welcome to the club! I don't know it all but I'd be glad to help you get started.

Edited by hillfarm
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Oh the comments are a RIOT! I'm only on p. 3, and I can't stop laughing. I love when people get all foamed up about something that doesn't even directly affect them! It would be like me responding to someone's positive P.S. article. Since it doesn't directly affect me, it wouldn't make me froth or foam.


Thanks for posting! I sure needed a laugh.


Oh yeah, the article was OK, but why the devisive comments about other homeschoolers? Seems petty.

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