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So who has not finalized their curr. plans yet?


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I am such a waffler:confused:


We did NOT have a good year this past year, so I think it is making my choices all the more harder this year, since I want to buy my curriculum and FINISH it!!


So, reluctantly I am posting my ouloud thoughts for my 11 yo......


History/Literature- WP American Cultures

Science-WP Rock around the Earth and GP SYRWTL Science Book 1

LA-Queens Language Lessons for the Secondary Child Vol 1, and GP SYRWTL English Book 1 (alternating)

Vocabulary-Caesars English 1 from MCT

Writing-Writing Strands Book 5

Math- BJU Math 5

Study Skills-Galore Park

Logic/critical thinking-????


No wonder I have not ordered anything. Oh wait, I own ROE Science....LOL:lol:



Homeschool mommy to a 10 yo daughter

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Well, if you decide too early, you'll probably just change your mind :001_smile:.


My plan was to combine my sons into one Heart of Dakota program. But, I decided against it. So, I'm shelving that curriculum (I had purchased everything for it!) and they will do their own HOD programs.


My oldest will be doing Preparing Hearts for His Glory, Rod & Staff English 4, MathUSee, Manners Made Easy and Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek.


My youngest has already started Little Hearts for His Glory and he is continuing with First Language Lessons, Writing With Ease, Explode the Code, Noah Webster's Reading Handbook and Singapore Math.


I'm done planning for sure.

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Still working on mine too! :glare: Part of it was making myself focus on finishing this school year, and part is that I've needed to research to make changes for Latin and Math. I *think* (& hope) I'm just down to deciding on math for ds for 5th grade.

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This was the first year I had 2 kids and it was a big change. Those of you teach lots of kids are amazing.


I am trying to get over the fact that my bright, rising 4th grader will still be in 3rd level stuff . RS D, WWE 3, and FLL 3.

We didn't do any FLL, or very well in math this year,,, we just didn't move forward.


I have only taught dd one year so I haven't slowed her down too much. ( poor pitiful me,,, I'm such a bad mother,,, blah blah blah) That means that dd soon to be 7 and ds soon to be 9 are almost on the same level. I have already held him back on SOTW so we could do ancients together,,, and we ALMOST finished... blugh


We are concentrating on academics really hard this fall and not doing anything else in the AM, no co-op, etc. And there will be a " Come to Jesus" talk when we start. That We have to get up and get going in the mornings, and work hard, and stay focused...... and then I'll stop talking to the mirror,leave the bathroom and go start school work.


I am sorry you have had a dissappointing year, I guess we just have to keep the long view. Good luck!


~Christine in AL

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Well, I am done for my oldest. We are going back to the WTM for everything but science, and I am settled there.


For the youngest two, not so much! I bought the Sonlight Core 1 IG used and was so excited to start, and then life happened, and I am just not going to have that kind of time to devote to just one subject. I am now looking at HOD, but I don't want to combine the girls because I feel like the program works best and is only really open and go for one of them. Ugh.


Good luck! I have sworn that after I hit the next two big curriculum sales (June 4 and 8 here), I will make that decision and stick with it. I will probably only be able to go with HOD if I find the guides there. Otherwise, I will be (yet again, ugh) writing my own stuff to move forward, which I like but which makes me crazy because I can never figure out if we are doing enough or too much with my middle child. It would be so much easier to have someone else do the planning for her!

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Still trying to decide on grammar for my 11 yr old. It's been a while since I've had to do a major curriculum change (he finished out the curriculum he was using for the past five years), and I'm having a hard time choosing.


That, and I'm still going throuh SOTW IV and making selections for supplemental books from Amazon. With very limited library access we have to buy everything we think we'll need for the next year. So supplementals, plus whatever general reading the kids may need/want - that part is also a bit of a challenge.

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I keep finalizing mine, in my head. I know what I want to use, I know what my budget will allow, but I just can't get around my desire to use a curriculum that I can't afford to buy. I'm trying my best to get over it and be content with what I have. I keep telling myself that "it's the teacher that makes the year great," of course my next thought is " having the curriculum that you want can't hurt."

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I've got part of it but haven't even figured out what to do for the rest. Adding in a new preschooler this year (she was a pest about trying to help us school this year so giving her a curriculum seems like a good way to curtail that) will throw me for a loop I'm sure.


I need to fill out my paperwork for this year before I can REALLY concentrate on next year.

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I'm not even close. My 12yo is going to be on almost all new curriculum next year. I'm rethinking so much of what we've been using. On the upside, I have my littles pretty much nailed down. I am in desperate need of a convention and thank God, I think I'll be making it to one in July.

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I have everything finalized, except for art. Our homeschool convention is less than 3 weeks away, so I'll make a decision then. (I'm leaning toward Artistic Pursuits, but I want to see a copy of it first).


And...I just ordered a copy of the Latin Centered Curriculum, so...I may be changing a few things, and I'll need to make a decision about a Latin program, too. I'm leaning toward Minimus for my 9yo, as he didn't care for Latina Christiana AT ALL. I'm considering Cambridge for my 15yo.


Decisions...Decisions.... :)

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My plans are taking shape, but not 100% certain. For my 10 yo dd, it is looking like this:


Bible: Reading through the Epistles and Revelation. Bible Memory selected by me.


Language Arts: English from the Roots Up, Simply Grammar, Intermediate Language Lessons


History: Story of the World 1


Geography: Not sure if I will do anything extra for Geography


Science: CLP Nature Readers, Abeka


Math: ACE paces

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I'm still unsure on a few things. I had planned on using R.E.A.L. Science Earth and Space, and am now considering just using the resources in TWTM combined with museum classes. I am also still stuck on Latin. I'll have a young 2nd grader, so I had planned on SSL, but I keep reading that it's on the easy end for 2nd.... but everything else looks like it may involve a lot of writing. I may end up giving it a try anyway since my Ker will be able to tag along and an easy intro might be a good confidence builder.


I had also planned on using WWE next year, but I am reconsidering after reading the new WTM. I'm not sure that it would be so different from what I am already doing (the procedures outlined in the book for narrations, copywork, and dictation), and I am starting to feel that it qualifies more as a "want" than a "need."

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Well this is how are year will stack up (starting immediately). I am going to the Southeast Expo in August so who knows how I will modify.:tongue_smilie:



MUS Primer, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon/Zeta w/ Practical Arithmetic Books 1 and 2 as supplement.



Heart of Dakota: Preparing Hearts for His Glory for 11, 10, and 8 year olds.

Little Hearts for His Glory for 5 year old



Youngers will do HOD lessons, older Apologia General



Three levels of Rod and Staff, Queen's Language Lessons on 4 levels

HOD spelling and written narration lessons and Spelling Wisdom for oldest's dictations



First Form, Prima Latina



Picture Study for youngers and Artistic Pursuits for olders



Hymns, Simply Music (piano), guitar

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I'm pretty much decided. I just have to purchase stuff.


I just bought FLL 3 and SOTW activity guide vol 2. I used History Odyssey last year, and I want to try the SOTW guide as a comparison.


I think I know what I want for science, but I'm not ready to order yet. We have to finish what we have first.


I'm anxiously waiting for the phonics program to get here. I ordered it 10 days ago. I really really want to get ds reading fluently. I'm hoping that this is the year he makes a big improvement.


I'm trying to decide if I should get SSL to start Latin. Everything I've read says to wait until dc are reading well before starting Latin, but I'm getting impatient. So maybe Song School Latin will be gentle enough to start getting familiar with Latin.

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Still not 100% settled here...


I usually have it all planned out by now and I *thought* that we'd be using HOD. I confess that I'm an idealist and snuggling on the couch reading just sounds... well... so homey!


My reality is that our 2yo is becoming more active and vocal :willy_nilly:as well as napping less. He needs my time too, so I am looking at more independent sources.


We will still be doing our Bible and devotion together with minimal instruction for other subjects, being available whenever needed.


Possible line-up... but could shift with the wind :tongue_smilie::



  • Created for Work and Boyhood & Beyond as devotionals (very likely)
  • Bob Jones Writing & Grammar (likely)
  • CLP History & Literature (likely)
  • Dr. Fry's Spelling (tried and true)
  • Math U See (Definitely as we have had great success!)
  • Science??? :banghead: ('nuff said)
  • Prufrock Press logic titles
  • varying copywork, dictation, and narration (a mainstay)


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My reality is that our 2yo is becoming more active and vocal :willy_nilly:as well as napping less. He needs my time too, so I am looking at more independent sources.






This is so me, my little one will soon be 2 and he has somehow managed to switch his naps around and he goes down "most days" right as school is finished, but not without a fight. I don't know i'm going to get things done with my 1st grader:001_smile:

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I have not started planning at all. I switched spelling about 3 weeks ago because it was sooo not working. So my excuse is that I need to see if spelling is going to work out before I plan anymore. :001_rolleyes: I also don't know how it is going to workout with a new little one coming in September although our school year starts in August, go figure.


Hopefully I'll get really inspired at the convention here in a week and a half.

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Thank goodness for Rainbow Resource wish list. I keep adding and deleting.


These are my plans so far (subject to change at least a dozen times)

Saxon Math 54 and 76 (not changing)

A History of US (for 7th/8th grader)

Core Knowledge History/Geography (4th grade) or a series of history books from Rourke Publishing

Easy Grammar (for both)

Sequential Spelling (for both)

Real Science 4 Kids chemistry, volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunamis unit study, human body unit study (4th grader)

Apologia General Science (7th grader, I think.)

Write Source (for both. I have only seen sample pages I like a lot. Hopefully I will like as much when I purchase. Teachers book is over $100!!!).

I have stacks of books for both of them to read and do reports and all kinds of fun stuff with.

Plaid Phonics (for 4th grader, love love love)

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We are headed into our second year of homeschooling. Last summer, I bought a package with several subjects that we have used as supplementary in every case (sounded better than it was for us). We have not used the history portion yet, as it is solely about the United States. Instead, we did MOH Vol. 1 this year. We are supplementing with other resources to get through 400 A.D. (just a few lessons left). Next year, I was planning to take a year out to study American history with the curriculum we have, which is intended for young children, so I want to use it before my oldest is too old. It is a somewhat disorganized curriculum, and I have been poring over it night after night to make real lesson plans. Last night, I really questioned my decision to use it. Maybe I will go with SOTW 2 next year instead.


Is there much U.S. history in SOTW 3 and 4? Or is there time to supplement? I should probably post this question elsewhere or search the boards.


So yes, I am undecided now on history. Also, I haven't chosen a program to start Latin. And I really like the idea of using DITHOR but am wondering whether it will be too much work. My 1yo is now 21 months, and I was spoiled by him being my best napper ever and taking his nap in the morning, while we did much of our schoolwork. But that won't be the case anymore.


I think I know everything else I am using. History is weighing most heavily on me, though, as we loved history this year and want to keep that joy alive.


I guess I'll be back on the boards later tonight to search for my history questions! :D



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For a 8th and 6th grader:


Grammar: Analytical Grammar (a big change since we've been in R&S for years)


Spelling: I guess I'll continue with Spelling Power for the older and Spelling Workout for the younger. I don't love it but it works, I guess.


Math: continue with Chalkdust for the older but I'm thinking seriously of switching to Teaching Textbooks for the younger from Math Matters. I'll give it 2 or 3 more weeks before I decide.


History: continue with going through SOTW again with Kingfisher and Usborne Internet-Linked as supplements.


Science: RS4K I'd love to finish the level 1 books before Thanksgiving and move to doing level 2 slowly


Latin: just bought Lively Latin; I like the looks of it but also bought the full boat of LC1 last fall. I'd like to combine them since I did buy them :)


Writing: WWE to make sure we're caught up and on the right track. I'm doing a super fast run through until we need to slow down. After that we'll probably go back into Writing Strands or just utilize all the great info I got from SWB at the conference. I, foolishly, feel like I can do what she said without a curriculum. ;)


What am I missing? I can't remember...hmmm...I'll think of it.

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LOL..............This is how I feel when I am at Amazon.com!!!:lol:



My wish list is too long to make sense of. Now I use the "shopping list" option to get running totals for each order---so much easier.:)


My hubby's once-a-month moan usually involves the words "amazon bill".:D

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Cut and pasted from my thinking pad . . .


Curriculum 09-10

Math – Singapore, cybeRShala\

Latin – LL, Lonepine Classical, LfC

Spelling – All About Spelling

Memory – Same

writing – iew

asl -- unit/class?

History -- land of our lady?? How America grew?? one person used both.

Religion --

Geography --

Science – History of Science by Beautiful?





Math, Latin and Memory (mostly poetry memorization, prayers, scripture, and famous documents/speaches), IEW won't change; they'll just go up a level so that part was easy.


Art is on there b/c my daughter has asked for art lessons for a long time and I now think the time is right.


I'm actually thinking of teaching an ASL class this year. I'm still thinking about it, though.


For Language Arts, I'm not planning to do English Grammar this year. Yeah, really. With 2 latin programs, spelling, and writing I dont' think we need it. I plan to skip it in 5th, do it in 6th and 8th. 8th to get ready for HS English and 6th b/c it just doesn't seem right to go so long w/o. :tongue_smilie:


I have yet to find a geography curriculum that works for us. I want to focus on Am geog this year but still havent' found anything good. I really want it to go along with History, encompass memorization of states and capitals, draw the us freehand, major river/mts/landmarks/et c., but not be a huge program that consumes too much time. sigh . . .


Looking forward to History of Science.


violin and piano


martial arts.


oh, and history . . . undecided but the two I mentioned above look good.

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Yeah, don't jump too fast! In February and March, I bought and entire year worth of curric for BOTH of my kids. Had it all here and ready to go. In April, I found CLE, then Heart of Dakota. I sold EVERYTHING I had bought and changed the entire plan. Then I got into HOD and decided not to combine my kids afterall (after buying it, of course!). I did end up going with that for my oldest, though and just bought the one that "fit" my younger son in addition. Now, I am forcing myself not to look at other things. When I get the urge to look, I start planning next year day by day! That bores me pretty quickly and I move on. LOL

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I have most of our curriculum now. I'm still deciding on whether to do Latin for the first time or not, and if so which one to get. I'm also not sure about Logic for either of them--we've never formally done that either. I have many English/Grammar choices. I thought I had it all set out a month or more ago, but I see different things that I think might fit better and HAVE to try them. I sold quite a bit of my things, so I have more of a choice for this year! :) Here's what I have:


7th Grader

Math: LoF Beginning Algebra and CLE

Grammar: Queen's Language Lessons for the El. Child 2 and Hake

Science: Rainbow

Vocabulary: Vocab. From Classical Roots or Vocabu-Lit ??

Lit. Light: Books and Study Guides from Early American History, and others dd wanted to read. Will include some from Trail Guide to World Geography

History: The Teaching Company Early American History

Handwriting: To get her handwriting to flow more quickly, she'll work in the last book of the Getty-Dubay Italic Series. She did the one before that this year

Music & Art Appreciation: Harmony Fine Arts, grade 7--We're so excited for this one especially!

Latin: If we do it--Getting Started in Latin or The Great Latin Adventure ??

Foreign Language: If we do Latin, I may wait a year for Spanish. If we do Spanish I will do one, or a combination of: Visual Link, Spanish Now!, and Berlitz, I think ??

Geography: Draw Your World

Writing: Write Shop

Logic: Orbiting With Logic. Then what ??

Music: Piano Lessons


She's done LoF, a little Visual Link Spanish, and G-D Handwriting. All the other things are new. She wanted a break from R&S, since she struggles with Grammar, so we're trying a more gentle approach for her.


I want to thank everyone for all the suggestions they give that led us to these programs that we hope will work well for her!



But stop it now, okay? I can't afford any more!!! ;)

Edited by Brindee
Add logic and piano
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Guest bookwormmama

For next year, I pretty much have the basics planned out...


DD9: FLL3, WWE, Sonlight readers 2 Advanced, Math U See Gamma

DS8: HOP 2nd grade, FLL 1&2, Sonlight readers 2 Regular, Math U See Beta

DD6: Hooked on Phonics 1st grade, Sonlight readers 1, Math U See Alpha

DD5: OPG Reading, Sonlight readers K, Math U See Primer


For History: I can't decide between Sonlight Core 2 or SOTW 2

For Science: Everyone will be combined with Noeo Chemistry 1 {we did Biology 1 this year and it was a big hit!}

For Art: Everyone will be doing Artistic Pursuits

For Music: Piano lessons for everyone, except the kindergartener, some kind of classical music composer lessons of some kind... LOL

For PE: martial arts for everyone

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I *think* I am finished...now just need to order the things I have left to order! :001_smile:


DS (turns 9 in August):

Math: CLE, continue with 300 level, then onto 400

Spelling: Spelling Power and Explode the Code 8

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 4

Writing: Writing Tales 1

Handwriting: New American Cursive 2

Logic: Logic Countdown, and Logic Safari 2

Latin: The Great Latin Adventure book 1

Computers: The Great Logo Adventure

History: SOTW 2, and possibly read alouds from TQ AHYS 1

Science: A Child's Geography in the fall, Home Science Adventures magnetism kit in the spring

Music: Recorder and Alfred's piano books

Memorization: IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization

Homeschool Co-op classes

PE: Basketball

Bible/Reading: Day by Day Kid's Bible



DD (turns 7 in October):

Math: CLE, finish 100 level, then onto 200

Spelling/Phonics: Explode the Code finish book 4, then 5, 6, 7

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 2

Writing: Writing With Ease 2

Handwriting: New American Cursive 2

Logic: Primarily Logic, and Logic Safari 1

Latin: The Great Latin Adventure book 1 (vocabulary and pardigms only)

History: SOTW 2, and possibly read alouds from TQ AHYS 1

Science: A Child's Geography in the fall, Home Science Adventures magnetism kit in the spring

Music: Recorder and Alfred's piano books

Memorization: IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization

Homeschool Co-op classes

PE: Basketball

Bible/Reading: Day by Day Begin-to-Read Bible

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