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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Eating low carb actually helps me with my moods. I feel better and don't struggle as much with depression as I did pre-LC. Maybe it's circumstantial. Praying that you feel better soon.
  2. I haven't seen the BBC version, but we own the 2005 version & it is nicely done. We might watch the BBC version some time soon, though, since my ds9 is using http://www.cadroncreek.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=Narnia_001 this year.
  3. :D Be proud! Also, I would count this as academic time.
  4. :grouphug: The hard times can be so hard, but I'm praying that there is a much brighter time in the near future. Lots of love being sent your way!:grouphug:
  5. Yes, you are ruining your child.;):tongue_smilie: My ds9 LOVES them, but I despise them myself when I step on one he left on the floor. OUCH!!!
  6. Coffee with sugar free vanilla & chocolate coffee syrup (tbsp. of each) and a little heavy cream. Yummy!:)
  7. :grouphug: My son was over there during some of the same type occurences last year. I am praying.:grouphug:
  8. I am currently using it with my dd4, who has special needs. I am personally finding it very useful with her b/c she does not "catch" skills like my older children did. I have to be intentional with her, and it has helped me to do that. I think it's worth the $5. You could pick & choose activities or tweak them to your preference.
  9. I'm okay with organized homeschool books and materials being visible in our living room & dining room areas. We have large bookshelves in each room & they are organized according to topics. In the dining room, I have see-through plastic bins labeled with names of items they contain, as well as a wall map, a number line, and two dry erase boards. So, nope, it doesn't bother me, as long as it's neatly stored.:)
  10. That is awesome! My dd11 is writing a novel just for fun, which I think is pretty cool.
  11. :lurk5: I'm using the older Core F (5) with my dd11 this year, and I know they did a lot of changing of this core. I'd love to hear from someone using the new version so I can decide which one to use when my ds9 gets there in a couple of years.
  12. :tongue_smilie: Ugh, that is frustrating!
  13. If your son wants to make notebook pages for the less "serious" books, then I would go for it. :)
  14. Mashed potatoes: add some milk, butter, cream cheese, salt, & pepper. Then mash away!
  15. :grouphug: Sorry you had to deal with that, especially coming from your mom. It is not true, though!
  16. That is HUGE!:) -My dd4 (special needs) differentiated between a block & a bowl by picking up the right object when I named it & also by naming it correctly when I handed it to her. -My ds9 had his first 4th grade math lesson today & he answered all of his problems correctly. -My dd11 made 100% on her timed math fact drill. -My ds9 & dd11 played well together after school today...no bickering!
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