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Everything posted by luvnlattes

  1. I agree and I think it stinks that you get put in the position of being the bad guy if your turn her down. My MIL does stuff like this all the time and it drives me crazy. I completely understand. While I have no advice I did want to give you a :grouphug: .
  2. Oh, I love this movie too! It's our tradition to watch it on Christmas Eve.
  3. We usually have two services, one at 9:00 and the other at 10:45. For Christmas Day we will have only one service which starts at 10:30.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. We're in week 7. Thank you for this tip. I'll keep it in mind as we progress.
  5. I did some research before buying our current laptop and Asus seemed to have good reviews as far as reliability went so that is what we got. Our prior laptop was an Acer and we started having problems with it after about a year. I do NOT want to replace my laptop in a year's time no matter how improved the new technology is! I guess I'm weird that way :D.
  6. Welcome :001_smile: . I hope you enjoy it here.
  7. I chose two different options. If I feel the video really strengthens the lesson, then we'll watch it during lesson time. If I feel that it's more supplemental, then we'll watch it during spare hours. For example, when we were studying European countries in geography, I would order Rick Steves videos from the library. We would watch these during our spare hours to get a better look at the countries we were studying. On the other hand, when we studied early American history, I had a video on Plimouth that showed how the area was set up, what the houses would have looked like, etc. We watched that video during regular lesson hours.
  8. It sounds like it will be at the hostess's house??? (I hope I just didn't kill a kitten.) If so, I would mention to her that you wanted to arrive a few minutes early because you're bringing her Christmas gift. Personally, I wouldn't bring gifts for the others. It could set expectations for next year and exchanging gifts. Gift giving should be from the heart and if it feels like you're doing it out of obligation, it seems to come across as awkward imo.
  9. I'm not interested in my teenagers having televisions in their room, let alone a 7 year old. I voted no.
  10. I get it!! I get it!! :hurray: Thanks for clearing that up :D .
  11. I'm still not sure what a dainty is. Maybe it is candy??? But the first recipe made me think of a bar cookie which Audrey says are banned from a dainty swap so I'm not getting it....embarassing but true :tongue_smilie:.
  12. If you like the BSF books, Joy of Living has a similar format. You study one book of the bible verse by verse. They offer a free 4 week sample that gives you a good idea of how their studies are set up. I've done that one and the book of John. If you decide you like them, I would not order the additional CD's. The recording quality was so bad that I couldn't even listen to them. I enjoyed the book study and have thought about going through another.
  13. I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you as you go this difficult time. :grouphug:
  14. I've heard of a cookie exchange but what's a dainty swap?
  15. Much better explanation than my mish-mash :D . I'll have to share it with my kids!
  16. The way I've explained it to my kids is that you use "then" when you talking about time or the order of things. We're going to sing Happy Birthday, then have birthday cake. You use "than" when you're comparing things. I'm taller than you are. HTH.
  17. Wow! They sound like a great company. Glad to hear it will all work out for you.
  18. :iagree:with these two statements. Growing up, my dad often took the hard stance that if he didn't agree with a person's morals he wouldn't support them. It didn't cause the other person's morals to change and often caused hard feelings that lasted for years. I've seen the grief that can be caused and don't want any part of it myself.
  19. Thanks for sharing. I'm considering this for my youngest.
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