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I hate BRAG alerts

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Maybe you need to start a thread inviting people to share homeschooling "inadequacies".


Here are a few of mine:


  • I'm only doing Latin with my youngest, and we barely accomplished anything this year.
  • I changed curriculum twice this year, because after months of research, almost nothing was a good fit.
  • My oldest is going to public school part time next year so that she can learn math that's too difficult for me.
  • All of my children are academically average (but very nice people :D).
  • We take a week off every 6 weeks, and don't school through the summer;).

I could go on, but you get the idea. I don't hate brag alerts, but I don't always read them, either. My dc might not win academic awards, or get high SAT scores, but they are wonderful human beings, and I treasure the time we have together on this journey - well, most of the time I treasure it. If I'm really "keeping it real", I guess I should admit that sometimes I want to strangle them.:D



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When you are having a bad day, they are not too helpful or pleasant to read.;)


If you're having a bad day, then skip anything that looks like it might be a brag. Stick to the crockpot recipes. ;)


Sorry you're having a bad day, btw.

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I LOVE reading them here.

Who would get more excited about homeschool achievements than other homeschoolers??????

I say, post away~




Most of the time, I like them. Sometimes, if things are challenging, I don't, but that's usually my fault. But at least I'm forewarned when something puts that in the title. Sometimes I read them, sometimes I don't.

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I like the warning in the title so that I can read or avoid them depending on my mood. ;)


I really enjoy reading the brags on the high school board. I am not there yet and it is encouraging & inspiring for me to see homeschooled students excelling at {fill-in-the-blank}.


I find them very annoying on the accelerated learner board by moms of 2 1/2 - 5 year olds though! :D

Edited by Heather in WI
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Yes, I really appreciate people clarifying their posts in their subject line! Some days it's encouraging to read the successes of others, other times it's disheartening. :) Depends on how my day is going!


I also like sharing the successes of other homeschoolers. Most of the time I get a lot of positives about homeschooling, but there are a few (including close relatives) who are REALLY DOWN on homeschoolers and it's nice to have some success stories from "real people" to share occasionally. Not to brag them up, homeschoolers have the same mix of success and struggles as most people - but I do want to be able to list some successes as well! And it's nice to hear the struggles to know MAYBE we're normal??

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Michelle, as a poster of one of the brag alerts, I apologize if I contributed to making you feel this way. With my dd it came on the heels of 2 posts I made earlier, one about my concern for her lack of prep and another about her becoming increasingly reclusive from the family. I was very worried about her and this was a great joy in a "prodigal son" kind of way for me. I posted in case anyone had followed this, so that they might have hope if their teen was in the same situation. Of course, nobody probably would know this unless they followed threads and remembered names extremely well.

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I find them very annoying on the accelerated learner board by moms of 2 1/2 - 5 year olds though! :D



Oh my gosh why? I think it is nice that they have a safe place to brag on their kids. I wish I had that. I can't even tell my mother of my kid's accomplishments (and she LIVES with us) because then she feels like I'm dissing my nephew, her only other grandchild. Of course everything he does is super,amazingly, wonderful, lol.


If I say anything about what we do to the PS friend's parents they dismiss it as "well you have so much more time" and most of the other homeschoolers here are just horrified that we "spend so much time on academics/sports/hobbies, subjects, projects insert what you will here".


My kids are pretty average, lol, but I don't feel at all threatened when others talk of their accelerated or gifted kids. Or even about their 2 year old who is reading, for instance. ;)



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So this would not be the place to say announce we just got notice that our 20 yr old college student made Dean's List for the 4th time in a row? (Brag alert: that's every semester he's been in college. lol)


Why answer my post if you feel the opposite and specifically do something another person tells you is offensive to them - thus bragging when I told you I hate it? You could have posted your brag on another thread.





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Why answer my post if you feel the opposite and specifically do something another person tells you is offensive to them - thus bragging when I told you I hate it? You could have posted your brag on another thread.







I was trying to be light.


I have posted my challenges.


If it makes you feel any better, this particular child was never hs'd a day in his life. :lurk5: He's one of those terrible public school children people here adore bashinng almost daily. He's probably not all that smart. He probably can't really write, his school probably has really low expectations.



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I would have to put the beating the dead horse threads above the brag threads, but yes, the brag threads make me feel bad. I'm happy that others are doing so well, and I am hopeful that my dcs will have accomplishments like these one day, but (isn't there always a butt?) it makes me worry more than I might have (are we doing enough, am I ruining my kids?!?) and... well... I was raised not to brag, not to say there's anything wrong with anyone bragging, and it makes me uncomfortable, see pride before destruction, Murphy's Law, etc. I always want to knock on wood for people that post them. Or wish them good luck or send them blessings :lol: and we all know where THAT would get me.

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but yes, the brag threads make me feel bad. I'm happy that others are doing so well, and I am hopeful that my dcs will have accomplishments like these one day, but (isn't there always a butt?) it makes me worry more than I might have (are we doing enough, am I ruining my kids?!?) and... well... I was raised not to brag, not to say there's anything wrong with anyone bragging, and it makes me uncomfortable, see pride before destruction, Murphy's Law, etc. I always want to knock on wood for people that post them. Or wish them good luck or send them blessings :lol: and we all know where THAT would get me.


Brag alerts don't make me feel bad but I KNOW that they make lots of people on the boards feel bad. I feel for other people.


Thanks for sharing!

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