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I feel sucked dry

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Can you stand one more whiney post?:tongue_smilie:


We just got ds17 home from rehab. He's changed, he's doing well, things are ok. I am struggling to homeschool; struggling financially, that is. I have a babysitting job once a week and am doing some pet sitting, and I will be behind on a payment unless dh can float me a loan (don't ask--works for us).

Then we get two more tough things thrown our way--


A sweet family in our church was on vaca in ME when their teenaged dd went into anaphylactic shock; they took her off the vent/life support today, and will be donating her organs. Sucks. Majorly. Thanks for the prayers, tho (I posted another thread about this). This just hits my husband like a ton of bricks--it's so darn HARD.


Then we get a call from our ds19 who is a frosh at VCU. He's been having trouble getting over a girl, becoming rather obsessive, and now tells us he thinks he is basically suicidal. He's getting counseling, we have our eye on him, we are considering options, etc., etc.


When is this crap going to end? I feel our family is under attack. I feel dry and tired and somewhat depressed. I don't even want to teach my dd. Her attitude is less than stellar---big diff teaching her in second grade and now again in 4th grade. She's a little "complain-y," doesn't want to follow thru on things, was less than thrilled with our special history activities--I know we are all stressed, and we are all making adjustments. I really do get it. I just want to have a break, a pleasant day, a day when I don't really have to exercise that "be anxious for nothing, have faith, depend on God" muscle.


Oh, wait. Maybe that's the good in all of this? Sigh. I'm SUCH a slow learner.

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:bigear: Whine away - it sounds like you definitely has a lot going on, and there is no way you should feel like you need to shoulder these things alone.


I had a friend in college who went through something similar to your son. That's so hard. I don't know where VCU is, but is it close enough for some weekend visits? Maybe in the course of just being a present, loving force for your son, you can find a hint of the break for yourself - the pleasant day you deserve and need. Just a day where you can take comfort in your family, and temporarily forget the troubles that are plaguing y'all. Even if that's just sitting around your son's dorm watching bad '80s movies and eating popcorn. Or going out for an old-fashioned picnic and simple walk around town.


I hope your rainbow comes soon; the rain won't last forever.

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:grouphug: I was planning on venting myself tonight but unfortunately it looks like you have the stage, hon. I will reschedule my breakdown for Sunday afternoon. I think I have a couple of free hours then. It seems like life has just been rough for everyone this year. This year was supposed to be better than last year. You hang on tight though, it's got to get better soon. You know you are always in my heart and prayers. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry!! I had a horrible time in college, and I didn't even have a boyfriend. No relationships...and just college sucked for me. Lots of Hugs for him!! And then a bigger one for yourself! I know that when you "dreamed the dream" it wasn't about babysitting and odd jobs when you're the age we are:-)

I was thinking about dog walking today... (3 jobs a day, could be good?) Money problems suck, kids who aren't having a good time...or having a hard time...it sucks... I mean...when You thought about having kids... you like imagine the Disney Vacation kinda family.... Just remember...they're all working for the $$$ too:-)

I'm so sorry, and I hope that tomorrow offers a bit of sonshine:-)


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I am so sorry you are feeling this way. All I can say is, me too. Totally and completely. I have no grace, no warm fuzzies, nothing. All I can do is sympathize with you- and may we both wake up tomorrow with a little energy, patience, and grace.


And I do hope Kidshappen is right, it has been a stinky year for lots of us, and I hope that things get better for all of us soon.


Take care, sweetie, and hang in there. I will be thinking happy good thoughts for you tomorrow.


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I'm so sorry that your family is feeling under attack.


Celebrate the good. Your one son is home from rehab, and in your words, 'doing well'. Your other son caught himself, realized he was teetering, and sought out counseling. That's a wonderful gift in itself.


Don't get me wrong, my heart aches at the pain you're experiencing. I'm just attempting to show a positive in the chaos. My sincere apology if I sucked at it.


I'm so sorry for the loss of the young girl, for everything that is happening. My prayers go out to you, your family, and hers. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Chris in VA,


I just saw your post. :grouphug: I understand about feeling sucked dry. I wasn't on last night because it was all I could do to just get ready for bed. I just wanted pleasant dreams and for it all to go away for awhile.


These older children are hard! Life is hard!


And I also have one of those hard 4th graders! Where did my easy-to-teach, can't-wait-to-do-school little girl go?


I just want to say I understand and am praying for you.



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Hey, Chris -- I am so sorry for all that you are dealing with -- so sorry to hear about the young girl, Olivia. What a heartache - she has been in my thoughts and prayers.


I will pm you with some contact info -- I know that I am close by -- if I can only bring you a starbucks, leave it at your door and disappear (I typically don't want to see anyone when having times like this) I would be honored to be able to help.

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Ugh, Chris, if I had gas (or money to purchase gas) I would drive to NoVa, find you and then we could just unload on each other.


These are ucky ducky days.


I keep thinking, I am moving off the way side, I am moving out of the thorns, there has to be an end to the thorns, there is good soil somewhere. There has to be, right? God wouldn't mention good soil if it was just miles and miles of briar patch.


One day, we'll look back on this time and think, thank God I don't ever have to do that again. It'll be like reminising about high school ;) At least for me :lol:

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Hahahaha--I so hear you about gas money! Yesterday I looked around the house for change and put $2.25 worth of gas into my tank, all in nickles, dimes, and a few quarters. Hubby makes plenty, I'm just trying hard not to strain the family budget!


Yeah, there's good soil here. We have the Ultimate Weed Killer on our side. Ooo--hope that isn't offensive, to call God weed killer! lol

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Hahahaha--I so hear you about gas money! Yesterday I looked around the house for change and put $2.25 worth of gas into my tank, all in nickles, dimes, and a few quarters. Hubby makes plenty, I'm just trying hard not to strain the family budget!


Yeah, there's good soil here. We have the Ultimate Weed Killer on our side. Ooo--hope that isn't offensive, to call God weed killer! lol

:lol: Oh thank you! That burst of laughter was completely unexpected.

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Hahahaha--I so hear you about gas money! Yesterday I looked around the house for change and put $2.25 worth of gas into my tank, all in nickles, dimes, and a few quarters. Hubby makes plenty, I'm just trying hard not to strain the family budget!






The gas station owners here around my house know me -- I was the woman driving the H2 who would come in and put $2. of gas in the tank, or would pay with change (same reason as you).....I know they thought it was bizarre, I mean, with any luck, I'd be able to get the truck to my driveway......no further.

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