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Everything posted by hopskipjump

  1. It is ridiculous how difficult it is to secure a PSAT site. Our local option will only agree to put homeschoolers on the waiting list and let us know a week before the PSAT whether or not they have an opening. Luckily, the years we've needed a PSAT test available, they've had one - but the STRESS it causes! Canceling on you after taking fees and agreeing to test is ludicrous. Risky... BAH! :cursing:
  2. Oh crap. I didn't want to harass the local AP facilitator until after the Christmas break - plus we are on the fence about several AP exams. Going to try to find out if that school's district is participating in this pilot program without bugging the facilitator. Why are they always messing with stuff?? Argh!
  3. He is disgusting. I feel awful for his ex-wife and his young son. What a legacy.
  4. :party: I remember that feeling of relief!! Congrats! :)
  5. I'd get involved at this point. Sometimes the "establishment" needs a little push-back in situations like this. Especially for your dds room, which was set up as a single originally. Things might be more complicated for her roommate, being in a double room - I've heard of universities charging "Double" when a person was willing to "double" with someone, but no one else showed up. Perhaps, if they insist that both rooms are "doubles" - your dd and her roommate could share the larger double rather than your dd being squished into a "fake" double room situation? As far as the roaches - I'd absolutely follow up with an angry-mom phone call on that. I figure - at this point - your kid is accepted to the university and dealing with the rooming people isn't in the same world as contacting a professor about a small issue, kwim?). And roaches fully warrant an angry-mom. Ew.
  6. We have a few cats who roam the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure they're not strays - just someone else's outdoor kitties. They don't bother us (unless we are taking something outside in the dark and one of them launches across the yard right toward our feet! Eeeeeek!) However... we have a car that we keep parked outside in the driveway instead of in the garage. An orange tabby has recently taken up residence in/under the car. I sometimes look under the car before getting in it - and don't see him. But when I open the door and get inside the car, he'll go shooting out from beneath the car up to our front window/bushes. I'm terrified we're going to either start the car with him inside the engine - especially as the colder weather sets in (that's a thing that can happen, isn't it? Or is it an Old Wives Tale?) or roll over him when pulling out of the driveway unable to see him (if he stays beneath the car and gets caught with a tire). Has anyone used anything successfully to repel cats from their yard? This tabby is a relatively new cat to the neighborhood. (Parking the car in the garage isn't an option. Three-car garage is already occupied)
  7. What a sweet baby! :001_wub: Congratulations!
  8. Soccer and t-ball were the two outside activities that I absolutely loathed. 1-3 of our kids were in soccer for about a 4-year stretch. I hated being outside in the middle of the day, hated rushing dinner for practices, hated the weekends being obliterated due to soccer games, hated the unpredictability of soccer tournaments... all of it. Luckily 2/3 kids found other sports that I actually enjoyed being involved with. The third child still misses soccer but I just could. not. do. it. any. more. (I would have reconsidered if this child had potential to play in college... but they did not. So we focused on other hobbies they enjoyed even more). I'm also introverted - but have found that I didn't mind kids' outside activities if a) THEY really, really love what they are doing and b) I can find a way to make it work with my own schedule (aka find a nice place to go while they are at practice like a library or something...) or c) I enjoy the company of the other waiting parents.
  9. 100% depends on the individual troop's rules. Our troop did the outdoor selling thing maximum one day per year - 2 hours. That was it. We also had very low minimums (basically our minimum was whatever the Girl Scout minimum was to qualify for various activities/patches). Hope you find a troop that fits within your comfort level on the cookies!! :) My girls loved Girl Scouts! :)
  10. Whoo boy! So true! OP : Glad that you've contacted the teacher. Go to the principal if the teacher isn't much help. Happy that your dd came to you about the situation. ♥
  11. I would wait. It's only until late Saturday or Sunday... so I would err on the side of caution for her friend's feelings. deleted the rest of my post. I know it's not the same situation, lol - just our personal experience that reminded me of the situation. :) :) Bless you for thinking about dd's friend's feelings. That's incredibly sweet (and you're not a bad person by any means if you decide to give it to her now! Just... even if friend seems okay she might feel bad on the inside...)
  12. Sounds like a good plan to me! Some kids are burned out on school - intending a graduate degree, but not wanting to start right away. Bartenders can save up a lot of money to put toward grad school when the time comes. (signed, Auntie to several "temporary" bartenders and one who decided to stay in the trade for good... :) )
  13. The school my ds would've attended if he'd have chosen public school last year takes their 8th graders to London. I have no idea of the cost, but... wow. AMEN!! :lol:
  14. This was never an issue for dd1. There were several AP classes she took that she didn't take the exam for. In our thoughts at the time, she didn't want to get college calc or physics, for instance, because she wanted to take them again in college. She didn't bother with Psychology because, at the time, it wasn't a class she needed for college graduation (she changed majors, incidentally, and DOES need Psych after alll... but she took it last semester and it was one of her very favorite classes!) I believe I made a slight mention of the "discrepancy" in the counselor letter. Simply noting that some AP exams weren't necessary for her to take. No one questioned her transcript. ðŸ‘
  15. OP - PROUD of your daughter for handling that slight misstep in such a responsible, level-headed manner!!! As you can see below, I basically had a meltdown when something similar happened to me. :001_rolleyes: {{shiver}} THIS is why I quit college!!! Honest-to-goodness, I had a class at a community college that was partially "online" (at that time, you had to go to their computer lab, watch video lectures, and answer quizzes on their computers) and partially in person (tests, required study groups, and a few random lectures). The in-person classes were ALWAYS in a different room. So, I waltzed in for the final exam and looked around and saw zero familiar faces. Looked at the professor - and nope. Never seen him before. THEN I realize that the entire class has been sitting there for a while - I'd just walked right in in the middle of some other class. To this day, I'm not sure if I was even in the right building... or if I had the wrong time... or if I just opened the door next-door to where I shoud've been... because I didn't take enough time to assess the situation. :leaving: Instead... I slowly backed out of the room (as the professor is saying, "Can I help you with anything? Are you lost?") and RAN down the hallway, flew out the door, and never ever went back. :gnorsi: That was it! I knew I'd have to acknowledge that I didn't take the final if I did (I don't know what happened? I assume I was given a zero for the final? I never found out where/when my class actually met for that final exam), so I never even looked at my final transcript. Things came in the mail and I threw them away. I'd HAD a 98% in that class. Didn't finish my other final that semester either. :rolleyes: (because that would have involved walking back onto that campus...) It was a spectacular crash and burn. For a highly anxious, insecure introvert - that was about the worst thing that could've happened. lol :svengo: I guess I could've been naked... but I'm really not sure if that would have made it worse... just... different. lol Twenty years later, I still have anxiety at the memory. Getting ready to put on my big girl panties and go back and get that degree after all. And even though I've changed a lot and am no longer quite that anxious (thank the good lord I've developed quite a sense of humor about myself!!)... I AM going to have to breathe in and out a few times before I walk into the door again and psych myself up.
  16. That is wonderful!! What a load off his shoulders for senior year!!!
  17. LOL - well, we didn't buy it FOR the ACT, specifically. She just took it because we knew it was on the approved list and I can't remember another occasion when she used it specifically. lol Everyone has always told me that the kids had better get used to using graphing calculators because they will absolutely NEED to know how to use them in college. So it's just funny to see that it's a mixed bag as to whether or not she'll ever use the thing again. This realization makes me less insistent that ds become fluent in using the graphing calculator vs his trusty old scientific one.
  18. P.S. wait a second.... most science and math classes also don't allow graphing calculators? Did I buy her this thing literally so she could take the ACT with it? Yikes! (She still has to take Calc. Has already taken Bio but Chem and Physics are next year...) I just bought our third graphing calculator recently. Maybe should've given ds dd's old pink one instead (he *hates* the graphing calculator. I told him he neeeeeds to learn to use it so he can use it in college!! lolol Joke might be on me!) At least dd will be prepared with both types of calculator for the next few years! lol
  19. So funny to read this here tonight! DD was just grumbling about having to pick up a regular scientific calculator at Target because her stats class doesn't allow her graphing calculator. (Would've been nice if that had been noted anywhere on the class listing since we have about 10 of those things floating around our house that she could have taken with her!!) At least, as far as surprises go, it's a relatively small expense. 😄
  20. Oh myyyyyyyyy. :eek: My eyes are fatigued from that experience. Why is there random office furniture in the "living room" spaces? Why (what looks to be) outdoor wicker furniture in bedrooms? Why so many beds in all the rooms? (although, reading the previous owner's former career... maybe that 'splains it?) What happened to the third lion in photo 23? Who got angry and took him out? So many questions. I don't think the photographer did them any favors. The photoshop is heavy with the sharpening tools. If there ever was a house that needed a softer focus --- this is it.
  21. Ah, yes - she's renting but using Post-Its for notes and using little bookmark post-its and transparent Post-Its for mini-highlighting. Can't do that in an book! lol (I know some you can "highlight" and take notes but if dd physically writing the words... she doesn't remember a bit of the information! lol
  22. That's an extremely kind and thoughtful thing to do. Especially on the 2nd anniversary of his death... I imagine many ppl feel very alone once it's past that first year. They are still sad at that time, but most others have moved on. Knowing that her husband is still being actively remembered by others would mean a great deal, I would think.
  23. People have complained about the cost of university texts for decades - and with these stupid codes it's gotten so much worse. Turns out that dd didn't need the Stats code. So we spent around $300 and could've spent $45. She has a new-to-this-uni instructor and this one doesn't use the code. She is the only math instructor for this class.l not using the code. Even though book/code is what was listed. So we can resale with the code... but it'll still cost more than buying the used $45 book would've!! Then the $300 anatomy book??? Turns out, the ISBN-class-specific package was only the code and the (consumable) lab book!!!! The freaking text is an e-book!!! So that's $300 thrown to the wind. :( AND I got to spent ANOTHER $50 to rent an older edition of the textbook (to RENT the newer edition was $150 O_O ). DD has comprehension issues with e-reading and really needs a paper book to write and highlight in. *sigh* This is not a happy semester. :/
  24. Kids-at-home are 17 and 15. Thankfully - plenty old enough to wipe their own fingerprints and help keep this place clean. :D I've been waiting for years for them to be old enough for me to have the sanity to keep this house tip-top clean and ready-to-sell. lol Couldn't have mentally managed that when they were younger. :lol:
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