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Creepy experience while running this am

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I have been running at 5:30am for several weeks now. I run with my golden retriever but it's just the two of us. For the past 10 days or so there has been a van tearing up and down the streets that I have been watching. We live in a really safe area (if there is such a thing) but something about this gave me the creeps. It's been going through a neighborhood that covers a 3 mile area and always on different streets. It is a loud van with a rattle so I can always hear it coming. What is a van with a magnetic sign (I think it says it's for a painter) doing racing around at 5:30 am???


Well yesterday it shows up right as I am about to turn onto my street at 6:05am. I kept running straight instead of turning so it wouldn't follow me home and know where I live.


I finally remembered to tell dh last night and he told me I must take my phone with me from now on (that's a pain b/c none of my running shorts have pockets) and I am soooo glad he did. I went ahead and called the police non-emergency number as I was leaving on my run this morning to let them know about this van and right as I was on the street where yesterday I went straight - the van showed up! I was still on the phone with the police so I was able to give them the license plate but unfortunately it was very obvious to the driver what I was doing as I was leaning down in the dark with his headlights on me looking at his plates as he circled around in the cul-de-sac.


If he did have any ill intent I am sure he will be out of here so he won't get caught. Bummer. I wish I could have gotten the plates in a more non-conspicuous way. That is just how it happened though. And now what do I do? I have so enjoyed my morning runs and it works perfectly in our schedule as dh has to work many evenings. Plus I live in Houston and it's just so darn hot! ;) I guess I need to see if I can find a friend to run with me but one of the things I love about my running is that I have time just for me! :(


I am so bummed...but thankful, too!

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I used to walk every evening when dh got home. Sometimes I would bike, but usually I walked. Our neighborhood does not have side walks in about 1/3 of the area by the way. I never walked at night.


2 things started to happen. A young woman in a SUV always came screaming into the neighborhood while talking on her cell phone. I presume she was on her way home from work or school. One time, I had to leap onto a lawn, literally throw myself up over the curb, and roll to avoid her hitting me. Yes, she ran up onto the yard area. She never stopped, never slowed down, nothing.


Next, a group of teens kept swerving at me. Deliberately aiming at me. Once, the driver rolled down his window and made a "gun" out of his fingers and pretended to shoot.


That ended the evening walks. I still bike occasionally. But, I never walk alone anymore. I never mentioned the stray dogs which forced me to carry mace. That is another problem.


It is sad when a few with bad intentions restrict others. It is not fair.

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I'm so sorry. But glad that nothing bad happened! I've felt the same way at times. While visiting some family outside of Richmond, VA, I went walking and had a fellow in a car meander through the streets following me. I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood which made it a little more scary. It was very obvious. When he would turn to go down a block, I began cutting through yards as quick as I could to make it home and get closer to the main road too. I eventually made it home and hid between two cars as he drove past so he wouldn't see what house I was going into. No one was there when I arrived at home so I locked myself in and tried to calm down. I know there must have been angels watching out for me. Looking back I realized I was pregnant w/my first baby at the time but didn't know it!


Hope you can get out there again soon and enjoy your time!

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Could the van driver be delivering newspapers?


In any case, go with your gut feelings. During college, a friend of mine was almost abducted by two men also in a van while she ran. She carried a large can of pepper spray with her and whacked the guys in the face with it and then sprinted back to campus. Scary stuff. You did the right thing by calling the police, IMO. Better safe than sorry.

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Can you carry pepper spray, too? I used to run with my phone in one hand and spray in the other and got used to it. They were ready to go if I needed them.


I used to park my water bottle behind a bush in my development's common area since I ran in 2 mile loops. Someone was messing with me and took my water (and once my sunglasses) on three occasions (yes, I picked different bushes each time). Nobody walking by would see the bottles unless they were watching me put them there. It might have been some kid with too much time on his hands, or it could have been someone with a bigger problem. Kind of creepy.


You were smart to call the police, even if the driver saw you reading the plate. Be careful, and keep us posted!

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I'm sorry about this. I don't know where you live in Houston. I live in Houston. I don't consider any place safe. Some areas are safer but not completely safe. I go all over Houston and don't walk around in fear, but I have the knowledge that nuts and criminals can go all over Houston.

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How scary. You did the right thing. I don't think I would feel comfortable running by myself anymore, especially if it's dark outside. Even if the police do find the guy he probably won't be locked up. There is always the chance that he was out looking for a good target and still may end up finding someone to grab. Could you maybe go to the YMCA or a gym that has a track to do your running? I know it may be more inconvenient but this is the world we live in today. At least keep your phone on your and look into getting some pepper spray. :grouphug:

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except I would have called it in much sooner. And your husband is right that you should probably jog with a phone.



I would not stop jogging (or in my case, walking) alone because there are bad people in the world. That's just me. You have to do what you are comfortable with. I love my time alone and walking alone in a joy while walking with a chatty neighbor would be annoying. I am not afraid to call in suspicious things in my neighborhood. Just because someone might have a legitimate reason to be there doesn't mean I shouldn't call it in as a precaution. My neighbors will also call each other. "There's been a guy sitting in a car for a couple hours in front of Sue's house. Do you have any idea why?" After a few "Nos" we just call it in.

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First off, get a spibelt from Overtonfitness.com for running to hold your personal items. It does not bounce and holds an incredible amount of items.

Second, it does sound creepy but again it really could be a worker who is doing some repair work on area homes and having a coworker going for supplies or what not. I would actually try to get a name of a company/phone number and call the local police to let them know that 1) speeding rates from vehicle in a neighborhood

2) the van is giving off weird vibes

3) you could call the company directly to see if someone is doing actual work in the area or not.

Be safe.

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I used to go grocery shopping at 9pm so I could go after I put the kids to bed and go alone. After a very scary situation in the parking lot, I quit doing that!


I like the idea of a phone in one hand and mace in the other.;)

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As another poster said unless he is delivering papers there is no reason for a painter's van to be out that early. My dh is in construction in SW Louisiana and I can tell you in this heat he goes to work early if he's going to be outside, but 5:30? no way!


Did you get his company name and phone number? You could try googling it. Otherwise I'd change my routine daily, carry a phone, and probably some spray.

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Thanks everyone. I am supposed to get a call back from the police to let me know what they find, if anything. A newspaper delivery makes sense at that time of the morning but I have never seen a paper flying out the window. Then again so few people take the paper anymore I may just be seeing the van at the moments where he is turning to go to his next street after he delivered to the one or two homes there. Our area is a master-planned community with a few main roads and a billion cul-de-sacs. Most of those cul-de-sacs back up to the main roads where I run so that could explain everything. But the fact that the van showed up right as I was ending my run yesterday and then in the exact place where I was starting today - 40 minutes apart - just freaked me out! You would think a delivery guy would have a better system than that, but maybe not. Also, shouldn't he be done before 6am? I'll feel better when I hear from the police but I will still take extra precautions from here on out. I always did that if I ran in the evenings but I figured all the crazies would be asleep at 5:30 am.

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This would really bother and upset me as well.


Please change your route every week or so and try to vary the time you run. Get some running shorts with a pocket on the inside front. I have some and a phone would fit.


I use to run with bear spray...for bears, but I would have been fine to use it on a human too! It weighed around a pound and I would run with it in one hand for a while, then shift. It did help my biceps and made me feel safer.:lol: I think a good size pepper spray would do some good.

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I was followed home from a morning run once. It was really scary. At the point I realized I was being followed my casual run turned into a full sprint. My pursuer followed me until I turned into the city marina and ran right to the Dockmaster's office. The Dockmaster went out and couldn't find anyone in the area.


My run started from the marina, down through the city park and back (the properties touch). I figured it would be a safe route because the police routinely patrolled both properties.

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I called the police this afternoon and they told me that the license plates belonged to someone in a neighboring city. The van had been pulled over once in the past year for a traffic violation at 2:30am. That could be consistent with someone picking up their papers to get ready to deliver - or it could be someone having just left a bar that closed at 2 am. No help there. It did not belong to anyone who was a registered sex offender or a felon. The officer who came out after my call couldn't find the van in the area anymore.


I asked that an officer patrol the area for the next several days at that time but the gentleman told me that was the time the shifts changed and there would be no officers available. :001_huh: He suggested that I pick a street that I have seen him on and wait in my car one morning to see if he is in fact delivering papers. If he is not then that would be reason enough for the police to get further involved. At this point nothing would cause them to do any more research than run a check on the plates.


I will do this on Monday. Dh is out of town so I wouldn't have been going out this weekend anyway. Kind of bummed that I have to do my own police work but at the same time I can imagine that the police have so many things to do and leads to chase that my little incident must seem really insignificant. Sigh.

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It would creep me out and I would be careful. BUT my Dh did deliver news papers while in college and the first thing I thought of when reading your OP was news paper delivery. Add that the guy has a 2:30 Am taffic violation makes me agree even more. My DH would pick up his papers at 1 AM and finish his route @ 6 AM. The guy could be choosing differnt streets each day in order to make it less boring. I was thinking that while he might be a painter, with the housing market the way it is he might be doing a paper route to earn extra money. Maybe he is a Dave Ramey fan lol.


I hope you are able to find out if he is a delivery person and give yourself peace of mind.

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As you live in TX I would give consideration to training, a concealed carry permit and a .38 (airweight, ladysmith or some other lightweight revolver).


There are small holsters made for runners.

Edited by pqr
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My uncle lives outside of Phoenix and b/c of several incidents in his neighborhood, he now carries a gun. I'm not sure what the law is, but I know it's ok as long as the gun is not concealed. A man out for a walk was shot and killed a few blocks away from his home, which prompted him to buy a gun. SCARY! I live in a small town, but this thread is making me think I should carry pepper spray or something...


Could you maybe call the newspaper office and see if they make the delivery people describe their vehicles? That may be a way to find out more info.

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Something similar happened to me on early morning walks. I tried to check the vehicle out without being obvious, but saw no newspapers being delivered. The neighbors starting watching with me and sure enough, he was the paper guy. I must have missed the deliveries because there are only one or two on our street which he does quickly, and I was trying to look without being noticed.

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My level-headed next door neighbor called the Houston Chronicle and asked to talk to the local distributor - the one from whom the delivery people pick up their papers - and asked him what type of vehicle the delivery person for our area drove. It is the same vehicle! A woman delivers in our area and has been doing so for 16 years. I am so relieved. I cannot tell you how much so.


Still I will be taking additional precautions in the future. Who knows? Maybe this happened so that I would be more diligent to prevent something like happening for real!


Thanks for being there everyone!

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My level-headed next door neighbor called the Houston Chronicle and asked to talk to the local distributor - the one from whom the delivery people pick up their papers - and asked him what type of vehicle the delivery person for our area drove. It is the same vehicle! A woman delivers in our area and has been doing so for 16 years. I am so relieved. I cannot tell you how much so.


Still I will be taking additional precautions in the future. Who knows? Maybe this happened so that I would be more diligent to prevent something like happening for real!


Thanks for being there everyone!


Great! As I said, my neighbors had to solve my mystery for me too. So funny how you look but don't actually see them delivering the paper.

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A former police officer and a Karate instructor held a seminar some time back "For Women Only". It was a free event at a Health club and even though it's been many years now, here are a few things they said that stuck with me:


You do not need to give up walks/runs but take precaution. Vary your route but tell your family which route your are taking and when they should expect you back.


Don't walk/run close to bushes or on sidewalks where cars / especially vans are parked. People can jump out and grab you.


Do whatever - and he meant whatever it takes to not let anyone shove you into a vehicle.


Bite, scream, kick, sratch, Run, Use your pointer and middle finger - spread out - and shove them into their eyes!


The most perplexing thing (to me) was that he said:


"Most people who are out looking for a victim are looking for an easy target. The child/woman that screams and makes a lot of fuss and draws attention is not an easy target.

In my career as a police officer in Denver, CO, I heard so many women say that they thought if they were compliant, nothing much would happen to them. I often wondered what they meant by "nothing much".

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My level-headed next door neighbor called the Houston Chronicle and asked to talk to the local distributor - the one from whom the delivery people pick up their papers - and asked him what type of vehicle the delivery person for our area drove. It is the same vehicle! A woman delivers in our area and has been doing so for 16 years. I am so relieved. I cannot tell you how much so.


Still I will be taking additional precautions in the future. Who knows? Maybe this happened so that I would be more diligent to prevent something like happening for real!


Thanks for being there everyone!


SO glad you were able to find out who this person was and can relax some!

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