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Guess what I found in my son's room last night?

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I spent yesterday digging through my son's room (he's 13). It was so far gone, in terms of neatness, that I decided I would organize it for him so he had a new starting point for keeping it tidy. So last night and went into his room to check out my handiwork (he was already in there for the night) and to say good night.

He looked and acted a little suspicious (like he was hiding something from me). Yeah. He was. A dog. A tiny, tiny, tiny (like under 5 lb tiny) dog. A small scream escaped my mouth. (It was shockingly small.)


"Oh mom he's been following me all day and my friend told me he escaped from the animal shelter. Mom, mom, he needs a home." Did I mention we have two dogs already and plan on getting a dog next spring from my nephew who is breeding chocolate labs.


Of course I told him we couldn't keep it and felt like such a heel giving him the "we can't save every animal" speech.


And did I mention this is the same child I posted about last month, who brought home a stray cat. My dh told me last night that my ds is an animal whisperer. He always has strays following him.

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I snuck a little kitten with a sick eye into my garage at 12 or 13 and kept it hidden there for 3 weeks :) My dad found out, let me keep him and now is the happy father of 3 sweet, spoiled kittens! He's been a cat lover ever since.


Maybe your whisperer could volunteet at the spca or something?


Except I'm afraid that he'll bring home a new critter every night!

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Any chance since you were planning on another dog that you could skip getting that other dog next year and instead accept this dog. Assuming of course that your son is attached to it.


If not, then maybe help him to find a shelter in your area that will find it a good home and will keep it until that home is found. We have several in our area who have a time limit before the animal is put to sleep....and several that will house it forever if need be (though my understanding is it hasn't yet had a "forever"....I figure they must just work harder to find homes for them). At least then he will have achieved his goal of saving the dog.

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What a great kid! Well, with the rescuing animals part not the hiding animals from you part.


I was like that as a kid...with cats. As an adult, I added dogs to the list. Our house is maxed out on animals, or I'd still be bringing them home.

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Have him work out the finances of keeping the dog...... food, vet, boarding when you go on vacation, etc. Then tell him he has to work for it...... he has to train it and exercise it everyday, etc. If he is willing to do this then I would let him keep it.


........ have him write a paper on the advantages/disadvantages of keeping the dog or placing him with someone else. :D

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Any chance since you were planning on another dog that you could skip getting that other dog next year and instead accept this dog. Assuming of course that your son is attached to it.


If not, then maybe help him to find a shelter in your area that will find it a good home and will keep it until that home is found. We have several in our area who have a time limit before the animal is put to sleep....and several that will house it forever if need be (though my understanding is it hasn't yet had a "forever"....I figure they must just work harder to find homes for them). At least then he will have achieved his goal of saving the dog.


In fact, the lap dog we presently have was rescued last year (you might remember me posting about finding this dog in a parking lot, dodging traffic). We brought her home and kept her.


The dog he brought home last night just isn't a match for us. It is too small. I run. My dh is an avid walker. We need an athletic dog (of course our Bernese Mountain dog is more of a couch potato than athletic dog but she CAN run and walk).


Other than our first dogs dh and I had before kids, every dog we have had was an adult in need of a home. And they've all been great family members.

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My brother once brought home a paper grocery bag full of a litter of kittens and said he found it hanging in a tree. We ended up keeping on of the kittens. My mom was always a sucker for pets. When she passed we had to find homes for 11 cats and 3 dogs.


My dad was in the military and once when we moved from VA to MA my dog made my mom get rid of all of our animals. Well, one cat managed to get in the moving truck and actually survived the trip. When he got off at the other end my dad said if the cat was that stubborn we could keep him. And then one of the dogs went back to our old house and kept going in the backyard. My mom's bf lived behind us so she packed up the dog and flew him to us while my dad was out to sea. When he got home my mom just told him that the dog just showed up on the door step one day. So he said he guessed we could keep her too.


My teens have been seriously considering sneaking a tiny dog in their room and they could probably pull it off it is wasn't for the fact that they both work 40 hours a week and the dog would need to be taken out. I think their next plan is to try for a rodent of some sort. Although since the kitten has shown up they seem content to take her to their room for hours.

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When animal control took dozens of Yorkies in a raid, I seriously considered hiding one in my dds' room!;)


I'm a sucker for homeless pets (which all 4 of mine were). They have no say in what happens to them. Die, be mistreated, or find a loving family; total luck of the draw.

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Let him use this as opp to promote animal adoption... take cute pictures & make a few flyers to put in high traffic areas... also, let him go around & solicit someone to adopt (don't use a shelter). Let him work on it. He will want to find a good family.


Add an extra incentive like a bag of dog food or first shots, etc.


It might be a way for him to find a useful way to use his skill or animal compassion.

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Let him use this as opp to promote animal adoption... take cute pictures & make a few flyers to put in high traffic areas... also, let him go around & solicit someone to adopt (don't use a shelter). Let him work on it. He will want to find a good family.


Add an extra incentive like a bag of dog food or first shots, etc.


It might be a way for him to find a useful way to use his skill or animal compassion.


This isn't the first stray he has brought home (as I posted earlier we have adopted some of them). Thanks for this idea.

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I definitely expected to read about the mags under the mattress. :lol:


It was a pleasant surprise to read about the dog.


Makes you wonder what the 800+ other people who viewed the thread thought the title meant.

that's what I thought, or drug paraphenalia.... but a dog! :D


We find bottles with floating frogs in my dd's bedroom. She's 8. :lol:


I won't be shocked now if I find something 4-footed.

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Aw, c'mon...just thinking about how it *could* have been dirty mags would want me to keep the dog. If thats the worst thing I ever find, I will thank my lucky stars.



PUH-leeeeessseeeee, Mom?!!!


I suffer from the same disease my son does. Namely, I want to save everything too. I'm thinking if I hadn't just booked the kennel for our two other dogs (this is the first time I couldn't find someone to take care of them in our home) and written the expense into our vacation budget, I might have been persuaded. But animals are expensive. Especially if you take good care of them . . . vets, good food, etc.


But, I might have found a home for the guinea pig size mutt. I'm beginning to realize that people are more inclined to little dogs than to big ones (although we're more of the big dog persuasion). So it might all work out okay.

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The dog he brought home last night just isn't a match for us. It is too small. I run. My dh is an avid walker. We need an athletic dog


well I was like your son as a kid. everything from lizzards to cats to the ugliest dog ever (seriously we called that half hairless thing ET for a reason:lol:)


I know this dog isn't a match for you and dh - but have you considered that it is a match for your son?


I'd consider letting him keep it at least for a couple months to see how it works out for HIM.


Different strokes for different folks and all that when it comes to dogs.


dh loves basset hounds, I'm a great dane person, and what do we own?


a miniture poodle that the kids feel in love with. (and us too truth be told)


never in a mil thought we'd own a dog like that, but he's best bud to one little girl, and nearly so for 2 boys.

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I would be curious to know how his friend knows it ran away from a shelter. How do they know the dog's owner hasn't recently lost the dog and may be looking for it? I think his first step should be to look for the owner.


In fact I'm surprised I have never seen this dog. We're also a location where people seem to dump dogs. Anyway, his friend knows because apparently his family called the SPCA a couple nights before the dog showed up at our house.


I definitely agree finding it's owners would be the best thing.

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I would be curious to know how his friend knows it ran away from a shelter. How do they know the dog's owner hasn't recently lost the dog and may be looking for it? I think his first step should be to look for the owner.


I was thinking this too. I think there needs to be some exploration into the 'who, how and why' of this dog. Dogs don't typically run away from a shelter so I wonder if your son's friend's family adopted the dog from the shelter and then decided they couldn't keep it and offered it to your son? I'd want to know all about the dog before keeping it. Most shelters microchip now so I would run him down to the shelter for a quick scan. If he is microchipped, you might learn a lot.

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