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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I do Atkins and it works for me. I lost 35 lbs. and have kept it off for almost two years now. I'll be eating this way forever.:)
  2. You could alternate days of doing English and Greek.
  3. :iagree: We used FIAR when my older children were young. I couldn't have done it without the manual. We also used the Bible Supplement and Cookbook.
  4. Tacos and nachos Spaghetti with meatballs Homemade pizza Vegetable beef soup Chicken noodle soup BLT sandwiches and chips Chicken salad on bread or crackers or over lettuce Hamburgers, French fries, and coleslaw
  5. I have a couple of fall scented candles out right now. I am so ready for fall! I am sick of the heat & humidity of summer. It is ridiculous here. I think it's fine to do a little fall decorating now. I might do some this weekend in hopes that it will cause fall to arrive more quickly!:tongue_smilie:
  6. We love these old cartoons! Scooby Doo was my favorite as a child, and I suffered no ill effects from it.;)
  7. Drinking coffee and reading "fluff" Spa night with friends ( facials, pedicures, manicures, "girl" talk) Taking a long walk (sometimes listen to iPod and other times just enjoy the sounds of nature) Watching a comedy (movie or television show) Date night with hubby
  8. I eat low carb. I usually make and freeze a bulk of LC muffins, waffles, or pancakes. Then I can just pop them in the toaster or microwave each morning. My kiddos eat a variety of different things so they won't get tired of the same old thing. I will make and freeze pancakes or waffles for them, too. They also eat muffins, jelly or cinnamon toast, bagels and cream cheese, instant oatmeal, pop tarts, or fruit and yogurt. Sometimes we eat bacon and eggs, or I'll make a breakfast casserole the night before and refrigerate it to warm up the next day.
  9. I say rest tonight and drink plenty of fluids and take some Vitamin C. You need to take it easy over the next few days. Then hopefully you'll feel much better by Friday!
  10. Do you have a weekly planning sheet/schedule that you'd share with me? I am planning our study this week so that we can get started next week & I don't want to "reinvent the wheel" if someone else has already made a schedule. Thanks!
  11. Thanks. I'm not sure what we'll do for 7th and 8th yet, but we won't move up higher in Apologia until 9th...maybe we'll go back and do Apologia General Science.
  12. We joined a co-op for the first time this year, and my dd11 wants to take science. She is in 6th grade, so she falls into the middle school age group. They will be using Apologia Physical Science. I looked on the website and it's listed as 8th grade level & recommended to be taught the same year as pre-algebra. My dd11 will be doing Saxon 7/6 at home with me. I am just wondering if Apologia Physical Science will be too difficult for her, even with my help? Also, I intend for this to be her only science this year so that she & I will have plenty of time to work on it together at home as well as her working on it at co-op. So, do you all think she can handle it? Thanks!
  13. You might want to check this out: http://www.home-school-curriculum.com/product/cantering-the-country
  14. Sounds like you had a great birthday! :001_smile:
  15. Hope all goes well and that this new season of life brings many blessings!
  16. :D That is so wonderful! You and your son should be so proud.
  17. :lol: and :tongue_smilie: and:001_huh: That is WAY worse than the pee stick! Although the pee stick FB pics gross me out, too.
  18. We own 10, but I need more. I'm just running out of room for them.
  19. I would eat it all, even though I'm a low carber. Also I enjoy General Tso's chicken...spicy and very tasty!
  20. I go from both ends of the spectrum: peace and throwing fits. I am currently dealing with dd4's diagnosis of much more significant special needs than we anticipated. I am struggling right now. I honestly feel angry and overwhelmed more than peaceful.
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