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Teens/Texting While Driving

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This video was made to show teens how important it is not to text while driving.




News (NBC)




** WARNING the graphic video clip is professionally staged -- but appears realistic and does a fine job hammering its message home.

This video is just 4:15 long. A long version of the film will be shown in UK schools this year. They are hoping to show this in the United States as well.

Edited by LUV2EDU
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My 13-year-old niece watched Saw IV and another horrible horror movie at a friend's house recently, much to my sister's chagrin. The video is graphic, but it's not more graphic than what many of today's teens have already seen, and its message is an important one.


The SADD group teamed up with local emergency crews to stage a mock disaster drill at our high school one year using several HS students as actors along with stage make-up and a crash scene, and I still remember it vividly.

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I would not let my daughter watch. She would be totally flipped out. It would not have the desired effect because she would just never get her drivers license, never get in the car with a friend again, etc.


We discuss kids driving and cellphones/texting, drinking and driving regularly.


Our highschool also every year puts a totaled car out front to show you what happens when you drink and drive.

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You probably didn't notice that the baby on the video died. This is why the baby had a long stare. Although I know that this video was staged, I still cried for the baby and when the little girl was begging for her father and mother to wake up.



Oh!! :eek: Did the baby die?? I thought it had gone blind. I didn't know it had died. How did you know?? I cried too. It was very moving and well done I thought.


btw, I let my dd watch it. She saw most of it on the news anyway so I let her watch the whole thing and talked to her about the dangers of being distracted while driving. I thought it would disturb her, but it didn't oddly enough.

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Oh!! :eek: Did the baby die?? I thought it had gone blind. I didn't know it had died. How did you know?? I cried too. It was very moving and well done I thought.


btw, I let my dd watch it. She saw most of it on the news anyway so I let her watch the whole thing and talked to her about the dangers of being distracted while driving. I thought it would disturb her, but it didn't oddly enough.


The paramedics said,"we are not getting any response." The baby was very still and had an empty stare. Most babies would be crying or agitated.

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I had my kids with me in the driver training portion of indoc at our base. There was a similar video about seat belt use (also British) where the non-belted teen is thrown around the car and kills another teen and gives permanent brain damage to another (it was based on a real accident). They also showed a music video about drunk driving that was incredibly powerful. I was crying watching it (and I had been warned by dh, who'd seen it before).

My kids are in elementary school. But I don't think that it is too young to impress on them that foolish choices can have permanent consequences.


I have had a number of college classmates killed in car accidents involving speed, alcohol, no seat belts or tired driving. Young men who never had a chance to grow old. Friends who forever remember milestones like graduation without them. One was engaged. His fiance to a job in middle of no where that no one else wanted. As she said, "What elso do you do when your reason for going on is gone?"

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:crying: I thought it had gone blind. I guess I was hoping for the best.


It is hard to see anyone die. However, when a baby loses it's life it hits me harder. I guess this was the point. If you text while driving other people's lives are at risk, also. Sometimes everyone dies except for the one who caused the accident.

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It is hard to see anyone die. However, when a baby loses it's life it hits me harder. I guess this was the point. If you text while driving other people's lives are at risk, also. Sometimes everyone dies except for the one who caused the accident.



Yes. My husband's niece died a year ago in a car accident. Her boyfriend was driving too fast and she was shouting at him to slow down. He wouldn't. I don't know if he was showing off or playing chicken or what, but she reached for the wheel and he jerked the wheel away from her and crashed into a pole. Her neck was broken and she died. He walked away unharmed. :crying: :(

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Yes. My husband's niece died a year ago in a car accident. Her boyfriend was driving too fast and she was shouting at him to slow down. He wouldn't. I don't know if he was showing off or playing chicken or what, but she reached for the wheel and he jerked the wheel away from her and crashed into a pole. Her neck was broken and she died. He walked away unharmed. :crying: :(


I'm sorry to hear that.:grouphug:


If you watch the video again, you will see that the driver's friend in the front seat with her broke her neck. When her neck jerked from the second impact, you can hear a crack.

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I'm sorry to hear that.:grouphug:


If you watch the video again, you will see that the driver's friend in the front seat with her broke her neck. When her neck jerked from the second impact, you can hear a crack.



Yes, I noticed that. shudder. Car accidents are so awful. It always dumbfounds me when I see people eating, reading, texting, putting make up on etc while driving 80mph down the highway. :( I guess they think that this would never happen to them. :(

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DH and I have already previewed the full video and will be showing it to ds during the course of his driver education lessons this fall. Probably not right at first, but once he gets a little overconfident, kwim?


It is edgy but important. It's a good case for not driving distracted in any way, not only texting.

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Yes. My husband's niece died a year ago in a car accident. Her boyfriend was driving too fast and she was shouting at him to slow down. He wouldn't. I don't know if he was showing off or playing chicken or what, but she reached for the wheel and he jerked the wheel away from her and crashed into a pole. Her neck was broken and she died. He walked away unharmed. :crying: :(


I am so sorry.

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