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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. How have you (or would you) do this? I am a member of the SL-CM Yahoo group, but I thought I'd ask here, too. BTW, this is for dd11. Thanks!
  2. My dd4 has several, so I totally know what Mongolian spots are.
  3. Those are great ideas. I am going to supplement, too. And of course chase rabbit trails as our interest is sparked!
  4. :lol: I love the IKEA idea!!! I might have the kids do that in Wal-Mart so we can make it into one of those "People of Wal-Mart" videos.:tongue_smilie:
  5. I will be using Further Up and Further In (a unit study based on The Chronicle of Narnia series) with my ds9 this upcoming school year. You can view it at this link: http://www.cadroncreek.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=Narnia_001 I am just wondering if anyone else is using this for the upcoming school year. I thought we could share ideas, resources, activities, websites, etc. I am part of the FUFI Yahoo group & I just found some good stuff in their files. Also, here is a link to a free lapbook for The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/lion_witch_wardrobe.php
  6. I would continue. My dd11 had no problems a few years ago with transitioning from Saxon 3 to Saxon 5/4. She was actually excited that she didn't have "workbooks" anymore.:) She felt like she was really grown up when she had a notebook and couldn't write in the book.
  7. Here are a couple of helpful links: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/holiday_specials/holiday_specials.php http://www.homeschoolshare.com/books_by_season.php
  8. I voted for literature. We use a ton of living books.
  9. We have bookshelves in every room, including our master bathroom.:) Our dining room has one wall that is entirely bookshelves (this is our "school room.") Our living room has a bookshelf that takes up half a wall.
  10. I looked at TOG a few years ago, but it looked overwhelming to me. Now, due to budget constraints, I couldn't afford it. Thankfully I have all the SL Core F materials and the FUFI materials on hand now.:)
  11. Have you looked at Beautiful Feet's Geography Through Literature program? It looks nice.
  12. Thank you! I am in the midst of copying your ideas now.:) Also, I am following your blog, too. I am known as "redkitchen" in the blogging world. Thanks to everyone else for your thoughts and ideas, too. You all have given me peace and confirmation in my decision. I think I will actually have more peace and more time with separate schooling because (hopefully) I will be settling fewer disagreements between my children.:tongue_smilie:
  13. Who does this? Will you please share your schedule with me? I'd love to see how you balance individual teaching time for each child. We have always done readalouds, Bible, history, geography, and (often) science together. It is not working for us anymore because: 1. Dd11 is ready for Sonlight Core F, and ds9 is not. 2. Both children (regardless of my attempts to resolve this) interrupt each other when we're having book discussions. This then leads to bickering and I am frankly sick of it.:glare: 3. Often one child wants me to read another chapter, but the other doesn't. This also leads to more bickering between them.:001_huh::confused: 4. I think both of them (my middle two) are in need of having something "all their own." I plan to use SL Core F with my dd11 and use Further Up and Further In (unit study using The Chronicles of Narnia series.) I discussed this plan with them, and they like it. My dd11 especially is eager to be taught separately from her little brother. So, now I am in need of ideas on how to make this work, especially since I'm also taking care of (as well as teaching) my little one with special needs. Thanks for sharing schedules/advice/tips with me!
  14. Break? Only when there are extenuating circumstances. ;)
  15. :D Wonderful! Thank you for sharing. So encouraging!
  16. It seems like dd4 suffers from extreme separation anxiety. She cries and hits her head when dh and I are out of her sight. She is visually impaired and has developmental delays, and may also be on the autism spectrum. So, due to these different factors, it is so difficult to pinpoint which one is causing her issues, or if it's a combination of all of them. We are working with a neurologist, a pediatrician, a vision therapist, and a pediatric opthalmologist, so hopefully we will have more answers soon.
  17. No, I wouldn't complain. I was served by a guy wearing those on Halloween at Starbucks. I thought they were pretty cool.:tongue_smilie:On days when I don't get enough sleep the night before, I look like that anyway.;)
  18. I think it's a great idea, too. We are moving into a more interest-led style of schooling for this coming year, and I am so excited!:) I think your children will be delighted.
  19. We are moving into a more relaxed, interest-led learning style this coming school year. We are taking a break from Sonlight so my ds9 will be older when we do Core F. We are going to use Further Up and Further In (unit study using the Chronicles of Narnia series.) I also purchased some "fun" math books for our "Fun Fridays." We will take rabbit trails and simply enjoy learning. We are working on connecting as a family. I feel like we just need a breath of fresh air in our homeschool and in our lives, period.:) I have several recent blog posts about this subject.
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