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My son is for sale for $4K.....

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Remember that on the last custody date we were granted a continuance so that the other side could pursue a psychological evaluatioin?


Well, my still unemployed xh has the money for it (the court required his side to fully fund it). They cost several thousand or more.


Today, from my attorney, I get this:




While I know how this offer will be perceived, I am obligated to pass this along.* Mr. (Xh's attorney) called to offer that, in addition to maintaining child support at the current level should Andrew go to live with Mr xh, he would also pay you $4000 that would otherwise go to Dr. Expensive Profesional for the evaluation.*



Current level of child support equals $400 for 3 kids. Total; not each.


Um. Sick. Does he REALLY think it's about the money for me?


I have stopped posting many specifics but this one takes the cake.

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It was a phone call between attorneys. Surely it would be admissible?


Of course it was verbal. :001_huh: Lawyers are too smart to put this stuff in writing. Maybe one of the attorneys here will pop up and answer this. Ask your attorney as well. I'd try to bring it to light if it doesn't make you look bad. Sometimes evaluators or judges just ignore any negative info. from exes. They've seen so much of it. :001_unsure:

Edited by True Blue
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Why are the courts dragging this all out anyway? Isn't the child in question something like 13? (Or did I get things mixed up?) .. It's just that by that age, youth are often given a choice as to where they want to live in a custody fight - as long as both homes are safe/etc, of course. I rarely hear of custody battles involving teens ~ mainly because it's pretty difficult to force a teen to live somewhere they don't want to be. They'll often just refuse.


Regardless, that "offer" from your ex is pathetic. What a drip.

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Oh. My. Gosh.




There are simply no words.




I can think of a few :glare: That is just horrifying and disgusting. What great proof of what kind of person he is, though. Put that letter in a safe deposit box!


ETA: Oops, hadn't read the whole thread. Of course it was verbal, ugh. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this waste of space for a minute longer than you should have had to :grouphug:

Edited by melissel
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Sick. And I thought my ex was a "winner". The idiot probably can't even see how much he is damaging his relationship with his kids with all this. Instead of working with you to arrange a workable custody situation he is driving his kids away more and more with his games and attempts to control. He won't end up with custody and in the end all the kids will likely cut him out of their lives.

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Nothing surprises me.


My X (unemployed and living with his mother, cancelled health insurance for his kids and didn't tell me, etc) went before the judge and told him "I do not need to pay child support".


Not that he was anyway.


In his mind he had himself convinced (and I have no doubt his mother backed him up on this) he did not have to pay child support.


So $400 would have been a lot of money for me. I was getting $0.


Luckily the judge felt differently.

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