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The "Sophie's Choice" struggle that parents of profoundly ill children must face... it just staggers me.


Thanks for sharing. I will keep further (liberal) comments to myself so as not to douse the area with kerosene and wait for the zippo. ;)


(By the way, are we now going to start seeing a lot of "LC" tagged threads, I wonder?)

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My son is a Leukemia survivor and the scenario he spoke of was something that I personally witnessed many times. Families being forced to give up everything in order to try to save the life of their child. Sometimes I even saw the tragedy of families that HAD given up everything just to find out that it STILL wasn't enough and their child died because of inability to obtain the medical care their child needed. :crying:


This happens daily in our country to MANY families. Illness has no predjudice. It can attack anyone at anytime. It's an absolute tragedy when it many times has to cripple families financially as well as emotionally. Very VERY sad. I just can't understand why some people think that this kind of thing is okay.


We lost a really good man on the liberal front when Ted Kennedy passed. I'm saddened to see that our country wasn't able to make that much needed change before his passing. I'm also disheartened to know that because of the mindsets of many Americans we probably never will. Perhaps a move to Canada is in order. :D

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This is excellent!!!




Wanted to add...Bill Maher had a Republican Congressman from California, I believe by the last name of Issa on one episode of his show and he made the comment that his suggestion of a compromise on the health care issue is to offer the same coverage that the members of the Federal Government enjoy -- that would be all federal workers, elected officials, etc. -- to those Americans who don't have coverage. If they can't afford the premiums, then that's what Medicare / Medicaid is for -- meaning that option is available for those with limited incomes -- but it would extend coverage to the uninsured and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers a dime. AND the premium for those same federal employees would decrease because you'd have more individuals with coverage and more folks paying into the proverbial kitty.


I thought it was an excellent suggestion and certainly one that has merit, since the idea of universal coverage is unappealing to so many Americans.

Edited by hsmamainva
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AND the premium for those same federal employees would decrease because you'd have more individuals with coverage and more folks paying into the proverbial kitty.



Does anyone here know what kind of premiums our esteemed reps in DC pay for their coverage?


I've just never heard them complain about any of their health coverage, the cost of premiums or otherwise.

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Since every other thread that involved Ted Kennedy has been deleted, yes I would appreciate it if those who disagree could just let 'us' have 'our thread', where we can peacefully state our thoughts without having the thread devolve into a political free for all. My bad. I've been told by mod's that there is 'no need' for me to read or comment on threads that are in opposition to my own views, especially if they are marked CC. I thought that might apply to everyone. Silly me. :)

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Since every other thread that involved Ted Kennedy has been deleted, yes I would appreciate it if those who disagree could just let 'us' have 'our thread', where we can peacefully state our thoughts without having the thread devolve into a political free for all. My bad. I've been told by mod's that there is 'no need' for me to read or comment on threads that are in opposition to my own views, especially if they are marked CC. I thought that might apply to everyone. Silly me. :)


I'm always amazed at how these graces are only to be extended to those of a liberal mindset. Conservatives certainly shouldn't expect the same kindnesses. Odd.


I really need a list of these rules...it's so hard to keep up with what is okay for liberals and what is banned for conservatives!!

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I'm always amazed at how these graces are only to be extended to those of a liberal mindset. Conservatives certainly shouldn't expect the same kindnesses. Odd.


I really need a list of these rules...it's so hard to keep up with what is okay for liberals and what is banned for conservatives!!


That's right, and don't you forget it, you nasty ol conservative you!

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I was hoping we could ALL START tolerating other people's views here, by NOT stepping in when we disagree. Apparently that is just too much to ask of the folks here. I don't own the board, I don't make the rules, and I cannot control what other people do/say. I thought I could politely ask for people to just pass on commenting in THIS thread if they disagree with OP.

I'm sure that in the past I have posted in threads that I had no business posting in, and for that I apologize. It did nothing to help build a sense of community here- it only caused division and unpleasant feelings. I would like to move beyond that. I can't control what other liberals/atheists/non-christians say here, but I would appreciate receiving the courtesy that I have been giving lately (NOT saying something when my opinion obviously isn't wanted/butting out of/skipping threads where I disagree with the OP).

Thanks for reading. :)

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I was hoping we could ALL START tolerating other people's views here, by NOT stepping in when we disagree. Apparently that is just too much to ask of the folks here. I don't own the board, I don't make the rules, and I cannot control what other people do/say. I thought I could politely ask for people to just pass on commenting in THIS thread if they disagree with OP.

I'm sure that in the past I have posted in threads that I had no business posting in, and for that I apologize. It did nothing to help build a sense of community here- it only caused division and unpleasant feelings. I would like to move beyond that. I can't control what other liberals/atheists/non-christians say here, but I would appreciate receiving the courtesy that I have been giving lately (NOT saying something when my opinion obviously isn't wanted/butting out of/skipping threads where I disagree with the OP).

Thanks for reading. :)


I think a large part of the problem is that people post things like "all of you PATRIOTIC people will appreciate this" or "all of you who are CHRISTIANS will appreciate this" with the implication that everyone is Christian/patriotic/whatever will agree with that view point and that isn't always the case. It helps avoid a LOT of argument when you avoid sweeping generalizations.

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Does anyone here know what kind of premiums our esteemed reps in DC pay for their coverage?


I've just never heard them complain about any of their health coverage, the cost of premiums or otherwise.


I don't know any members of Congress, however, I know numerous federal employees and they pay around $150 a month for coverage for their entire family.


We don't have health insurance (my husband is self-employed) and to pay for coverage for our family would run us around $1500 a month.


We could certainly afford $150 a month!


But nothing would be paid by the taxpayers. Federal employees are given such a low cost for premiums because there are 15 million of them. 15 million people paying a premium of $150 a month adds up to...lots of money! ;)


So Rep. Issa's thought is that if you have say 30 million people were added to the coverage of 15 million Federal employees, their premiums would most likely be lower.

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With his wealth he didn't have to be a public servant. That he fought so hard for health care for everyone, & reached out to people in desperate need of this health care said something about what mattered to him personally: he cared beyond his own needs. No it doesn't change the terrible things he did, not at all. Yet lots of people only do bad things and never take a moment to try and understand the pain of others, ever.


His was a life of astounding privilege, absolutely, but it was also a life of great pain, right from the very beginning, and continuing on to the end. I am not surprised he was a self- medicator (alcohol). His second wife seemed to make a difference for him. He was pretty straight -up for the last 17 years, political differences aside.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I'm sure Mary Jo Kopechne would have liked the chance to have health care utilized to save her life.




One thing that is seldom mentioned is that Federal employees do not garner the same salaries as their contemporaries in the civilian market. The health insurance offered to fed employees is considered a "benefit" to off-set this lower salary.


Are all fed employees poorly paid? Of course not. But I can guarantee you that a military member with 20 years of experience in engineering, health care, management, etc. is NOT paid a salary that is commensurate with the same position/years in the private sector.



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Thank you for that link, Stacy. IMO it's brilliant.


IMO I think it's pathetic! :ack2: The video is a very poor and vague attempt at bashing ALL liberals and throwing them all in the same basket. Like I said, Pathetic!


Not all liberals are created equal just as not all conservatives are created equal. Attacking a particular group as a whole is cowardly IMO. I wouldn't propose to attack conservatives as a group. I simply address individual issues because all people are different and all views are different, regardless of which direction you tend to swing.



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I was hoping we could ALL START tolerating other people's views here, by NOT stepping in when we disagree. Apparently that is just too much to ask of the folks here. I don't own the board, I don't make the rules, and I cannot control what other people do/say. I thought I could politely ask for people to just pass on commenting in THIS thread if they disagree with OP.

I'm sure that in the past I have posted in threads that I had no business posting in, and for that I apologize. It did nothing to help build a sense of community here- it only caused division and unpleasant feelings. I would like to move beyond that. I can't control what other liberals/atheists/non-christians say here, but I would appreciate receiving the courtesy that I have been giving lately (NOT saying something when my opinion obviously isn't wanted/butting out of/skipping threads where I disagree with the OP).

Thanks for reading. :)



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OK, I'll "Shut Up!" :lol:


What is obviously very funny to some is not so funny to others.


PICO, I never asked you to "Shut Up" I happen to be a firm believer in freedom of speech. That is why I took offense to the video because it portrayed ALL Liberals as having that mind set.


I am a liberal but I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinions. That's why this video was a nasty dig towards liberals. Not ALL liberals think that way.


And I have news for the conservatives here. This mindset swings the other way too. There are PLENTY of conservatives that would just assume that we liberals just "Shut Up" :lol: Pot or Kettle? Which do some conservatives choose to be.

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I was hoping we could ALL START tolerating other people's views here, by NOT stepping in when we disagree. Apparently that is just too much to ask of the folks here. I don't own the board, I don't make the rules, and I cannot control what other people do/say. I thought I could politely ask for people to just pass on commenting in THIS thread if they disagree with OP.

I'm sure that in the past I have posted in threads that I had no business posting in, and for that I apologize. It did nothing to help build a sense of community here- it only caused division and unpleasant feelings. I would like to move beyond that. I can't control what other liberals/atheists/non-christians say here, but I would appreciate receiving the courtesy that I have been giving lately (NOT saying something when my opinion obviously isn't wanted/butting out of/skipping threads where I disagree with the OP).

Thanks for reading. :)


You want tolerance of all views but put in your OP that you prefer dissenting opinions not be posted? Seriously?


I'm not being snarky when I say this, but maybe if you want only liberal opinions on a topic, you should post those topics on a liberals-only board. I know on the other thread where the video posted was decidedly conservative, liberals posted their dissenting views. Is it ok for liberals to do that but the reverse isn't ok? I'm just trying to understand the standards here.

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Does anyone here know what kind of premiums our esteemed reps in DC pay for their coverage?


I've just never heard them complain about any of their health coverage, the cost of premiums or otherwise.



They don't need to complain. They don't pay a premium and if they did and it cost too much they would just give themselves a raise to cover it.

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With his wealth he didn't have to be a public servant. That he fought so hard for health care for everyone, & reached out to people in desperate need of this health care said something about what mattered to him personally: he cared beyond his own needs. No it doesn't change the terrible things he did, not at all. Yet lots of people only do bad things and never take a moment to try and understand the pain of others, ever.


His was a life of astounding privilege, absolutely, but it was also a life of great pain, right from the very beginning, and continuing on to the end. I am not surprised he was a self- medicator (alcohol). His second wife seemed to make a difference for him. He was pretty straight -up for the last 17 years, political differences aside.


I know a lot of people who "self medicate", I believe the Bible says that Liquor is for the dying and wine for the broken hearted. We don't know what personal pain was relieved with alcohol in different peoples lives. So although I do not drink, I don't judge someone who does because I don't live their life.

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What is obviously very funny to some is not so funny to others.


PICO, I never asked you to "Shut Up" I happen to be a firm believer in freedom of speech. That is why I took offense to the video because it portrayed ALL Liberals as having that mind set.


I am a liberal but I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinions. That's why this video was a nasty dig towards liberals. Not ALL liberals think that way.


And I have news for the conservatives here. This mindset swings the other way too. There are PLENTY of conservatives that would just assume that we liberals just "Shut Up" :lol: Pot or Kettle? Which do some conservatives choose to be.


The problem here is that we are on different continents. Where we should be living together the country is split in half and egged on by conservative mouths like Rush Limbaugh, who although has wonderful things to say, does it nastily and the liberal nasty Keith Olberman and the mocking Rachel Maddox or whatever her name is. The media loves to insinuate and seperate. I find that most people want to hear other opinions just in case they have missed something.

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They don't need to complain. They don't pay a premium and if they did and it cost too much they would just give themselves a raise to cover it.


They do actually pay for their health care. Granted, there are many benefits that federal workers, including Congress, enjoy.


Various stories on this:







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You want tolerance of all views but put in your OP that you prefer dissenting opinions not be posted? Seriously?


I'm not being snarky when I say this, but maybe if you want only liberal opinions on a topic, you should post those topics on a liberals-only board. I know on the other thread where the video posted was decidedly conservative, liberals posted their dissenting views. Is it ok for liberals to do that but the reverse isn't ok? I'm just trying to understand the standards here.


:confused: *I* did not post in the conservative video thread, I started my own thread. I cannot answer for what others choose to do, but I am asking that those who disagree with my OP please show my post some respect by not trashing/bashing/etc. the views stated in my OP. If every time someone posts something that people disagree with, everyone jumps on the chance to hijack the thread and turn it into why they DISagree with the OP, then how can we ever have a decent discussion? If we try to police ourselves and our opinions in the name of civility, and stop getting threads locked/deleted, then we can maybe read each others thoughts/opinions and learn something from them. Or not. I just don't see the need for such divisiveness. I know that some people are just plain contrary, and will insist on posting their opposing views/thoughts in such threads, but I will just ignore them to the best of my ability, and continue to ask for a show of respect from both sides of the aisle.


Like I said above, I realize I am guilty of having done the very same thing in the past, and I apologize for it.

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The problem here is that we are on different continents. Where we should be living together the country is split in half and egged on by conservative mouths like Rush Limbaugh, who although has wonderful things to say, does it nastily and the liberal nasty Keith Olberman and the mocking Rachel Maddox or whatever her name is. The media loves to insinuate and seperate. I find that most people want to hear other opinions just in case they have missed something.


:iagree: We are no longer a country united. It is either "ours" or "theirs" or "us" or "them."


That's why I thought that video was a nasty dig towards liberals. Why can't we just share our views and respect others' right to have differing opinions? Why does it have to be the liberals against the conservatives or the Republicans against the Democrats? Shouldn't it be American's and American's?


You might as well put us on separate continents because it certainly doesn't feel like we are "One Nation Under God. Indivisible. With liberty and justice for all."

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:confused: *I* did not post in the conservative video thread, I started my own thread. I cannot answer for what others choose to do, but I am asking that those who disagree with my OP please show my post some respect by not trashing/bashing/etc. the views stated in my OP. If every time someone posts something that people disagree with, everyone jumps on the chance to hijack the thread and turn it into why they DISagree with the OP, then how can we ever have a decent discussion? If we try to police ourselves and our opinions in the name of civility, and stop getting threads locked/deleted, then we can maybe read each others thoughts/opinions and learn something from them. Or not. I just don't see the need for such divisiveness. I know that some people are just plain contrary, and will insist on posting their opposing views/thoughts in such threads, but I will just ignore them to the best of my ability, and continue to ask for a show of respect from both sides of the aisle.


Like I said above, I realize I am guilty of having done the very same thing in the past, and I apologize for it.



I understand your sentiment, but I think by putting that you don't want any opinions other than liberal ones sets people off from the get-go. And, it goes both ways (not being accusatory at you, just making an observation). Not sure how to fix it, since legislating behavior is often an exercise in futility.

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I understand your sentiment, but I think by putting that you don't want any opinions other than liberal ones sets people off from the get-go. And, it goes both ways (not being accusatory at you, just making an observation). Not sure how to fix it, since legislating behavior is often an exercise in futility.


Thanks for the understanding. :001_smile:


I guess I'm thinking that jumping in to a thread that you disagree with, just to post that you disagree or make snide remarks is against the board rules as I view them.


Answer questions that are posted but don't use these questions as an excuse to springboard into criticism. For example: If someone asks, "What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?" don't launch into an explanation of how evil Halloween is. If someone asks, "Is Halloween evil?" have a ball. (Conversely: if someone posts, "We don't do Halloween; what can we substitute?" don't take this as an opportunity to prove to them that Halloween is really just fine.)


I realize this in reference to proselytizing religion specifically, but I'm sure we can manage to apply it to politics as well. Just a thought.

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Thanks for the understanding. :001_smile:


I guess I'm thinking that jumping in to a thread that you disagree with, just to post that you disagree or make snide remarks is against the board rules as I view them.




I realize this in reference to proselytizing religion specifically, but I'm sure we can manage to apply it to politics as well. Just a thought.



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Ted's Kennedy death shows healthcare isn't all about money. He had all the money in the world and access the best care, and he still only lived only 15 months after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. That is the average life expectancy for anyone diagnosed with his type of tumor. If he had had no health insurance, he still would have received the same care and statistically speaking would have lived the same time. (Of course, his family may have been left with bills depending on where/how they got the care.) My point is that having money and/or having insurance doesn't mean one will live forever.


I do know of people with brain tumors in other countries that come to the US for access to treatments that they cannot get in their countries. There are others in countries such as Canada that are happy with their treatment and do not see the few weeks they needed to wait for surgery as a problem. Brain tumor patients here typically do not wait for weeks for surgery.


Moomyrooch, while I'm sorry your son and family has gone through this experience, I'm glad to hear your son is a survivor.

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federal employees... pay around $150 a month for coverage for their entire family.


But nothing would be paid by the taxpayers. Federal employees are given such a low cost for premiums because there are 15 million of them. 15 million people paying a premium of $150 a month adds up to...lots of money! ;)


So Rep. Issa's thought is that if you have say 30 million people were added to the coverage of 15 million Federal employees, their premiums would most likely be lower.


except that Federal Employees are COMPLETELY Paid By taxpayers. ;)


but for the last part --i've said numerous times that it would be perfect if private individuals established a big Health Co-op that would do this very thing.


I just don't get it.


You don't need the gvt in the middle of it.

You don't need to garnish wages or issue penalties.


Just Do It! don't wait for the GOVERNMENT to get their red tape fingers on it, just set up a private charity that will cover it, and people can pay into it. There's enough "rich good liberals" out there that could easily start something like this, and plenty of middle class liberals that could keep it going w/ their $150/month premiums-- HOW many people voted for Obama??? way more than 45 million!!!!!


Go For It!!! Don't spin your wheels and waste the time and health of the uninsured by trying to get Everyone Else to pay for it and The Gvt to operate it. The Gvt has enough other problems to deal with.


eta: watched the video. something in me certainly did move.

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Moomyrooch, while I'm sorry your son and family has gone through this experience, I'm glad to hear your son is a survivor.


I actually almost started crying when I read this. Thank you sooooo much for these kind words!


My son was diagnosed in Feb. 2002. He underwent almost three years of a pretty tough chemotherapy protocol but I am so happy to say that he IS a survivor! Sept. 26 is a really important day for us. That is the day that he "officially" took his last 6-MP which is a chemotherapy drug used in treating Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He was officially off treatment on that day back in 2004. He will be 5 years off treatment on Sept. 26 which is a HUGE milestone in the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia world. He will be an 8 year survivor in Feb. 2010.


I look back on all of the pain and fears during that time. Not only medically but financially. While my family was hurt by the financial burden I would never give back a penny. I can say that though because my son was one of the lucky ones and survived. The money isn't even an issue for us because we have our boy with us.


It's the families that are crippled financially by diseases like this only to lose their loved one anyway. Not only have they lost their loved one but then they are left with the burden of monumental bills to boot. It is those families that my heart breaks for.


:grouphug: for your kind words. They really meant a lot.

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