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I feel like an odd duck ...

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My daughter and I watched The Devil Wears Prada this evening. It got me thinking about fashion and hairstyles, etc... and all the other things that females usually are concerned about. I am really not into that stuff at all. I don't like to shop. My daughter made me go shopping with her because we needed something to wear to my brother's wedding on the 26th. I guess she didn't think I should go in my shorts and t'shirt. :lol:


It isn't just that either ... I don't like to cook, garden, sew ...


I'd rather spend all my free time reading and studying. I enjoy sitting down with a good book or even an Encyclopedia. It keeps me entertained for hours. I watched the movie with my daughter because I do enjoy spending time with her. I even enjoy a girly movie every now and then. I just feel very limited in the number of people I can actually converse with. I do get along very well with my daughter. She is easily my best friend. We do just about everything together. Of course, we only have each other since her father walked out on us when she was two ... ok ... I'm getting off topic now ... Really the only other interest I have is watching NFL football.

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I've never really been a girly girl. I really don't like shopping for clothes, I don't wear anything but tennis shoes, unless I have to go to a wedding or something. I tried wearing make up once, but it just made my face feel dirty. I couldn't even tell you the names of fashion designers or different handbags.


However, plop me down into a library or Barnes & Noble, and I'm in heaven! Or a scrapbooking store :D! My friends and family are all amazed at my addiction to scrapbooking because it seems like such a girly thing to do. But, I've always needed some kind of creative outlet, and this hobby lets me be creative and preserve memories for my kids at the same time. So, I'll gladly be girly for that!

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I always feel like the odd woman out. I do not care about fashion, manicures (never had one), finding cute clothes, cooking, gardening, sewing, etc. I'm the definition of a tomboy. You will always find me in jeans and a polo shirt.


I think this is the reason I have trouble finding friends. For example, our Sunday School class is having a game night complete with Nerf wars and board games. The Sunday School teacher announced "don't worry ladies, us guys wont play Nerf wars all evening long." What the heck? That's what I'm most looking forward to LOL! Why is it assumed the ladies care nothing about Nerf wars?


Aside from not being "girlie", I'm also shy and quiet around people I do not know well. So all that adds up to having trouble making friends.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Yarn or curriculum and I'm there :D But generally, I too despise shopping. Well, I don't mind shopping online but I about cry at the thought of clothes shopping. I would love to be able to sew for that reason alone. So I guess I am kind of "girly" ... I just lack in the clothing, shoes and make-up departments.


.. oh, and cooking. I don't think I've ever been found frolicing in the kitchen. I merely bear up under the task.

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I just watched this last night!


I thought the point of it was that the fashion stuff was superficial and shallow. She was happier when she went back to being a "real person." At least, that's what I'm telling myself! :D


If you are interested in having more in common with other women, because you desire conversation, you can use your love of reading and studying to read a book about a few topics like cooking, gardening, and/or sewing.

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I do not like shopping for clothes... too much time...


I do like shopping for things of interest, but only if I have money to spend, which isn't often.


I love the way I look in nicely applied make-up, but I hate taking the time to do that, so I dont wear it except for once or twice a week. And the only reason I do that is to look nice singing in choir or going out on a date with dh.


I love to wear a cute outfit... I just don't want to bother thinking about it or picking it out. I hate having to think about "syle", matching purses or belts (I wont wear a belt!) or shoes.


My style is... it fits, is comfortable and I like it. And I don't find that in the stores each season!


I hate to cook. Just get in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible!


I like to sew IF it is a gift for someone. I do not like to sew for hire, which I have done from time to time.


I love to scrapbook because then I am making something beautiful (I hope!) out of the memories with my children and family.


And in the winter... my dh will say, "Please... don't wear a plaid flannel shirt today."!!!! I like those with jean and tennis shoes...


And just about every plant/flower that has been a gift to me has died. And I have truly tried to follow instructions with them!!

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I always feel like the odd woman out. I do not care about fashion, manicures (never had one), finding cute clothes, cooking, gardening, sewing, etc. I'm the definition of a tomboy. You will always find me in jeans and a polo shirt.


I think this is the reason I have trouble finding friends. For example, our Sunday School class is having a game night complete with Nerf wars and board games. The Sunday School teacher announced "don't worry ladies, us guys wont play Nerf wars all evening long." What the heck? That's what I'm most looking forward to LOL! Why is it assumed the ladies care nothing about Nerf wars?


Aside from not being "girlie", I'm also shy and quiet around people I do not know well. So all that adds up to having trouble making friends.


This is me (mostly)!


I enjoy cooking, sewing and knitting, but I'd rather be hiking, reading or hanging out with my kids than going shopping. I live in jeans and sneakers (and shirts, too :D) so going shopping for a dress and heels to wear to my cousin's wedding last weekend was torture for me.


Many of the women I know enjoy talking about hair, fashion, the latest make-up, shoes, shopping, movie stars, etc and I stand there with nothing to say. I'm introverted and shy, and have been told I seem aloof or stuck-up when I don't participate in the conversations.

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I do like manicures and pedicures because I love being touched. I dont like polish on them, though, because it's just one more thing to maintain. I just like the tactile part. I like massages, too.



My aunt and cousin LOVE to shop and one time I heard them say, "Oh, that blazer is divine! You could wear it when you shop!" and I thought, "so you are shopping for clothes specifically to wear while you shop??!?!" :001_huh:



seems pointless to me.



In a perfect world I would find someone with EXACTLY the same body type and tastes I have, except this person would LOVE to shop, and pay her to do it for me. ;)

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My kids need winter clothes and I'm sitting here wondering how I can obtain these items without going shopping.



I LOATHE shopping with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.


I took dd to the mall yesterday for fall/winter clothes. It wasn't TOO bad, since hardly anyone was there and we did get some good sales. We have to look for shoes today. That, I hate.


And, I look like an odd duck. LOL

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I do not like shopping for clothes... too much time...


I do like shopping for things of interest, but only if I have money to spend, which isn't often.Shopping just reminds me that I don't have money!


I love the way I look in nicely applied make-up, but I hate taking the time to do that, so I dont wear it except for once or twice a week. And the only reason I do that is to look nice singing in choir or going out on a date with dh.


I love to wear a cute outfit... I just don't want to bother thinking about it or picking it out. I hate having to think about "syle", matching purses or belts (I wont wear a belt!) or shoes.


My style is... it fits, is comfortable and I like it. And I don't find that in the stores each season!


I hate to cook. Just get in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible! I do like cooking, but not when it is so hard to please everyone. I dread that part of it--and the clean up!


I like to sew IF it is a gift for someone. I do not like to sew for hire, which I have done from time to time. I don't know how to sew, but maybe I would like it.


I love to scrapbook because then I am making something beautiful (I hope!) out of the memories with my children and family. I love scrapping, but haven't done much of it lately.


And in the winter... my dh will say, "Please... don't wear a plaid flannel shirt today."!!!! I like those with jean and tennis shoes...


And just about every plant/flower that has been a gift to me has died. And I have truly tried to follow instructions with them!! Me too! I have a black thumb!



I love shopping for books!


Sounds like a lot of us, doesn't it? Maybe that's why we are all doing what we are doing!

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I enjoy shopping, but I like going alone. Because of the jobs I have now, I can't wear my jeans and t-shirts all the time before like I used to. While I like to try to wear more up to date styles, I don't usually talk about these things with other ladies. It would be like discussing what you had for breakfast or when you brushed your teeth. You just buy clothes and wear them.



Also, Christy, I liked your comment. I love our church, but they have recently started doing men's and women's activities. The men's activities are things like playing softball, bowling or going to a baseball game. The women's activities are primarily potlucks and the like (eating). The men's events sound a whole lot more fun to me.

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I have changed on this. I've watched enough "What Not To Wear" to know that we send out a specific image with how we dress and look. I find that if I always just wear whatever I tend to feel very blah and send out a "I don't really care about myself" image. I like to have nice things to wear to church or out and feel much more "together" when I have an outfit on. I also want to look good for hubby. I used to go for a long time without getting my hair done and now I go about every few months. He has never said anything to make me feel bad about myself but I think self improvement cannot hurt.


That said - I really don't like clothes shopping for myself. Very rarely am I in the mood to do it. I haven't had a manicure since my wedding and I have never had a pedicure. I also love to garden and live in the country so nice nails and high heels are not high on my list.

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When I watch that movie, I always feel like Andi before the makeover. LOL


Actually, that movie made me see that some people do care about how I look. They might be put off or otherwise....offended is too harsh a word, so I won't use it. I'll leave it at put off. I want people to have a good impression of me...for the sake of my sons and their friends, if nothing else. My dh works with pretty, fashionable women. I want to hold my own in that department, even though neither of us care much. In other words, I want to look like Andi at the end of the movie, pulled together with a little flair and polish.


I'm not at all a girly-girl. I'd rather be digging in the dirt or watching baseball or anything but shopping. So I go twice a year, usually spring and fall. If I time it right I can pick up stuff for all four seasons. I love shopping when my weight is at a better place. When I'm heavy, clothes shopping is depressing.


I don't wear makeup--moisturizer when I remember, mascara when i go out. A touch of blush. My hair is my one vanity. I get is professionally cut and highlighted. Adding earrings makes me feel dressed up. I carry a purse that is cute but practical...and I only have one, ya know, instead of matching it to my outfit each day. lol


When I look at photos of me from a couple of years ago, all I see are sloppy t-shirts and ratty shorts...my attire for home. Why bother dressing up if you aren't going out? Well, that's all my sons were seeing EVERYDAY. So these days, I put on a nicer fitting tee (I've lost 15 pounds) nicer shorts, and cute Clarks sandals. I put clear polish on my nails as a finishing touch and do my hair.


Pulled together and comfortable, too. It isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

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My daughter and I watched The Devil Wears Prada this evening. It got me thinking about fashion and hairstyles, etc... and all the other things that females usually are concerned about.


Well :tongue_smilie:I actually LOVE to shop - especially for purses and shoes - but it doesn't consume me, nor do I really like to bond with other women over it (either the shopping OR the product). It's kind of my me-time, plus I definitely don't like wearing or looking like everyone else (read: I buy vintage and thrift store rather than whatever is in catalogs or stores) so for me it's the thrill of the hunt. Same with book shopping, I spend as much on books as I do on clothing!


All that to say that I saw that movie on the airplane. It annoyed even ME how the women characters were written. And I know it's a very real stereotype because I live in that kind of community - at my son's baseball fields it's all about who gives the best brazilian in town, and did you see the new line of Prada sunglasses, and hey! I got a new Gucci purse ...


It DOES get annoying when fashion and appearance become too much of what a person bases his or her existence on! I read whatever magazines passengers leave on the airplane (it's almost always fashion or celeb gossip) so I'm up to date on The Latest but I draw the line at actually discussing it with the people in my life as if I actually KNOW the people in the magazines!

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I hate shopping for clothes for myself and Diva. I won't list the multitudes of why that is, other than to say that she's only 10, is maybe 2 inches shorter than I, and neither of us is a single digit size.


Great example of how much I hate shopping...I was forcibly sent out shopping for maternity clothes when pg with Tazzie. I'm talking, bundled in the van, money stuffed in my hand and dropped at the mall with the command, "I don't want to see you wearing guy clothing that would fit a 300lb man! Get some proper clothes!" from my very frustrated dh, who even sent Diva along with me to attempt to ensure compliance. :lol::lol:


I found a few things on drastic sale I could live with.


I came home with a new spring jacket for him, and other stuff for HIM. Men clothes shopping is just so much nicer.


I do have a plan to hit Goodwill, VV, etc. I want a dress up clothes trunk for the kids for Christmas :D

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I always feel like the odd woman out. I do not care about fashion, manicures (never had one), finding cute clothes, cooking, gardening, sewing, etc. I'm the definition of a tomboy. You will always find me in jeans and a polo shirt.


I think this is the reason I have trouble finding friends. For example, our Sunday School class is having a game night complete with Nerf wars and board games. The Sunday School teacher announced "don't worry ladies, us guys wont play Nerf wars all evening long." What the heck? That's what I'm most looking forward to LOL! Why is it assumed the ladies care nothing about Nerf wars?


Aside from not being "girlie", I'm also shy and quiet around people I do not know well. So all that adds up to having trouble making friends.


You really need to move next door. Seriously - please?? :lol::lol:


You described me. My ds' baseball team was going to do a mothers vs. sons game on Mother's Day. I was the ONLY mother who thought this was a great idea!! Wouldn't that have been fun? The other mothers wanted nothing to do with it, unfortunately. Humph.


I'm also shy and quiet in new situations. And, dh is a pastor, so I'm in a lot of new situations quite often. It's uncomfortable! I've been accused of being a snob a lot. Really, I'm not.


I do love to cook though! And I'm like Cyndi on the manicures/pedicures/massage thing.


I do like manicures and pedicures because I love being touched. I dont like polish on them, though, because it's just one more thing to maintain. I just like the tactile part. I like massages, too.



Yup! I even paid my ds9 to massage my back once. It felt SOOOO good!!

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You described me. My ds' baseball team was going to do a mothers vs. sons game on Mother's Day. I was the ONLY mother who thought this was a great idea!! Wouldn't that have been fun? The other mothers wanted nothing to do with it, unfortunately.


I had the same experience - total bummer! I was complaining to one of the moms, who is a friend of mine, and she was honest: she has no clue how to play, and is self-conscious about running around while everyone else looks on from the bleachers. So it still boils down to appearance :confused:


The baseball dads have made me an honorary member of the club because I'm always out there with them warming up the kids and am the only mom who can keep detailed score. Or wants to for that matter LOL.

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You really need to move next door. Seriously - please?? :lol::lol:


You described me. My ds' baseball team was going to do a mothers vs. sons game on Mother's Day. I was the ONLY mother who thought this was a great idea!! Wouldn't that have been fun? The other mothers wanted nothing to do with it, unfortunately. Humph.


I'm also shy and quiet in new situations. And, dh is a pastor, so I'm in a lot of new situations quite often. It's uncomfortable! I've been accused of being a snob a lot. Really, I'm not.


I do love to cook though! And I'm like Cyndi on the manicures/pedicures/massage thing.




Yup! I even paid my ds9 to massage my back once. It felt SOOOO good!!


We would soooo be fast friends LOL! We could plan our trips to Disney, freak out about our hypochondriac ways, and shoot each other with Nerf guns LOL! All the while trying to homeschool our children. It would be a blast!

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Waddle waddle waddle,

Quack quack wuack!

Feathers on my tummy, and feathers on my back,

I'm a duck



I'm the odd one out, too....and you guys are making me feel like I'm normal....what a weird feeling!


I don't run around looking like a total slob, but I don't try even a little bit to be trendy. Frankly, I think a lot of people would be better off if they went for clothes that were flattering to their shape and size, rather than whatever television and department stores tell them to wear.

I cut my own hair, don't ever do my nails, don't even own make-up....I think the most I've ever spent on an article of clothing (that wasn't a coat) was $40 for a pair of shoes. And that's only because I really wanted a pair of plain red chucks, but they are impossible to find. =3

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