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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. :grouphug: Congratulations. Praying that all goes well.
  2. I am hoping to connect with a local support group if one is available. I just ordered the book on PBS. Thank you.
  3. Thank you all. I am in a better place today. I appreciate the encouraging words and the prayers. I am grateful for boards like this.
  4. :iagree: My dd11 wanted to go see it, but I haven't let her watch any of this particular Batman series yet. Yet, if there was a midnight showing of a movie I'd let her watch, then I'd take her. This kind of thing could happen in broad daylight. And, as a matter of fact, my children and I were almost carjacked at a local Wal-Mart at 9:30 in the morning a few years ago. Does that mean I shouldn't have been grocery shopping with my kids in the morning?
  5. So, yesterday, the neurologist told us that dd4's EEG showed very slow brain activity & that she is severely developmentally delayed. He also said that she will not be "functional" as a "normal" child. He also based his diagnosis on observing her and asking for our input. While this was not a surprise for us, the words are still painful and difficult to digest. When we adopted her, we were not aware of the significance of her delays...all we were told that was that she is visually impaired (which she is.) Right now I am feeling anger and sadness, in addition to just being plain overwhelmed. I love my daughter, but I feel like I've been blindsided. I am really struggling with this. Any advice and encouragement would be appreciated.
  6. We used it and loved it. We also used the FIAR Cookbook and Bible supplement. We used the "extras" here, too: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/five_in_a_row_resources.php
  7. My "middle" two kiddos love old phone books. They use them in their "games." They are either a list of customers for the store/company my kids "manage," or they are a list of "soldiers" when they play "Army" (see my oldest's occupation in my siggy.) They use them for other lists as well. Of course I told them NOT to call anyone. ;) This thread has given me a great idea for repurposing that old RR catalog. I'll give it to my children & they can use it to play "school store.":)
  8. I looked at that for my youngest. It looks great. I might use it with her in a year or two. Let us know what you think of it when you get it.:)
  9. My little one, suspected ASD, LOVES water. We have to be really careful b/c she has absolutely NO fear of any water.
  10. I'm a SAHM who produces no income. I tried babysitting a little one last school year, but I had to give it up b/c of my own little one's special needs & the attention she requires, not to mention homeschooling duties as well. So, nope, I don't make any money, but I do try to save it.;)
  11. I dust then vacuum b/c we have a Rainbow. It sucks up all the dust that falls to the floor.;)
  12. My oldest LOVED it as a child, and I liked watching it with him. It was really funny! My younger kids really don't know much about it, though, since it was before their "time."
  13. Thanks for the list. I'm doing FUFI with my ds9 this coming year, so this is very timely for me.:)
  14. :grouphug: I am sorry about all that you've been through. I hope everything gets better.
  15. My sister has (maybe had) PCOS, and she lost a great deal of weight following the Atkins plan. I live an Atkins lifestyle as well & I lost 35 lbs. and have kept it off for almost two years. It is a lifestyle commitment, though, and you have to stick with it. I find that it's worth it, though, and so does my sister. Here are a few links you might want to check out: http://genaw.com/lowcarb/ http://www.atkins.com/Home.aspx http://holdthetoast.com/
  16. Although there are difficult days, I generally love both the teaching and the lifestyle of homeschooling. I have realized, though, that it's important for me to have time alone. Dh is good about taking charge of the kids when he's home so that I can have some *me* time. Perhaps you need to schedule some time for yourself. It really helps me! Also, as others posted, switch gears in homeschooling. Find what works best for your family.:)
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