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spinoff on diet thread: What diet has worked for YOU?

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I have gained about 30 pounds since being placed on a certain medication. I am now off of it. But now, I want to to take this weight off.


Looking for something that is easy to follow. And I can't make it up as I go along. Maybe a book, or website? And nothing difficult to make for meals, because we are a very busy family. And I cannot afford WW or Jenny Craig's.


Oh boy, I think I am asking for ALOT.


What has worked for you? Why? Please share your success stories. I need motivation!

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I highly recomend the South Beach diet! I lost 60 pounds in 6 months with it. In addition to this I walked 2-3 miles 5 times a week. South Beach is more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Giving up sugar was hard at first but motto was always "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels:)" I've kept it off for 4 years and I am trying to loose Preggo weight now. Good Luck!

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I highly recomend the South Beach diet! I lost 60 pounds in 6 months with it. In addition to this I walked 2-3 miles 5 times a week. South Beach is more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Giving up sugar was hard at first but motto was always "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels:)" I've kept it off for 4 years and I am trying to loose Preggo weight now. Good Luck!


I have been wanting to try this. My only issue is exercise. I am a (hiding is shame here) smoker. It is difficult for me to do a long walk, or do much cardio. I am not sure what to do about that yet{{sigh}}. I know I cannot do both(quit smoking AND diet). But I have to start somewhere.


Do you have any suggestions for some low impact exercises(I am almost afraid I would keel over of a heart attack if I do to much, KWIM?)


I know there is a free SB diet online, and the SB Supercharged Book is at the library. So I can start there.


This is a great motivator and success story, thank you for sharing it with me.

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I've lost 20 lbs since July by just counting calories. Actually, I have an application on my iPhone (Lose It) that keeps track for me. I just type in my weight and height, how many lbs I want to lose, and how fast I want to lose them (it will let you choose up to 2 lbs a week), and it tells you how many calories you can eat each day. You have to keep imputing your weight, because as you lose, your calorie limit changes. It keeps a graph of how much weight you lose, which is really motivating. If you excercise, you type that in too, and it will figure out how many calories you burned.


We also have WiiFit. I don't really use it for exercising, but it's what I use to weigh myself. It also keeps track of your weight and BMI, and helps you set goals. When I started, I was in the overweight category for a long time (before I started counting calories). So when I finally fell into the normal range, it was a great day for me. It kind of turns it into a game for me, keeping track on these electronic devices and setting smaller goals and reaching them (eventually). If I keep up the pace I'll reach my goal weight by the middle of October.


I walk for exercise. I have yet another iPhone app that is a pedometer. It not only counts your steps and tells you how many calories you burn, it also saves the information, so you can see how far you've walked over time. I walk about 4 times a week (I should do more). Three times I week I exercise with hand weights. I just follow an exercise plan I found on fitnessmagazine.com. They have a bunch of free exercise videos and slideshows there.

Edited by funschooler5
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Another vote for simply cutting calories. I'm not a fan of "prescribed" diets. Too much deprivation, too much work, too much pressure! When they do work for people, it's STILL because of reduced calories. So why not just do that without trying to abstain from things you love?


Smaller portions of meats and starches. Larger portions of produce. Try to stick to whole grains.


Trading a second helping of dinner for a bag of 100 calorie popcorn helped me out a lot. I still let myself have potato chips once in a while (single serve bag, or the leftovers would taunt me!).


When we do have "junky" snacks in the house, they've come straight from the convenience store. I won't buy them from the supermarket on Sunday and pretend they'll last all week. If I only have a slight craving, I know I'm not going to drive to the convenience store. If it's a major one, so be it.


As far as exercise goes, you can work up to a long walk by starting with small walks! I'm an embarrassed smoker, too. When I stick with it (and I'm not at the moment), I can work up to some pretty impressive cardio... relatively speaking, lol. It's just a slower progression.


I've managed to keep about 20lbs off just by making the little changes. It'd be closer to 30 if I'd kept up on the exercise and quit breaking my rules when dh works long hours. :glare:

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Honestly, ANY diet you will stick to will work.


I got the book the Gabriel Method though and really like it. Basically, you make little changes ADDING certain things to your diet. You add in the good and naturally push out some of the bad. So then you can have some of whatever at any time.


However, I'm doing the hCG diet. I really wanted to jumpstart my loss and I had some here. Also, this diet is cheaper since you eat so incredibly little. We have been waiting on a check, foodstamps, and hubby to get a job so this was a good jumpstart diet.


But this diet can only be done about 40 days at a time. At that time, I will be switching to Gabriel where I plan to stay. It just makes so much sense to me to 1) figure out the FAT program triggers, 2) deal with those things, 3) add good food in rather than focusing on deprivation, etc


As I physically can handle it (but I have some physical issues), I'll probably add in Dr H's stuff (off the Biggest Loser) which is basically, you exercise a good bit while trying to lose then cut down to just a healthy lifestyle afterwards. At no time is your calorie intake very limited as you need to eat enough when exercising more.

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Body for Life and the cookbook that goes with it called Eating for Life. We followed the 6 meals a day (3 large, 3 small). This is combined with aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week and weight lifting 2-3 times a week.


Also, we went to WW and just bought the books and did it by ourselves. We checked out all the WW magazines from the library and the lastest cookbooks that are set up for the current plan. I lost about 20 lbs.


Just some ideas.:001_smile:

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Eat to Live. I couldn't figure out how to lose the last pounds after having my last child. Very frustrating! I tried everything! I tried the ETL and lost 10 pounds in two weeks. I was never hungry. Never. It's very nearly vegan. So, it is pretty restrictive. Since then, I've loosened it up a bit to suit my lifestyle a bit better. But, it worked for me to jump start the weight loss and I really needed to see the needle on the scale go down!!! And fast!


My recommendation to you though is to quit smoking first. I really think that is going to have a bigger impact on your health long term than diet. That way when you get a bit of time smoke-free, you can diet and exercise at the same time.


:grouphug::grouphug: Good luck with whatever you choose!

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I have gained about 30 pounds since being placed on a certain medication. I am now off of it. But now, I want to to take this weight off.


Looking for something that is easy to follow. And I can't make it up as I go along. Maybe a book, or website? And nothing difficult to make for meals, because we are a very busy family. And I cannot afford WW or Jenny Craig's.


Oh boy, I think I am asking for ALOT.


What has worked for you? Why? Please share your success stories. I need motivation!


Weight watchers does not have to cost anything. There are no prepared foods that you have to buy/eat.


They have very useful message boards that are free to join. You can gleam practically all the information you need for free.


They also frequently (especially this time of the year) have free registration (so you pay around $7). Then you can get all the plan materials and never have to go back again.

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Another vote for simply cutting calories. I'm not a fan of "prescribed" diets. Too much deprivation, too much work, too much pressure! When they do work for people, it's STILL because of reduced calories. So why not just do that without trying to abstain from things you love?


I recommended Weight Watchers because for me, counting calories on my own doesn't work. I can get around the counting much too easily. It's very easy for me to eat a lot one day and promise myself I'll be better the next day because I don't have anywhere or anyone to hold me accountable. And then I might not count the next day either just because it felt so nice to not have to worry about counting the day before. And then I'm off counting completely and forgetting to watch portions. WW is a great program, not a prescribed diet by any stretch of the imagination, that gives accountability to people like me who need hand-holding. I figure if I had strong willpower, I wouldn't have eaten so much and gotten so large in the first place. :tongue_smilie:


I've been yo-yo'ing for about 4 months now. I go a while counting calories and then I go a while not counting calories. And I'm getting nowhere. I've lost and gained the same 5 lbs., and I'm currently hanging on to them actually. Unfortunately, I cannot afford WW meetings at the moment. It's simply not in our budget to pay $40 per month. And I have no one else except my DH to help me and he's not exactly a help. He either comes on too strong and makes me hate myself for not following through and I eat out of depression, or he doesn't say anything at all which leaves me floundering. Egads!


OP: Good luck. Sometimes it's just not easy but it's worth it if you can find a program or method or motivation to do it. It was lovely to lose that 20 lbs. even if I did gain them back.

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What worked the best for me (and I need to get back to) was a food exchange program.


I tried counting calories, and even then struggled (strange I know). I've found that WHAT I eat in addition to the number of calories is what matters. I can stay in my calories range eating cookies, chips, or hot dogs but still not lose a single pound.


When I started tracking my 5 servings of vegetables, 4 servings of fruit, 3-6 servings of whole grains, 2-3 servings of protein, etc... the weight was really coming off and I felt so full of energy. I also made sure I got a serving of tea in each day, fish at least 1x a week, beans 5x a week and limited desert to 1x a week with a small square of dark chocolate the rest of the week.

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I lost 15 lbs. with WW and it was hard. But, what made it hard this time (this is my third time in about 20 years) is that I'm over 40 now and I can tell my metabolism went south. One thing is that they stress healthy eating and portion control, but I really think I'm addicted to carbs and sugar because I just "need" them. So, we're going to try the South Beach diet. We're going into it slowly, and next week will do it full bore.

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Wow, thank ladies for all the ideas. Can someone direct me to the free link for WW? I think I am coming up with the paid one.


S Beach is def. a possibility too.


The others I am looking into:D



This is their home page........http://www.weightwatchers.com/index.aspx


Their is a blue box to the right that says Free Registration. You click on it, put in your zip code and it will tell you the Weight watchers in your area with free registration.

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I have never followed a pre-made diet. If I need to loose weight, I eat:


8 cup of water-spread though out the day



High protein breakfast bar- (like South Beach Diet)

2 cups of coffee with sugar free flavored creamer



Frozen diet meal- (like Lean Cuisine)


Afternoon Snack-

2 ounces of cheese or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese



Salad with a protein- (like grilled chicken or steak) I'm very skimpy on dressing!


Evening snack-pick one



breakfast bar


It works for me! I've never quite understood why someone would pay money for a diet plan. I do see paying for support and/or accountability if that is what helps you follow a plan. Like another poster mentioned-Any diet plan will work if you follow it.

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We're mostly vegan around here. Cutting the animal products, introducing more raw foods (fruit and salad, nothing fancy,) reducing sugar and white flour is not that difficult. We will eat the sugar and animal products if we really want to, but that has become less frequent over time because we don't like them so much anymore.



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I get really confused when people say to cut out sugar. Aren't there different kinds of sugar? Do I just use Sugar free everything? Is there a certain amount I can have per day?


I think I get that if you cut back on sugar, your body will realize it needs to pull the fat from somewhere else, correct? And that helps your metabolism, which helps you lose the weight? Is that right?:confused:


Thanks again for all the advice.

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No, don't use sugar free things. Sugar may not be good for you, but at least you know what it is. Sugar free products contain all sorts of other weird things. It's not necessary to avoid all sugar, for example, fruit is good for you! You will find over time that you don't need to use as much in a recipe for it to still taste good, and flavoured yogurts are too sweet and are more pleasant diluted with natural yogurt. That sort of thing. Instead of focusing on an amount of sugar you can eat per day, focus on where you can get rid of it. Don't keep jam (jelly) in the house, for example. Don't keep sugary drinks in the house, buy juices that can be watered down. Orange juice is gross watered down, but over time we've trained our tastebuds to prefer apple juice watered down about 50%. Try to reduce the amount you find necessary. Counting to make sure you only eat a tsp worth of sugar will just make you depressed and fixated!



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I highly recomend the South Beach diet! I lost 60 pounds in 6 months with it. In addition to this I walked 2-3 miles 5 times a week. South Beach is more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Giving up sugar was hard at first but motto was always "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels:)" I've kept it off for 4 years and I am trying to loose Preggo weight now. Good Luck!


I second this! I have lost 58 lbs so far on South Beach and still going strong. My nephew who is on it with me has lost 70 and is really looking good!:001_smile:

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I would *strongly* recommend working on quitting smoking *first*. That would have the greatest positive impact on your health... and your life span. A dear relative chose the other route (improve diet, try to lose weight, add in some exercise, etc) & this year was diagnosed with emphysema... at *35*. Options are much more limited now... and the odds of having this special person in our lives for as long as we would like to are much lower than if choices had been made the other way 'round.


You could use that time to learn more about eating a healthful diet and to *gradually* increase your day-to-day exertion level. It might be helpful to spend a week or two recording everything you eat and drink - and then you can identify small, manageable adjustments you could make.


Ready-made diets seem easier and might make more of a short-term impact, but gradual, lasting adjustments based on your current eating patterns will make a much more significant impact on health (and weight) in the long term. imho.


Wise words, though I would say it's okay to start with eating changes if that's what the OP prefer. Walk 10 minutes a day until you can go for 15, then walk 15 until you can do 20, etc.


What works for me is an approach to eating, not a diet. Basically: shoot for 9 servings of fruits and veges a day. Eat protein at every meal. Major on monounsaturated fats for fat (olive oil, olives, nuts, avocados.) Those MUFA's are very, very good for you and really satisfy you so that you're not craving. If you do that much, you'll find that a lot of bad eating habits just fall away because 1) you're full and 2) you're full of nutritious stuff and your body feels happy and stops asking for more food!


I've lost 10% of my body weight this way, and improved cholesterol profile and blood pressure.

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I read about it on this board first:


No S Diet: No Sweets, No Snacks, No Seconds, except, sometimes, on days that start with S.


It's that simple, but there's more info at the link. This cuts out the bulk of your unnecessary calories in a simple, sustainable way. You don't cut out entire food groups, and you don't have to count anything, making this a "diet" you can stick to for a long time. This is basically the way people ate before 1980 or so, before so many people started getting fat.

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Sparkpeople.com - I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that site! You can basically use any diet program you want, or just use the calorie and activity calculators/trackers on their site. I lost about 30 pounds between September and December of last year!! YES, over the HOLIDAYS! (then promptly got pregnant on New Years.. LOL)


I can't say enough about the site!

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