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When you make a meal for a family as a help (ie new baby, sickness)...

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I never have made one in that situation, but several people brought meals over when dd was born.

One of our fav's was just a roasted chicken and mashed potatoes and corn bread from Boston Market, with a bag salad, brownies and a bottle of Ranch dressiing. Everything was on disposable dishes.


You could do the same, just with your own chicken, etc. Wild Rice (even Uncle Ben's) is good with it, instead of potatoes, if you want.

If there are other kids in the family, I'd keep it simple--no mixed foods, like lasagna or casseroles, since so many kids won't eat them.

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I make a lot of meals for people. It is one of the few ways I can minister to others in this season of life. I always have disposable containers on hand to transport so people do not have to return them. I just double what I am making for dinner. I do not always bring a dessert. I find people even appreciate soup and a loaf of homemade bead. I try to be sensitive to others meal preferences and I do call ahead and check to see what they like if I can. Sometimes I do it on the fly and call and say "Can you use some homemade chicken fingers and fries tonight?". I guess my post hasn't been too helpful. Bless your heart for taking such time and thought pondering how to bless others!



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I am actually fixing dinner for a family of five tonight. I am making porcupine meatballs (basically meatballs mixed with rice baked in tomato soup), salad in a bag, rolls and brownies. I had to planned to roast a chicken but it didn't thaw in time.

On Tuesday, I am fixing dinner for a friend whose daughter is having her tonsils and adenoids out. Since her dd won't be eating I am fixing spicy Korean food for them. Her dh loves spicy food.

Usually I try to fix something a bit different but with appeal for it's audience. After a total of 7 mos bedrest during my last two pregnancies I had a lot of meals brought to our family. Some weeks it seemed like a lot of repeats as in three lasagnas but with leftovers the next day it was six lasagnas. Some of the favorites in our family have been chicken enchiladas, grocery store rotisserie chicken, chicken fried steak and a roast. Chicken tenders were a big hit with the kids as was pizza.

For sides I usually try to include a starch, a veggie and dessert. Most of the time the veggie is a salad bag from the store. I don't have time to do it all. I also usually make a pan of brownies.

I always use tin pans from the store so that mom doesn't have to do dishes. Oh and I always check for allergies and dislikes before we get started.


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I am seemingly constantly making a meal for someone, so I have it down to a science, LOL. My usuals are:


Chicken Noodle Casserole with a salad and some crusty bread.


Stuffed Shells (basically lasagna, but with the meat in shells and the sauce and cheese over the top) with salad and bread.


Dh likes to make cornish game hens with orange sauce. I don't know where he got the recipe from. He will help out sometimes and make this, to which I add a vegetable, salad, and bread.


Chicken, broccoli, and rice with (you guessed it!) salad and bread.


I try to always either make double or make something that I can cook alongside it for my own family.


I always take a dessert, and I try to take muffins or cookies for snacking (especially if they have dc.) For dessert, I make chocolate pie, fruit pizza, strawberry shortcake, or Chocolate Trifle.


I like to put it all in disposable dishes and take plastic silverware and paper plates, napkins, a 2-liter of lemonade, and plastic cups (doesn't always happen.)

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Lately I've been making roasted chicken, wild rice, and broccoli/green beans.

If it's bread-making day I'll send a loaf of homemade bread. Dessert is usually either blondies or brownies.


I've also done pulled pork with homemade rolls and a bag of salad, spaghetti and meatballs/sausage, and once I ordered Chinese Food for a new mom.


I too have been blessed with many meals during difficult pregnancies and after childbirth. I really appreciated things that could be eaten for more than one meal.


I also really appreciated the person who called and said "What do you like on your pizza?" and had two delivered to my house.


I generally try to avoid a ton of garlic or gassy food for a new mom if she's breastfeeding, although some don't mind.

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Last year my brother became very ill. My mom and I put together 2 month's worth of freezer meals for them, so my bro and his wife wouldn't have to worry about either making dinner or major grocery shopping... we doubled all the meals so if they cooked the entire thing, they would have leftovers for lunch the next day.


(We split it up; one month's worth of dinners at a time, so it could all fit into their freezer. If you put the ingredients into ziplock bags, they can be frozen flat which also saves space.)


I used Saving Dinner's Freezer Menus.


We checked with them ahead of time; my brother had dietary restrictions, and I wanted to be sure to factor in their likes and dislikes. We ended up going with the Low Carb Freezer Mega Menu and it turned out fine! Many of the dishes do include veggies. But we also suggested that they supplement the dinners with bagged salad or frozen veggie bags that can be opened up and steamed in about 5 minutes for a healthy side dish.


The Saving Dinner download had a lot of great tips; it was really easy to follow along and streamline the assembly process.

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I've made baked Italian chicken with roasted red potatoes and green beans. This is as easy as it gets. You bake chicken booKs covered in creamy Italian dressing. You cut your red potatoes into cubes, toss with olive oil and some minced garlic and bake until almost tender, then toss in some frozen green beans and continue to bake until it's all tender. Top with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese. I bake these in disposable foil pans and badabing! Dinner.


I've also done spaghetti, salad and bread; chicken pot pie, salad and fruit; soups, salad and bread; pulled beef, rolls, potato salad, fruit. Sometimes I have time for dessert, other times I don't.

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any NON-tomato sauce/pasta dish. When we had our 6th baby, we got, I'm serious, *7* different baked ziti or penne dishes. That's out of 10 meals. :o Not that we didn't appreciate it, but...LOL


Some of the usual dishes I give are:


Turkey or Chicken Tetrazzini

Beef Stroganoff over noodles

Meatballs and gravy over rice, noodles or mashed potatoes (sometimes I give more than one side for variety)

Baked Parmesan Chicken

A pork loin roast that I have a good recipe for

A beef roast or roast chicken or turkey breast

The good old chicken and stuffing in the crockpot bake

Chicken a la King (over biscuits)

Beef and Broccoli over rice or noodles

Chicken stir fry over rice or noodles

White (Chicken) Enchiladas

White Lasagna


I always give a vegetable and bread or other starch side. Sometimes I throw in dessert, but usually not homemade. LOL Or I'll give a whole pineapple or melon for dessert, especially if it's a slightly spicy or Mexican meal. :)

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I first find out if they have any dietary restrictions or if they're vegetarian or something. What I make varies, but usually the main dish is some type of casserole type thing, then easy sides such as salad. I try to use disposable pans so they don't have to wash them or be concerned about returning then. I rarely stick to a recipe, so I'm not much help there.

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I try to take some type of red meat...either a roast with potatoes or meatloaf with mashed potatoes. Seems like everyone brings chicken or lasagna (sigh). I always bring dessert since it can be a real treat for those children who don't normally have it.


Finally, if there is a nursing mom, please don't take any spicy foods. I can't tell you how many chiles, enchiladas, taco casseroles I've received when having new babies....I ate the salads while the family ate the spicy dish.

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We had a dear friend who had a serious illness. Their family received meals for several months. When it was my turn, I made a beef roast with gravy, mashed potatoes and a salad. Again, I just doubled a meal for my own family. I put the food in foil containers with foil on top.


The kids called the next day to thank us for making something other than chicken or pasta. They said that, while they appreciated the meals, it was such a refreshing change.

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... what meal do you make and do you round it off with sides? What would your typical meal look like for a family of, say, 4-8 members? Additional info welcome: menus, recipes...along with ideas!


Thanks much!

I usually send pork chops and rice pilaf, some kind of green veggie, and a package of some nice cookies.
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I've made meatballs, shredded potato bake, corn, and salad. I make dessert if I have time and if there are lots of littles. If it's a 1st or 2nd baby, I know that for myself I was always overwhelmed with too many desserts and then I gained weight! My friend Jean brought me Shipwreck from Fix It and Forget It, with some dinner rolls. It was delicious. I think that you just need to think of what will transport well. I will take things to their house at 4:00 so they can bake it themselves so I don't have to transport hot dishes. Also, the disposable dishes are great, knowing you don't have to return them! Definitely find out what they're having because, yes, too many tomato based meals gets to be a lot!

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What do you use as a container for the soup?


When I make soups to bring to others, I usually put the soup in a large (gallon) freezer bag. Then they can freeze it if they don't want to use it that night, or they can just throw the bag away and heat it in their own pot that night.

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