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I have been unrealistic and over zealous in my homeshool

MIch elle

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I've gotten to the point of selling curricula I really love but know we'll never get to. It's become a burden to have this curricula sitting around that I love and want to use and will be tempted to use. Mind clutter as well as shelf clutter, that's what it's become. I DON'T want to sell so many of the books I have but then school starts, I get bored, and then starting pulling out all these great resources I have and try to figure out a way to fit them in. I've kept some thinking that we'll use them over the summer - NOT! What was I thinking, my boys have NO desire to do any form of school over the summer (although I did MAKE them do some). I paring down to the basics - simplifying my homeschool and my life. :tongue_smilie:


Do you all feel like you've done this too (unrealistic/over zealous)? Does this board help or contribute to this problem? :glare:

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I was never a big curriculum junkie until this year.:blushing: I always made good use of our local library and was very frugal with my curriculum choices. Something has changed this year. I don't know if it has been hanging out here or that both of my girls are in upper elementary and about to be in Jr. High.


This year I am making up for it.:ohmy:

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We are only just beginning our homeschool journey, but I definitely have felt the pull to do to much. I am trying to dig in to what I have, put blinders on to the next new thing, and simplify & streamline.


That said I am constantly thinking: did I make the right choice, what does this new curriculum look like, maybe I should just check out that one, I could add more of a "fill in the blank" influence.


Whatever you have to do to make your days flow better and your life more fulfilling I say go ahead and do it. If that means you clean off those shelves of curriculum then go for it!

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Being a girl who loves learning, who could never understand (when I was younger) why *everyone* didn't make straight-A's, and who has two boys who are just *so* not that way, yeah - I get ya!


I think Classical Writing is the big "Awwww!" for me. I would have LOVED to have learned it, would have loved to have taught it, would have relished each hour spent - but after two weeks of it I knew in my heart that my "just the facts" boys would hate me. I did manage to sell that one, since I knew I could actually make a dent $-wise without too much trouble.


But, I have other books I've picked up that I just like looking through - and would have "played school" with as a child, that I keep just because I think they're so genius. (Love the diagramming book - Mary Daly?? - will never part with it, even tho' I KNOW I'll never use it!)


And, I have some books that were so bad, I can't imagine even *giving* them away, much less taking someone's money for them! Nor can I bring myself to trash them completely. Give me a few more years, and maybe then they'll look "old" enough to warrant getting rid of - LOL!


But, no, I don't blame the board at all. I have always bought books. I refuse to seriously consider how much $$ I spent at Barnes & Noble in college (before Starbucks, even!) Oh, if only I would have learned to take advantage of the library sooner!!!!

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I think that was my problem at first. My first year homeschooling, I had no clue what I was doing and went nuts at the big used sale. It took months to weed through the pile and finally start to make sense of it and think about what appealed to me and why.


But now, the bigger problem I have is that my second DD is NOTHING like my first DD (who honestly in some ways is my little intellectual twin). I can buy almost anything (well, if you completely disregard CW, which never even made it to the rotation) for my oldest DD and just KNOW by looking at it whether or not it will work and if she will like it. With my second DD, I am always, at best, guessing.


My last few purchases that went south are all about wanting to make school more fun for my second DD, make her love learning, and maybe change her attitude. None of which has happened yet, but all of which were decent goals to start with. I guess all of this stuff, for me, has been like tuition payments to homeschool teacher school. I may not be learning what works, but I have a REALLY clear vision of what doesn't now.


I would love to say that I am done making bad curriculum choices, but that probably isn't true. Part of the reason I buy so much used is that I really do have to bring some of this stuff home and live with it awhile before I can decide if it is for us or not. And some of it, especially with my second DD, has to be broken open and tried for a week or two to really know.


The worst decisions I have made were the ones that I ordered online without seeing in person. A few minutes on the internet with a sample page doesn't do it for me. Hopefully, for myself, I have learned that I really need to see something in person to consider buying it, especially for an expensive purchase. And I know I have learned that not everything that looks fun actually is fun when you get it home!

Edited by Asenik
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I so hear you about your second DD. In our house it's my oldest DS. Frankly, I have given up trying to make school fun for him because he equates fun with easy and expects it all the time. I no longer do that for him. Actually, he is doing much better now that we just move through stuff. :confused:



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I get a lot of ideas from these boards and am often prompted to buy. Fortunately, the way I do the schedule lets me make sure I find time to use the curriculum. Eventually it gets in the schedule and gets done unless we find it to be something we don't like (doesn't happen much). Example-I just bought Harmony Arts because it works with MS Artistic Pursuits. I've had the AP since my son was in middle school and wanted to use it for the girls but hadn't worked it in. Harmony Arts has a schedule that helped me work in AP and classical music so it is all on the schedule now....another curriculum off the shelf. Having a rough master schedule for the year has been soooo helpful.

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I so hear you about your second DD. In our house it's my oldest DS. Frankly, I have given up trying to make school fun for him because he equates fun with easy and expects it all the time. I no longer do that for him. Actually, he is doing much better now that we just move through stuff. :confused:




Thanks, Susie. Helps to hear I am not alone! You want to hear something funny? Mine actually told me, after two weeks in a fun curriculum meant for the kinesthetic learner, that she doesn't want school to fun FUN, she wants it to be OVER! I almost cried. But we have since switched to more textbooks for her, and it is going so much better. She really did know what she wanted, I guess!

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Mind clutter as well as shelf clutter, that's what it's become. I DON'T want to sell so many of the books I have but then school starts, I get bored, and then starting pulling out all these great resources I have and try to figure out a way to fit them in.


Do you all feel like you've done this too (unrealistic/over zealous)? Does this board help or contribute to this problem? :glare:


the bigger problem I have is that my second DD is NOTHING like my first DD


I can *so* totally relate to these statements. You are not alone! I've worked on cleaning off my shelves a lot the past year & still have too much. (I'm getting ready to post some things for sale, hopefully this weekend.)

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I would have LOVED to have learned it, would have loved to have taught it, would have relished each hour spent - but after two weeks of it I knew in my heart that my "just the facts" boys would hate me.


But, I have other books I've picked up that I just like looking through - and would have "played school" with as a child, that I keep just because


But, no, I don't blame the board at all. I have always bought books. I refuse to seriously consider how much $$ I spent at Barnes & Noble in college (before Starbucks, even!) Oh, if only I would have learned to take advantage of the library sooner!!!!




I too have purchase books just for ME! I joined the Doubleday Book Club in high school and my mother told me I was wasting my money! Yes, I did waste my money because I could get those books from the library BUT I loved having my own books. :tongue_smilie:

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I was never a big curriculum junkie until this year.:blushing: I always made good use of our local library and was very frugal with my curriculum choices. Something has changed this year. I don't know if it has been hanging out here or that both of my girls are in upper elementary and about to be in Jr. High.


This year I am making up for it.:ohmy:


But after I looked at the price of private school I starting BUYING! I could justify my purchases by thinking how much money I was saving. :confused:

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That said I am constantly thinking: did I make the right choice, what does this new curriculum look like, maybe I should just check out that one, I could add more of a "fill in the blank" influence.


Whatever you have to do to make your days flow better and your life more fulfilling I say go ahead and do it. If that means you clean off those shelves of curriculum then go for it!


Yes, I still wonder if homeschooling was the best thing for our family - never mind about my curricula choices. :banghead: Once you're in the homeschool world, the pressure is to stay in! :rofl:

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We've just begun our 12th year and I can say that this is certainly a healthy confessional. I can relate to so many of you.


MIch elle, "mind clutter" is so dead on! I have begun to purge those temptations as well and it is freeing! Not to mention I have more space in my school cabinet. ;)


Besides the many everyone's already mentioned, one other contributing factor to my curricula addiction is reading about all the methodologies. I'll finish one book and think, "Oh, this is the way!", then I'll read yet another only to find myself thinking, "Oh, no she's got it right! *This* is the right way!" :001_unsure:


At the end of the day though, I have found that an eclectic mix suits us all best and that I have to consider both the individual child's and my needs. Maybe after 12 years we'll finally get it right? Lol.

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I would love to say that I am done making bad curriculum choices, but that probably isn't true. Part of the reason I buy so much used is that I really do have to bring some of this stuff home and live with it awhile before I can decide if it is for us or not. And some of it, especially with my second DD, has to be broken open and tried for a week or two to really know.


The worst decisions I have made were the ones that I ordered online without seeing in person. A few minutes on the internet with a sample page doesn't do it for me. Hopefully, for myself, I have learned that I really need to see something in person to consider buying it, especially for an expensive purchase. And I know I have learned that not everything that looks fun actually is fun when you get it home!


At least you realized this sooner than later! It took me YEARS to realize it's better to waste money than waste time (buying used very little money is wasted). ;)


When my older ds was in 7th grade, I bought 6 writing curricula - all new! The first half of 7th grade with PTIW was a bust, and I didn't want to waste more time trying to figure out which writing program would work.

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We've just begun our 12th year and I can say that this is certainly a healthy confessional. I can relate to so many of you.


MIch elle, "mind clutter" is so dead on! I have begun to purge those temptations as well and it is freeing! Not to mention I have more space in my school cabinet. ;)


Besides the many everyone's already mentioned, one other contributing factor to my curricula addiction is reading about all the methodologies. I'll finish one book and think, "Oh, this is the way!", then I'll read yet another only to find myself thinking, "Oh, no she's got it right! *This* is the right way!" :001_unsure:


At the end of the day though, I have found that an eclectic mix suits us all best and that I have to consider both the individual child's and my needs. Maybe after 12 years we'll finally get it right? Lol.




I've done the SAME thing! CM, TWTM, traditional on & on with what method is best.


I "HOPE" I get it right this year - :lol:

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I have these grand plans, and they just do not happen. Much to my sadness, ds,10, is a "let's just get school over with" kind of guy. He doesn't delight in all the "extras" I spend hours and hours pulling together. Give him a textbook and a workbook and that's fine with him. In fact, one of our biggest problems last year was that he felt I was always "adding things". He likes to know at the beginning of the day/week, what's in store for him and that's it, no more, thank you very much.


While I certainly don't "blame" this Board, it has contributed to my curriculum addiction. (sigh). I read about all the wonderful things the members here are doing and want to try them all ! LOL I've thought about taking some time off from the Board, and will probably do that once school starts for us.


This year I have done much less "adding to" and have stuck with the oroginal plans. I've sold things that are tempting me to keep adding. I think I've put together a nice year, but I know I will have to resist the urge to keep adding/changing as we go along. I've added the LAST thing I'm going to...that wonderful nature program somebody posted about the other day. In fact, I want to have everything in place before we start school so ds can relax that I'm not "pulling a fast one' on him! LOL



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I have these grand plans, and they just do not happen. Much to my sadness, ds,10, is a "let's just get school over with" kind of guy. He doesn't delight in all the "extras" I spend hours and hours pulling together. Give him a textbook and a workbook and that's fine with him. In fact, one of our biggest problems last year was that he felt I was always "adding things". He likes to know at the beginning of the day/week, what's in store for him and that's it, no more, thank you very much.





Yes, that's it "let's just get school over with" is my boys mantra. They have their own ideas about what's fun and it not the extra stuff that I add to our school day!

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This is a healthy confessional! I feel so much better knowing that the road I have traveled is not lonely. :)


Finally, after 7 years, I feel like I have really honed down what I like, dislike, and what works with my teaching style and my kids. This year is going much better and I can almost do it on auto-pilot. Yeah!!!


I like to actually hands-on teach, but for only a couple of hours a day, so I choose quite a bit that is self-teaching. One year I had to teach EVERY class and I was sooo burned out.


Michelle, the mind clutter thing is spot on. I feel guilty whenever I walk past my unused resources.

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After homeschooling 11 years I've finally this year decided to STOP THE INSANITY.:willy_nilly:

I started out buying everything and then I would sit there and wonder how I would do it all, so I got smart (so I thought) and started purchasing curriculum in a box : Sonlight, Winterpromise etc. and I loved it but I always thought it wasn't enough so I would buy more on top of it. So now I was doing a full curriculum plus trying to piece more into it. I think its that "stuffing the child with information" mentality for me.. I wanted them to have it all. If they finished early I wouldn't be content I would feel like they should do some of the extra stuff I had sitting around. Funny thing is they end up with less because I am so overwhelmed we end up doing less. If I would just have sticked with the curriculum in the box we could have had great discussions, I would have been calmer, I would have had time to bake cookies (LOL). So now I am ready to take the plunge, this year I have doable plan and I am looking forward to a peaceful year (hopefully). I want the home environment I have always dreamed about. So there's my confession for the day!! I still have 2 little ones to start over with...hopefully this time I will get it right!

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:001_smile:I am with you. I just purged two huge plastic tubs of curriculum filled to overflowing of various things we tried or thought about trying but didn't work for us. Plust I just purged three more tubs of books that probably won't sell on the homeschool market including an old set of encyclopedias that we just won't use because Wikipedia is so much easier even if it may not be excatly correct on everything.


I pulled out all the boring books that went with Sonlight, TWTM, TOG and other lists. These books just didn't fit our interests even though we would like to be enlightened enough to read them. But I really don't see my kids enjoying some of these selections. Others we have kept beause they are fun and interesting.

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Just wondering what did you narrow your curriculum down to? What are the basics for you? I have been working super hard to only plan minimal work for our first "official" year of K, because we will also be making an international move. Just wondering what other people think are the basics.:bigear:

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I like to actually hands-on teach, but for only a couple of hours a day, so I choose quite a bit that is self-teaching. One year I had to teach EVERY class and I was sooo burned out.


Michelle, the mind clutter thing is spot on. I feel guilty whenever I walk past my unused resources.


I teach! The feeling around these parts is that dc should teach themselves and that has never worked here.


My older ds is thriving in private high school because of that style of school (sitting in lectures/classes) works well for him.

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I've done the SAME thing! CM, TWTM, traditional on & on with what method is best.


I "HOPE" I get it right this year - :lol:


Lol! At times I've actually envied friends that have stuck to a program... A Beka, Sonlight or otherwise... only to come back to the reality that it's just not me. I can't (or I won't :rolleyes:) do curriculum in a box. Eclectic, confused, whatever you want to call it, that's me. ;)

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:001_smile:I am with you. I just purged three more tubs of books that probably won't sell on the homeschool market including an old set of encyclopedias that we just won't use because Wikipedia is so much easier even if it may not be excatly correct on everything.




My 15yo ds didn't touch them after his first year of high school so I gave them away (library free).


I still have 2 sets that I purchased, UGH!

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Just wondering what did you narrow your curriculum down to? What are the basics for you? I have been working super hard to only plan minimal work for our first "official" year of K, because we will also be making an international move. Just wondering what other people think are the basics.:bigear:


http://www.aperitelibros.blogspot.com/ I've returned SOS Spanish - hated it!


For K-3 the basics are the 3 R's - reading, writing (penmanship in K) and arithmetic. Reading aloud (parent) is important too.

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I've gotten to the point of selling curricula I really love but know we'll never get to. It's become a burden to have this curricula sitting around that I love and want to use and will be tempted to use. Mind clutter as well as shelf clutter, that's what it's become. I DON'T want to sell so many of the books I have but then school starts, I get bored, and then starting pulling out all these great resources I have and try to figure out a way to fit them in. I've kept some thinking that we'll use them over the summer - NOT! What was I thinking, my boys have NO desire to do any form of school over the summer (although I did MAKE them do some). I paring down to the basics - simplifying my homeschool and my life. :tongue_smilie:


Do you all feel like you've done this too (unrealistic/over zealous)? Does this board help or contribute to this problem? :glare:




I have done the same thing. Pared WAY down...even gave away lots of really great stuff just because I knew we would not use it. I am simplifying big time! Even to the point of having enrichment BE ENRICHMENT! Not daily....And yes, this board does contribute to the problem...but it also is a lifeline for me.



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The worst decisions I have made were the ones that I ordered online without seeing in person. A few minutes on the internet with a sample page doesn't do it for me. Hopefully, for myself, I have learned that I really need to see something in person to consider buying it, especially for an expensive purchase. And I know I have learned that not everything that looks fun actually is fun when you get it home!


I definitely did this this year. It is my first year and I wish I would have found this site sooner. I just didn't know that sometimes all-in-one doesn't work and they all look good in the catalog and on the site and on the message boards for their particular curricula.

I looked at sample pages, printed them, compared them, and thought this is great. I ordered and thought, "What have I done?" This will never work. You can't get a good feel from a few sample pages. I totally missed this year.

Coming to other sites besides particular curricula sites was the best thing I could have done. Yes, it has given me lots of curricula choices to research and drool over. Fortunately, I don't have the money to jump on everything I love at first site b/c of my very expensive miss this year. So I am really changing things out as I "know" that it will be better than what we are doing right now.

Next year, I will go to homeschool conventions and such and see it in person. It would have made a very big difference if I had done that this year.

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Yes, we must have been insane! That or BORED! OR maybe ADHD ?? :auto:


I think you have something there. I try to keep things interesting and new so I won't get bored of homeschooling. Maybe I buy so much because I don't want things to get too monotonous?!? This is where we need smiley face on a couch with a therapist taking notes!!!

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what do you all do with the unused things? i want to homeschool but have very limited funds


I have many things that are not worth selling due to the shipping price for heavy items, so I give them away to homeschoolers in my area.


Ask the homeschoolers in your area if they know anyone who has curricula they would like to give away or sell at a very low price.

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I try to keep things interesting and new so I won't get bored of homeschooling. Maybe I buy so much because I don't want things to get too monotonous?!? This is where we need smiley face on a couch with a therapist taking notes!!!


I've learned that by trying NOT to make school boring or monotonous, we get mixed up (too much info) and behind in our studies. I've come around to "less is more". It's better to do less and remember it than do more and not remember the important facts or have time for review/reflection/discussion.


Now I add in videos, not print material, to liven up our studies and NOT during our prime school time. We've been watching Roots these past few weeks. Netflix is well worth the money. The dvd's never have to be sold or stored when you're done.


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I've learned that by trying NOT to make school boring or monotonous, we get mixed up (too much info) and behind in our studies. I've come around to "less is more". It's better to do less and remember it than do more and not remember the important facts or have time for review/reflection/discussion.


Now I add in videos, not print material, to liven up our studies and NOT during our prime school time. We've been watching Roots these past few weeks. Netflix is well worth the money. The dvd's never have to be sold or stored when you're done.




But I just need to put it in to action and believe it will all work out!!! That's my goal this year......

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the home school families where i live tend to have lots of children so they reuse their books, I have asked a few at a meeting I went to and they seemed kind of cliquish (SP?) they seemed to ignore me because I am not originally from the area and am not home schooling to involve religious practices and values

Edited by melissamathews
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I've gotten to the point of selling curricula I really love but know we'll never get to. It's become a burden to have this curricula sitting around that I love and want to use and will be tempted to use. Mind clutter as well as shelf clutter, that's what it's become. I DON'T want to sell so many of the books I have but then school starts, I get bored, and then starting pulling out all these great resources I have and try to figure out a way to fit them in. I've kept some thinking that we'll use them over the summer - NOT! What was I thinking, my boys have NO desire to do any form of school over the summer (although I did MAKE them do some). I paring down to the basics - simplifying my homeschool and my life. :tongue_smilie:


Do you all feel like you've done this too (unrealistic/over zealous)? Does this board help or contribute to this problem? :glare:

Yes. Exact same thing. and OH YEAH!
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the home school families where i live tend to have lots of children so they reuse their books, I have asked a few at a meeting I went to and they seemed kind of cliquish (SP?) they seemed to ignore me because I am not originally from the area and am not home schooling to involve religious practices and values

This is my biggest fear this year. That we won't fit in with other homeschool families in co-op b/c we are schooling for different reasons.

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The other day I took EVERYTHING off our bookcases and stacked it on the table. I then put all of the new stuff on the bookcases. I'm using all ABeka for my 5th grade ds and 9th grade dd (she's using the DVD's). There's only a FRACTION of the space taken up now -- so simplified and streamlined. I love it!


Now to go through the book-laden table and put what I want to keep in bins and what I don't want to keep ....well, I'm not sure yet. There are some things I can't bring myself to part with, ever. There are other things that will just sit in the basement until I grow old.

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It's only been a week (the first homeschooling week ever for my 10yo and 8yo boys), and I can see myself heading toward burnout already. I'm pretty OCD and perfectionistic, and I'm trying to go by the book as much as possible (TWTM). I can't believe how much time I'm spending reading!! Having the kids write a narration for absolutely everything they do in science, history, ancient literature, etc. is kind of overwhelming!!

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Oh I love the ideas of notebooking and narriations but my daughter is also using a textbook and I love how simple it is to go along. We did textbooks/workbooks for first grade. What was I thinking about adding all this living book stuff. Its cool and I really want to add it but I am seriously thing of selling ALL my stuff and going with textbooks/workbooks after this year.

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The other day I took EVERYTHING off our bookcases and stacked it on the table. I then put all of the new stuff on the bookcases. I'm using all ABeka for my 5th grade ds and 9th grade dd (she's using the DVD's). There's only a FRACTION of the space taken up now -- so simplified and streamlined. I love it!


Now to go through the book-laden table and put what I want to keep in bins and what I don't want to keep ....well, I'm not sure yet. There are some things I can't bring myself to part with, ever. There are other things that will just sit in the basement until I grow old.


I'm cleaning my secretary desk (betw. the dining/kit. & living room) that I have the stuff "I" like, where we start our school day (song, history, memory drill). Then we move to the office/main school for the other subjects.


I've sold much of what I don't want, but now I'm into the stuff I like but NEED to get rid of due to my "mental clutter."

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the home school families where i live tend to have lots of children so they reuse their books, I have asked a few at a meeting I went to and they seemed kind of cliquish (SP?) they seemed to ignore me because I am not originally from the area and am not home schooling to involve religious practices and values



My friend has 8 dc. She's bought new versions of Saxon math and Apologia science and doesn't have the time to post the older versions for sale & ship them. I told her to list them cheap on the boards but she doesn't want to post 50 times to list an item & then ship. She just wants them GONE!

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http://www.aperitelibros.blogspot.com/ I've returned SOS Spanish - hated it!


For K-3 the basics are the 3 R's - reading, writing (penmanship in K) and arithmetic. Reading aloud (parent) is important too.


Spill the beans, please! What is LFBC Physical Science?


I was just thinking this afternoon how I miss the spell of an unused workbook - :lol:! I really hate them once they've gotten "messy" with writing, but brand new...just love them!


Really, anything that holds your hand enough to let you know "this is what you need to learn next" is good, right? So, use what works and enjoy!

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Wow, it's amazing how many of us there are. For me, it is the mental clutter/stress inducing aspect of it all. I feel like my not yet used curricula aka "what was I thinking mistakes" is staring at me from the bookshelves and taunting me.


I would love to follow the 'much, but not many' philosophy, but just can't make the leap.



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