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Everything posted by KRG

  1. family board game night w/snacks I 2nd the chocolate idea--those are always a big hit Cooking or Grilling basket Vacation basket--camping, beach,etc. Ice Cream basket Coffee basket Weekend Getaway/Spa basket
  2. I'm going to try and do better this year... Right now I am reading Marva Collins' Way by Marva Collins and Civia Tamarkin
  3. Have done: Grocery shopped Cleaners Dollar Store Oil changed Still need to do a couple of loads of laundry
  4. I cleaned and reorganized the pantry I'm washing a load of diapers It's been a crazy day and I think these 2 things are about all that I can tackle today.
  5. Our next payday is the 15th and I'm dreading it...I don't know where we will cut from...
  6. Everything but lesson plans done--I cannot find my motivation to get that done!
  7. So far I have wiped down the kitchen swept vacuumed made the bed 2 loads of laundry I need to get something together for dinner take clothes to the cleaner work on lesson plans clean the bathrooms
  8. I cooked breakfast I need to vacuum or at the very least ask someone else to I need to take the pork loin out of the freezer so it will thaw and I can cook it tomorrow I really, really need to work on lesson plans but I am feeling lazy today. I have just about convinced myself to start back next Monday since dh is off work til Wednesday and family will be visiting at the end of the week. I don't want to do school for 1 day. In order to take one more week off we will have to skip Spring Break which is not that really that big of a deal right now.
  9. Just about the same as everybody else, eat, play games and watch movies...but I haven't see a new year come in in several years. I am usually snoozing pretty well by 10 pm!
  10. We made this busy board for our 2 year old and he loves it!
  11. Today I prepared breakfast 2 loads of laundry--folded and put away Made another trip to the dump because our trash pickup came at 6:30 yesterday morning (uggg) they always come between 7:30-8:00. They were nice enough to get the trash out of the cans but I had a few boxes in the garage I wanted them to take, too. Anyway, we had one part of the garage that needed to be cleaned out so we did that this morning. Grocery shopping Played board games with the family--such a rarity these days! So glad we were all together and had time to play. Prepared dinner Wiped down kitchen #1 did the dishes Got #2 ready for bath--dh is giving him his bath Tomorrow I hope to do very little!
  12. :grouphug: I'm so sorry--lots of hugs and prayers for you.
  13. My favorite soup recipe: 1 lb bulk sausage(jimmy dean or owens) 1-2 cloves of garlic crushed or sliced diced onion to taste 4 cups chicken stock 4 cups water 1-2 stalks of celery sliced pasta--I like radiatorre 1 can of cannelini beans 1 can diced tomatoes 2-3 cups of fresh spinach salt/pepper to taste Parmesan cheese Cook sausage w/garlic and onion. Combine water and stock and add celery, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Add pasta to boiling stock. Once the pasta is done add the sausage, beans, tomatoes and spinach. Simmer until spinach is wilted. Top w/parmesan cheese Potato soup Tomato soup Chicken Enchilada or Taco soup
  14. I'm so sorry that is just awful!! I just saw that someone has offered help--love it when people come together to help!!
  15. Today I did 3 loads of laundry--all of it is folded and put away cleaned the kitchen cleaned the bathroom made the bed cleaned out the fridge vacuumed took down the tree and all Christmas decorations went to the dollar store to get storage bins for the legos and lincoln logs dh did the dusting--he also worked most of the afternoon cooked dinner kept the 2 year old entertained inside because it was freezing/raining here all day
  16. I don't know about iTunes but it's on amazon streaming. I bought it today but we haven't watched it yet.
  17. Well the kitchen never got clean but we did load up all the boxes from Christmas and take them to the transfer facility ie dump. I'm about to wash a load of diapers and say that I have sufficiently tackled Wednesday.
  18. My kitchen really needs to be cleaned...rather organized...the bar is a mess! I've already cleaned up explosive apple juice and that's really more than I what I wanted to do today!
  19. Everything was a hit--it has been a very nice Christmas!
  20. I had to ask dh if he had been reading this forum behind my back (lol) since this was one of my Christmas gifts. He said it's not just chocolate--this is for when I really need chocolate :D It has several large hershey bars, heath bars, kisses and a few other items.
  21. My 2 year old is in bed and asleep(most nights) by 7 pm or I would be a raving lunatic. My oldest is up as long as he wants now. When he was a baby he was on about the same schedule--to bed around 7:30 but he woke up around 5. Until we started homeschooling he had to be in bed by 9. He is a night owl and always stayed awake until 11 or 12 but was always able to get up and go to school.
  22. Yes, you did the right thing!!! One of the quickest way to lose me as a friend(well not really but it does make me very angry!) is to come around me while sick. It is probably my biggest pet peeve. Sorry I'm rambling and ranting but it really bothers me A LOT! You definitely did the right thing by staying home!!
  23. I have no idea how old your girls are so... hair stuff, gel, barrettes, ponytails fun soap, shampoo, doeodorant, brush, comb batteries books favorite food item, bottled drink book marks gift certificates to do things in FL or to favorite restaurants
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