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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I cannot: whistle. curl my tongue. drive a stick shift. do the grilling. (That's hubby's job, anyway.;))
  2. We will get complete results from dd4's testing in a few weeks. I *think* I know what her diagnosis will be, but part of me dreads it anyway. I can imagine how you must feel. Also, we adopted her from China at the age of 21 months & she was very, very far behind developmentally, to put it mildly. She is currently on the level of a "typical" 18 to 24 month old. It is encouraging to hear that the doctor believes your daughter will catch up with therapy and hard work. Hold on to that on the hard days.:)
  3. :grouphug: I am so sorry for your pain, but what a beautiful testimony to your husband. I am praying for you.
  4. Great to hear the positive review! I am really looking forward to using it with my ds9. :)
  5. I follow an interest-led style of teaching with my special needs daughter, so what and how much we do varies from day to day. She is only four, though, so I am not sure what her schooling will look like when she's older.
  6. :iagree: I've heard the same "letting go" cr*p about my special needs daughter and she's only four. I am so sorry this happened to your son. You are absolutely justified in your feelings.:grouphug:
  7. Weekend: I planned for the upcoming school week, printed chore charts, and did the weekly grocery shopping on Saturday. I went to church this morning and this afternoon I worked on an article I'm writing for a homeschool magazine. Temp.: 92 :tongue_smilie: Super power: invisibility
  8. Rainbow Resource Sonlight Winter Promise Queen's Homeschool Oak Meadow Home Science Tools Veritas Press
  9. Those are great ideas. I'm doing FUFI, but these are some great add-on ideas.:)
  10. I think you did a beautiful job of speaking what was on your heart, especially considering the stress you were under personally due to your own medical issues.
  11. I am so sorry. I am praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  12. I am thinking about contacting her superior. I am no longer angry, but I do think it needs to be addressed. Sensitivity training would be beneficial.
  13. Thank you for your kind words. Also, thank you to all who posted. I am still thinking about contacting her superior, not because I'm angry anymore (I'm not) but because there obviously needs to be some sensitivity training in this area. And I see this is a really "hot" topic. It does bring out a great deal of anger, hurt, and pain. I hope we can learn from this and all think before we speak (or type.) I know I'm continuously learning things as a special needs parent that I didn't know before I became one. :)
  14. Dd had to be sedated for an EEG. She did well. We are in the process of getting a complete diagnosis for her. She is adopted from China, so we don't have any family history on her. She had bloodwork/urinalysis done several months ago for a genetic/chromosomal study so we can get more answers. Dd is visually impaired due to a genetic condition, so neurologist suspects she also has other genetic conditions as well. She is healthy, though, praise God! And usually she is happy, but she does hit herself in the head when she's frustrated or upset. That is the hardest thing to deal with right now.
  15. Yesterday my dd4 (special needs) had a test done at the hospital. So, it's obvious that she is a special needs child when you meet her, not to mention it was documented on her chart which the nurse had and also I had to give the diagnosis to the nurse during pre-op for the test yesterday and the reason for the test is b/c we are in search of a complete diagnosis...so my point here is that the nurse KNEW my daughter is special needs. Well, this nurse used the word "retarded" twice. No, she did not use it to describe my daughter. She used it to describe one of her own children in this statement, "He is outgoing. He is goofy and retarded.":confused: Then a few minutes later she described one of the machines they use in the test as "retarded." I just sat there, fuming inside, but did not say anything. I wish I had, but I was just so focused on my dd4 that I couldn't think of exactly what to say. What would you have done?
  16. Yesterday my dd4 (special needs) had a test done at the hospital. So, it's obvious that she is a special needs child when you meet her, not to mention it was documented on her chart which the nurse had and also I had to give the diagnosis to the nurse during pre-op for the test yesterday and the reason for the test is b/c we are in search of a complete diagnosis...so my point here is that the nurse KNEW my daughter is special needs. Well, this nurse used the word "retarded" twice. No, she did not use it to describe my daughter. She used it to describe one of her own children in this statement, "He is outgoing. He is goofy and retarded.":confused: Then a few minutes later she described one of the machines they use in the test as "retarded." I just sat there, fuming inside, but did not say anything. I wish I had, but I was just so focused on my dd4 that I couldn't think of exactly what to say. What would you have done?
  17. Ugh, waiting is so hard. My dd4 had a test done yesterday, whick took the hospital almost three months to schedule. Plus, now we have to wait another month to get the results. Also, she had bloodwork drawn and a urinalysis done back in March...we will also be getting these results...FINALLY...at the end of next month! Hang in there, and just take it one day at a time. At least you're on the path to discovery. That's what I keep telling myself.;)
  18. If you still need input, you can PM me. My daughter is 11.5, and I'd be happy to help you.
  19. My youngest played with a ball today. :) Really big deal for her! Ds9 helped me cook supper. Dd11 and I watched a Twilight fan special. Dh said I look good even when I'm not wearing makeup and didn't straighten my hair. ;)
  20. I get that way sometimes, too, even though I am content with the four children I have. Weird, I guess, but apparently I'm in good company.:)
  21. I really like the looks of their Discovering Nature series. Anyone used those?
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