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Those who use a browser like Firefox.....

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We use Firefox. No problems except we couldn't use it with an online class--not compatible. We used Safari for the class. We have Firefox, Safari, and IE on our computer. Firefox is supposed to be a bit faster than Safari but nothing you'd really discern. Certainly nothing I notice.

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I use firefox, but never deleted internet explorer. I downloaded firefox because I was starting to find several sites that didn't work well in IE, and they suggested firefox. I haven't had any problems with it so far.


I guess I haven't gotten rid of IE just incase I ever find a site that is the opposite and doesn't work will with firefox. I have to remember, though, not to click on any links in my outlook express email, because it will automatically open up IE for the browser, even if I already have firefox open. Having both browsers open makes my computer angry, LOL. It usually freezes up.

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I left Explorer in place. There are some instances - Netflix instant watch, for instance - where stuff won't work with Firefox. Those are rare, though... in fact, Netflix instant watch is the only thing I use IE for, other than to do some browser compatibility testing for our own website the other day.


I've had no issues with Firefox that were specific to Firefox. (As in, the Netflix issue is due to the way they've set up their video system - I can watch trailers on their page with Firefox, and I can watch video from all other sources)


Google Chrome is new. I want to like it, but it's been a little glitchy. It's a beta version right now, though, so they're working out the kinks.

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I use firefox, but never deleted internet explorer. I downloaded firefox because I was starting to find several sites that didn't work well in IE, and they suggested firefox. I haven't had any problems with it so far.


I guess I haven't gotten rid of IE just incase I ever find a site that is the opposite and doesn't work will with firefox. I have to remember, though, not to click on any links in my outlook express email, because it will automatically open up IE for the browser, even if I already have firefox open. Having both browsers open makes my computer angry, LOL. It usually freezes up.



You can change that. I had the same issue. I can't remember how I changed it but it was under some setting and fairly easy to find once I poked around a little.


I use firefox and still have IE. My ds prefers IE on his computer, my dh has several browsers on his computer. I like that firefox underlines misspelled words.

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I use firefox, but never deleted internet explorer. I downloaded firefox because I was starting to find several sites that didn't work well in IE, and they suggested firefox. I haven't had any problems with it so far.


I guess I haven't gotten rid of IE just incase I ever find a site that is the opposite and doesn't work will with firefox. I have to remember, though, not to click on any links in my outlook express email, because it will automatically open up IE for the browser, even if I already have firefox open. Having both browsers open makes my computer angry, LOL. It usually freezes up.


You can download Thunderbird (free, also Mozilla, and more robust, like Outlook, rather than Outlook Express) and it will recognize Firefox as your default browser. I'm sure you can set Outlook Express to do that, but I haven't used that in so long, I have no idea where to change it. You can also set Firefox as your default browser, and it should automatically open when you click a link. (Tools-Options-Advanced)

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We have both Firefox and IE on our computers. My dh's IT department was absolutely anti-IE for security reasons a few years ago. I think that has changed but we still use Firefox as our default browser. It's been a few years since I've needed to use IE because of a glitch with Firefox.

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I started using Firefox on my laptop once I started having issues with IE. I left IE on my computer though just in case I ever have issues with Firefox.


I was told that IE is better than Firefox for uploading lots of pics. Not sure if that's true or not though.

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WE normally use Firefox but have IE for those times we get a picky site that won't allow it. I like Firefox much better. Now my two olders don't have WIndows operating systems. THey both have linux so I am thinking they don't have IE but don't know for sure. (Ds thinks linux is much better, dd15 can't get wireless internet is her far away room unless she uses linux.)

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I kept Internet Explorer for two reasons. One, if ever I have to reinstall the operating system, that is what comes on the original discs.


Second reason has to do with limits in Firefox for copying material. In Internet Explorer, if I want to copy-&-paste a paragraph for some purpose, all I need to is highlight the passage, then choose "print selected text" (or whatever the actual wording) to print that portion of the web page. In Firefox, often I cannot do this. Firefox will place a "black line box" around the entire text of the page, and refuse to print anything less than the entire text. Useless !


I ignore IE at all times unless forced to use it (by circumstances such as that cited).

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Just fyi, you can't actually remove IE from a Windows based computer. Parts of it do more than just act as a browser - it is an integral part of the operating system. The best you can do is set something else as your default browser. Even with Firefox etc. as the default, you will still need IE to get Windows Updates - which are necessary if you want to keep you computer safe and running well.

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I switched to Opera and left IE on my machine. I use it on very rare occasions when some aspect of a website won't work on Opera. That's extremely rare for me.


Same for me -- totally happy with Opera except you cannot use the "Look inside" feature on Amazon! So I probably use IE about once a month just for that. DH is a big Firefox fan and rarely uses IE.

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I use Firefox on both our home PC and on my MacBook. On the Mac I also have Safari, and on the PC we also have IE. There is no problem with having more than one browser installed on your computer.


My browser of choice is Firefox, but on occasion we run into a glitch with certain websites that are incompatible so we have the other browsers on hand as back-up when that happens. Now that I think about it though, that seems to happen less frequently now than in the past.




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