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Everything posted by gstharr

  1. I have not purchased a book from a private overseas seller. But, I was recently considering it for the new 8th grader's Human Anatomy book (Elaine Marieb). Its around $200 new. Saw many european editions for around $50.00. Did not pull the trigger because of concerned raised when all said the book might come with a different cover. As to overseas publishers or big companies--no problems. I think we got all the Murderous Math books from England. good luck
  2. Don't wimp out and buy your beads. Gotta earn them.
  3. From the CollegeBoard re 7th and 8th grade SAT testers: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/special-circumstances/younger-students
  4. The 13 y.o played a round at the local par 3, and came in four under. He is pretty solid 100 yards in. Went to search how that compares to others his age. As soon as I entered "13 y.o shoots 24", i knew I made a mistake. Pretty sad what came up.
  5. The new 8th grader qualified for this summer CTD programs using his 6th grade PSAT taken through CTY. Just downloaded a copy to CTD during application process.
  6. Goo job. Is there a special sign up to have early release of scores?. The new 8th grader took the June 2nd exam for CTY/SET. The release date is otherwise posted as July 11th. WHOOPS! He took the SAT.
  7. The new 8th grader had a couple of periods where he had to redo or pause afterschool math. In the 1st grade he completed Redbird 2nd and 3rd grade in a year. But, in the second grade doing the 4th grade class, he hit a roadblock. He was doing excellent in the class, but the final was word problem heavy. He just could not read and understand the test questions. I had to sit with him and translate the questions, in a way that would not reveal the how to. He completed pre-alg in 3rd grade, but seemed have lost all of it over summer break. Had to redo pre-alg in 4th grade. algebra 1 took 1 1/2 years to master. In short, there will be period that young children need to mature more before moving on.
  8. Thanks for explanation. Was hoping to hear from you. The reason for the slow down was so that we could progress with math, while working in science.
  9. The new 8th grader is wrapping up the first half of Thinkwell pre-cal. The second half is trig and should go quickly as he has studied Russian geometry with his circle for a couple of years. Anyway, planning the next step for calculus. As background, he attends school, and I don't plan any acceleration before the 10th grade when he can simply pick classes without jumping through hoops. He will be starting alg 1 at school, and will not hit precal until the 10th grade. Since we are so far ahead, I intend to slow calculus to 18-24 months. What ever option picked, he will finish by or before the end of 9th grade. That being our situation, I am considering either starting with AP cal bc, or college calc (combined I & II). All the college calc material I've seen suggest that a kid who plans on taking the AP exam should take the ab, or bc classes instead because the classes are oriented to the ap exam. But, I thinking that he his going to have to take college calc anyway for health professional schools. Might as well get started now, since he can work at a relaxed pace. Is there something inherently different in the materials, or some need for ap before college calc. If I try to accelerate him at 10th, will he still be ready for the AP exam if we skip the classes. thanks.
  10. Great Speeches of 20th Century ~ Great Speeches Of The 20th Cen I think I owned this at one time. Available in several formats at Amazon.
  11. I wanted to use TC about a year or two ago for Alg2. I liked the program but had to stop a couple of weeks into it. The problem was that the answers to the problems were readily available to the kid. I couldn't tell what he was actually doing with his work. Zimmerman sent out a message about a month ago that there is now a separate parent portal to answers.
  12. My rising junior has taken the PSAT 9/10 (in 9th grade) and the PSAT in 10th. She is on a serious prep schedule this summer, but we started prepping her sophomore year with 15 minutes/day of math review on Khan Academy, and I used the Blue Books (Big Book of SAT Grammar and SAT Critical Reading) as part of her English course. She will take her first practice SAT this Sunday, and continue taking about one SAT exam every 4-6 weeks until she takes the SAT on 1 December (the first day she can take it). She'll take her PSAT on 10 October. My kid took his first SAT on June 2nd. We started prepping about 3 months out. Got several cheao past, but recent editions of Barron & Princeton review. I would rip out a test, and give him one of the four sections to do each day with timer. He divided the longer sections over two days, with appropriate time adjustment So roughly 30-35 minutes per day. We did 10 full tests this way. A few weeks before the test, he started taking a full test each weekend. It was interesting to watch the progress. Math started out with 22 average math errors. The final few practices where down to 6 average. (in our case, I did not score verbal because he is trying to qualify for CTY SET on math only) Testing slowly and frequently is very helpful. Reviewing the error pattern on the first few test showed that he was extremely week on function. Stopped test prep and had him redo function parts of alg 2. Big drop in errors when we resumed test practices. good luck.
  13. My kid took the June 2nd SAT too qualify for CTY SET. Regardless of whether he makes SET, I am not keeping his 12 y.o score. i See nothing to gain if you are saving it for college. If my kid got a 780 math 5 years from now as a 12th grader that would seem very impressive. But, if I saw that he got a 720 as a 7th grader, I would wonder why in 5 years he couldn't correct no more than 6 errors for an 800.
  14. I don't see why your are surprised or disappointed. As pointed out above, math comps are tough. The questions that separate the winners are at least two years above grade level. Plus, you stated this was your 1st comp, and you did so little competition type practice. My brand new 8th grader started Math Kangaroo in the 2nd grade. Ranked nationally until the 5th grade. Skipped the 5th grade MK comp because he was focused on private school admission tests. Around the test period for 6th grade, he hit a rough spot in pre-calc, and did not prep at all for MK. A very poor performance. This year, was invited to join Math Competition teams with his math circle. Did not want to join the math team, because he was prepping for his 1st SAT and only shot at CTY Set. His results were awful, but all the kid in the Math Competition team placed nationally. The short of it, just because you always got an "A" in math, doesn't mean you can simply walk-in and win a math competition. It takes training to compete at this level
  15. Last summer, the almost new 8th grader's school would not let him because it did not want the headache of opening it up to all middle schoolers. I gave up on trying to find a private or public school, and even enrichment center that would let him. We started prepping for the SAT instead. No need for permission. Almost signed up to take it at his school for spite, but decided against it. Any way he takes the SAT tomorrow.
  16. I think I have a problem. After DawnM posted of her Zojiroshi rice cooker find at the thrift, I spent 2 months looking for one. I found one February 2017. After sitting on the counter without being used once in over a year, I went to move it to storage. I found a nice spot in the back of a kitchen cabinet. Went to move out the stuff out of that corner to make room. Guess what I found there-- a Zojroshi rice cooker. It certainly is a used cooker. I have no recollection of every buying it. I don't even have any recollection o knowing what it was until I read DawnM's post and the attachment. Judging by the stuff that I pulled out of the corner, that rice cooker has been there over 6 years. I better start a new hobby.
  17. I have a tract home size back yard, but I have managed to plant 23 different fruit trees. I try for the unusual; grape guava, pink guava, giant guava, cherry, kefir lime, plumelo (grapefruit) blood oranges, asian pears, dragon fruit, etc, and 10 of the world's hottest chiles. I rarely pick or eat, I am happy just looking at my bounty. So, no savings for me.
  18. i see no harm in asking. reminds me of my final in a micro econ class. The test was brutal. Something like 1/2 the class got a "D". I was exactly on the line for a "B'. The professor said he did not realize how hard the test was. So, he added a few points overall to all scores. Most of the bottom 1/2 got to a "C". A couple of students who had a B-plus got bumped to an "A". The points bump did nothing for me.
  19. I went to school in Bay Area. When I return, on my own money, I find it much cheaper and less hassle to stay in Downtown Oakland. Then BART (subway) or drive into S.F. Be warned parking in S.F. is $40+ every time you enter a lot. Street parking is scare. Free parking is non-existent. In Oakland much less, and if you are willing to walk some, and carefully read the parking signs, might be able to park for free at times.
  20. Maybe, you can have all his classes start after 10 while you are at it, since he still might sleep through an 8:30 alarm.
  21. Well, we were doing math through CTY before finding out that all CTY math is Thinkwell. Now, we go directly through Thinkwell. Anyway, the 7th grader is wrapping up the algebra II review part of precald (chapters 1-4). Chapters 5-10 is trig. He is is prepping for the June SAT-- the last chance for CTY SET. Thinkwel precalc is very thorough, especially on function. His SAT practice test scores place him in contention for SET. Will let you know in June. Since we are not using the classes for credit or acceleration, there was just no reason for us to pay for CTY validation. BTW, I have previously posted criticism of TW for not having enough practice problems (pre-alg, alg 1, and geometry). So we switched to Derek Owens for Alg II. Then find out that DO has about the same amount of practice problems. And, TW problems sets actually seem to be more challenging. Then experienced too much delay in DO grading turnaround. When back to TW. No complaints with TW after realizing that today's math education is not the grind of old days. . The kid seems to know his stuff.
  22. For the past 2 or years, all invitations the 7th graders received have been on-line through https://www.evite.com/. Even the parent party invitations have been sent this way. Really cool app. create invitation, send it out, on-line rsvp and event ticklers. Did I mention free.
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