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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I personally haven't put the two together, but I am using (and loving) FUFI with ds9 this year. I am sure you could make it work with SOTW 4.
  2. I am thinking ahead to Christmas. I need ideas for my dd4 (she is visually impaired & developmentally delayed & has limited verbal skills.) Any thoughts/ideas?
  3. We have bookshelves in every room (even in one of our bathrooms.) One entire wall of my dining room is bookshelves & so is half a wall in my living room.
  4. Funny you should post this! I am just compiling my kids' Christmas list right now. This is what we have so far: (work in progress) Ds19 & ddil 18 Visa gift card Dd11 One Direction CD One Direction movie "The Only Way is Up" A "big" shopping spree Ds9 Lego set Nintendo 3DS & games X Box games Dd4 Monster Toss *Still need more ideas for her*
  5. We have a light day tomorrow, but that is our *typical* Monday b/c that is our co-op day.
  6. Ds9 and I are using it this year. We are LOVING it! There are so many activities to pick & choose from so that you can do the ones that best suit your family. We have had some great discussions already, only being two weeks in to the study. I highly recommend it.
  7. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I experienced two miscarriages in a row and I know how painful it is. I am praying for you.:grouphug:
  8. I wouldn't eat it, but I'm really picky about things like dates on food.
  9. We have co-op on Mondays, dd11 has church youth group on Wednesday nights, and we all have church on Sundays. That is all we're doing right now. That is all we can do at the current season of life.
  10. And ds9 and I are LOVING it! That's all.:) Anyone else trying something new this year that's a big hit?
  11. Frog and Toad series Mouse Tales Owl at Home
  12. The book How to Talk so Teens Will Listen and Listen so Teens Will Talk may help.
  13. Historic sites and natural wonders would be my choice. Other than airports, I've never been out of the SE United States...but I have been to Mexico and China!
  14. :iagree: Also, the intrinsic reward of grasping difficult concepts. And the awesome experience of learning just for the sake of learning.:)
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