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Pole: how often do you change your sheets?

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Unfortunately, I cannot change the sheets (BAD back) so I have to wait for DH to change ours. That is usually 3-4 weeks. The girls have bunkbeds, so he changes there's at the same time ours gets done. Which means by the time all the sheets are cleaned it's time to do it again. I REALLY hate laundry. REALLY REALLY hate it.

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kids - rarely (mostly because the teens insist on rolling up in blankets on a bare matress - even after I make their beds!!! - while the preteen insists on a sleeping bag on her bare mattress.)


This happens in our house also.:) I have one child who doesn't like the feel of sheets so sleeps between two blankets and my other boys use their sleeping bags. I prefer this because when they do sleep in their beds they kick off the sheets and they end up on the floor anyway.:rolleyes:

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Once a week here, except for rare times when my washer breaks down....last week. ;) It is so nice to have it back up and running and to have clean sheets again!!




p.s. The kids also do their's once a week...ok so I help the 5yo and sometimes the 6yo, though on a good day the 6yo can do it all herself.

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I am not as ambitious, nor as desirous of clean sheets as most of you.

I change them regularly, but not as frequently.

However, I've NEVER EVER allowed a different person to sleep on a bed slept in by another - guest bed gets changed immediately.


I change my/DH's bed more often than the kids. The kids ... well .... I don't stress over since they shower every night. And they don't seem to be concerned LOL. (Oh, and never any animals in ANY of our beds. Ever. DH says so.)

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I love to do that too... but I have to be super careful about when to do it. We live in a farming area, and during certain times of the year, there is *so* much dust in the air from all the plowing! A couple times I hung out the wash and had to re-wash because all the clothes got so dusty. ;-) LOL! I've learned that on days nice enough to hang out the wash, I can only attempt it when I know I'll be home all day to bring it back in if needed. It's also windy here, so even when all the plowing has been done, we get the fine dirt blowing over much of the summer. Not to mention the dust from my own horse paddock once all the pasture has dried up.


Maybe if we get a screen room/solarium someday. Then I could always hang my wash to dry! :D


Gosh, I would love to do that. Hang the clothes to dry, install rain barrels to catch water in the winter, and since it's so sunny here most of the year... solar panels would be awesome. It takes more $$ than we have to get all that going, though. A little bit at a time, i guess.

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I try for every week but it is probably more like every 2. I love crisp clean sheets but I feel like I'm constantly changing another bed. So someone always gets clean sheets every week. It just may not always be me. :o


This describes our household as well. Unless our sheets have a endured a lot over the past week then I make a point of changing them. ;)

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kids - rarely (mostly because the teens insist on rolling up in blankets on a bare matress - even after I make their beds!!! - while the preteen insists on a sleeping bag on her bare mattress.)


I thought mine was the only one to do this- I have the weirdest photo of him wrapped up like a long burrito, or a pig in a blanket, lol. Too funny!

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kids - rarely (mostly because the teens insist on rolling up in blankets on a bare matress - even after I make their beds!!! - while the preteen insists on a sleeping bag on her bare mattress.)


I thought mine was the only one to do this- I have the weirdest photo of him wrapped up like a long burrito, or a pig in a blanket, lol. Too funny!


When I was a kid I'd do this on weekends - night before sheet changing day. I was allowed to tear my bed apart and "camp out". I'd even haul the mattress onto the floor. Ah, fond memories. Must remember to do this with dd... :D

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