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Things You Never Thought You'd Say To Your Kids

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"Yes, I understand taxidermy is a science and you can learn a lot from dissection. Now get rid of the half skinned squirrel in my freezer, or I'm going to bury it for you!"


This after I jumped about three inches off the ground when I mistook the squirrel for a roast and pulled it out to see the head gazing up at me with the teeth prominently displayed! yuck-o!

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Once they'd been potty trained and were taking care of the bathroom business by themselves I would ask, "Did you get your pooping done?"


And, my dad's famous line when we would say that we did not know who did "it"---now I use it---"It must have been the kids down the street"

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My DS is potty-trained and is just so proud that he's a boy. I have no idea where it came from, but he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to pretend peeing on people. So he'll walk up to you while you're doing something else, wrap his arms around you, and say, "Pssssssss." while cracking up. He loves to do this to his sister most because she gives him the best :eek: reaction. So more than once I've had to tell him "DS! Stop peeing on your sister!" Never thought I'd hear those words come out of my mouth as a mom. :leaving:

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"You know son, Luke Skywalker, poops in the big potty too."


This one is my fave, LOL. I wish I'd thought of that one, or something similar about 10 years ago...


I know there have been many crazy things said here, but I can't think of many right now except:


"Stop putting makeup on your brother."

"No, you can't paint your brother's nails."

"No, your brother doesn't have a tail."

"Stop picking your sister's scabs."

"Don't sit on your sister's head."



I can remember a few crazy things that my kids have said to me, too. Might be a good topic for another thread. :D


When my girls were little and looking at pics of their brother as a baby, they saw a naked bathtub picture and asked if he had a tail. (See response above)


When my kids started asking about how they were born, I was relieved to be able to just tell them that the doctor cut open my stomach and pulled them out (c-section). But then my curious DD asks, "So when a wild animal has a baby, who calls the doctor to cut them open and pull it out?" I guess there's no escape from these kinds of questions, LOL.


Once when we were at a red light, another car sped past us running the light and I said, "Where are the police when stuff like that happens?" My DD (same one as above) says, "They're probably somewhere eating a donut." She was 7 at the time.

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"She's a cat, not a toilet. Stop chasing her through the yard to pee on her." Boys, argh!!




Once at age 16, when I was babysitting 4 year old triplets by myself: "If you move the chair from under the doorknob and let me out of this closet, I'll give you lots of ice cream with sprinkles." They were a handful!

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"No, son you aren't broken. That is just your crack."

(followed by) "OH NO! How did my tushie get cracked?"


this conversation took place when my son was 2, after the bath one night when he was checking himself out in the mirror.




I have tears from laughing so hard!!!!!!

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"Can you please stop practicing? I want to watch a little tv." (Said at 9:30pm after an entire day of listening to a very noisy house full of drums, electric guitar, and violin.)


"Please don't spin the dog on the kitchen floor."


"Just throw everything under your bed." (Prior to a showing of our home.)

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Dogs poop in the yard. People poop in the house.


Ladies do not like to be told their b00ks are on their belly.


Put your p@nis away.


Do not put your tongue on anything or anyone.


Do NOT make me peel my human face off in this store.

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To 3 little boys standing around a toilet: "Two of you pull up your pants I only want to see one penis out at a time."


How about my 2 favorites FROM a little boy:


1) At the doctors office when I was handed a specimen cup: "Mom, how are you going to pee in that cup? - YOU DON"T HAVE A PENIS! The whole office was in stitches.


2) As I discovered Mr Potatoe Head's arm in the VCR: "I thought it was a good idea - but it wasn't.

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