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My baby could have died today

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We are at my mom's house visiting. My baby is in my mom's walk-in closet where I moved everything away from her reach and have the monitor on constantly. My dd went up to get the baby, came into the kitchen with Megan in her arms; her was face white and she said, "Mama, Megan had a plastic bag over her face!" There was a bag in a bin that I never saw and thought was blocked from Megan's reach. All afternoon I have looked at Megan and fought tears as I think of what could have happened, that she could no longer be here with us. We went through so much to get her, she is our miracle baby, and I could have lost her.


There are times I could have lost each of my dc (some of them more than once!) and I believe that then as in this time there were angels protecting my dc. In this case maybe it was God who prompted me to tell my dd to go get her sister at just the moment she needed to be gotten; a minute longer...good grief.


I don't even want to put Megan down, I just want to hold her and tell her again how much I love her, to reassure myself that she is OK and with us still.

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Something like that happened to us yesterday. My 2 year old was helping with morning chores when her unbelievably long hair started to get sucked into the back of the giant barn fan.


My husband turned around just in time to grab her. I spent the rest of the day trying not to throw up thinking about it.

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I know that feeling. When my dd5 was lost at the zoo, I about had a heart attack/meltdown. I still feel like crying right now just thinking about it. When we found her, I could not let go of her, or stop starring at her. Things like this remind me how little control I have of life, no matter how hard I try to be the "perfect" mother. I thank the Lord that He protected my baby! After that I started to spend a lot more time in prayer for my littles, knowing that in the end they are in His hands.

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We nearly suffocated dd when she was a bub. She slipped down under the blankets. I think that's why grandmas crochet blankets for new mums, there's some deep granny instinct that knows little babies can't suffocate under blankets that have holes in them.


Scary, very scary.



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I don't usually post, but I have to respond to this one. I know babies have someone watching over them. We also had something similar happen to us. Three years ago, I was cleaning in the living room about half an hour after putting my 11 month-old in the crib for a nap. I heard this strange noise in the hallway and saw the baby's bedroom door slowly creak OPEN. This scared the &^%$ out of me and I had the horrible feeling that someone was in the baby's bedroom and that someone was watching me. (This door had never just opened on its own before...) I walked down the hallway, pushed the door open the rest of the way and saw the baby teetering on her stomach on the railing of the crib. She was just a second or two from falling about 4 feet and smacking her head on the hardwood floors. Needless to say, I caught her and if that door hadn't just "opened"...


I know someone watches over them. Thank God, too.

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I always thank God for close calls - without them, I would be a lot more careless! It's hard to shake those feelings of "What if..." but if you replace them with prayers of thanks to God for reminding you how fragile life is, it will bring you peace. :001_smile:

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So glad she's o.k.! My 2 1/2 year old has been climbing out of his crib at nap time and at night. He's very stealth about it, too. Can't even hear him over the monitor. He usually stays in his room and quietly invades his brothers' belongings, but the other night, I found him hiding in the dining room. He still puts small objects in his mouth, and tries to do things like climb ladders on bunk beds. He's that kind of kid who would walk right out the front door and down the street if you let him. This is a clear safety issue, and we've been spanking him promptly (and thoroughly) every time it happens. I'm not content to wait for the spankings to do their work, though. Yesterday, I ordered a playyard tent to attach to the top of his crib to make escape impossible. (He has always slept in a portable crib because of space limitations.) If you're worried your daughter can reach objects outside of her crib, or that she can climb out, I strongly encourage you to buy one. Here's the one I bought, and I paid for one day shipping. It'll ship today and get here tomorrow.


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Two weeks ago I stayed up much later than I usually do. I was replying to an email I had received that day from a friend. Close to midnight I checked on my 8 year old and witnessed her having an asthma attack (now I think they call them "episodes") and called my family doctor right away (she had never had asthma before). He told me to call an ambulance. She was in the hospital for 2 days and recovered well. I still try not to think about what could have happened if I went to bed at my normal time.


And as we read these stories we must acknowledge and grieve with all those other mothers who have lost children to freak accidents and "regular" accidents. I think we would all agree that those children didn't have angels who were sleeping on the job. God has his reasons why some folks live to be 91 (like my FIL) and why others die before they even experience a day on earth. I am a firm believer in Psalm 3:5 "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me".

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What a wake up call to you. Thank God your baby was OK! We know someone that wasn't so lucky. They put their baby down to a nap on their bed. Somehow, she managed to roll over on to their dry cleaning-- still in the plastic bag. She had some brain damage and will never be "normal", though she functions rather well considering. Chills me to the bone thinking about how fragile life is.



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