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Everything posted by luvnlattes

  1. I had planned to start back Monday but my dh will be off so I'll wait until Tuesday. Plus the neighborhood kids are off until then so there would just be too many distractions around here.
  2. Toss them. I like the idea of keeping the photo ones for a scrapbook, but I'm not a scrapbooker...maybe someday.
  3. Every year without fail we receive a Christmas card from my dh's cousin 3 days after Christmas. I don't even think twice about it any more. Maybe it can just be your personal style. :D
  4. I'm right there with ya. My oldest starts 9th grade next year as well and I vacillate between anxious and totally freaked out all the time. Then I come here and look at all the pretty pictures...babies, puppies, kitties, purses, even kilts! :lol:
  5. Thanks for posting this. I've been wondering about it as well. We haven't donated in the past but I was considering it this year. It's nice to see other's opinions.
  6. I haven't heard about this. I need something to help me stay on track. Off to take a closer look.
  7. I have a stocking and dh fills it. He actually taught me how to do stockings. We didn't have them when I was growing up so I didn't know the first thing about them.
  8. Both of these are great ideas. Could you give us a better idea of what types of things your family likes to do? That would help for making suggestions.
  9. I have one boy responsible for trash. He consolidates the trash from each bathroom and dumps all of that into the kitchen trash. That bag goes out when full, which could be that same day or the following day at the latest.
  10. I would choose the Vuitton purely based on shape. I like the shape of it and it would work well for what I carry in my purse. The Hermes bag looks small and stiff. I also can't tell about the leather but is it the super smooth leather that would scratch easily? That would be another concern for me with solid blue bag.
  11. My 11yo was a late reader. We got to a point where I started having him sit on the couch with me and he would read me a page or two and then I would read to him. If a page was too difficult or he felt overwhelmed, I would have him read me one sentence and then I would read a bit. Gradually, he would begin to read more and I would read less. I did have a certain amount of time scheduled for reading aloud. If he began to get too frustrated we would stop after I felt he had made a good effort, even if it was less than the scheduled time. In your situation I wouldn't want him to get to the point of tears. If I remember correctly, we didn't start doing this until he was about 8. He is reading at grade level this year and he loves to read! Hang in there. He will get it.
  12. The dictionary I have is the one my parents bought when I was in high school. I've never considered buying a new one. We use it occasionally but use the online dictionary more.
  13. My dh is a reader now but I would say that started in the last 5 years or so. Before that, he didn't really read much at all.
  14. I love this recipe for Chipotle Black Bean Dip. The recipe has you make your own tortilla chips but I just use store bought. It also seems a little heavy on the onion for our taste to I cut it back to 1/4 cup and it's perfect for our family. We absolutely love it!
  15. I loved Little Princes by Conor Grennan and always thought it would be an interesting book to discuss. He is a Christian but wasn't at the beginning of the book. His conversion is interspersed with the story but I didn't feel like it was a "hit you over the head" Christian book. Other faiths are represented as well. It would be considered a book on humanitarian efforts.
  16. This! Dh and I sat down with the boys a couple years ago when the oldest was about 12 to watch this or some other movie from that time frame. I couldn't believe the language in that thing! commonsensemedia.org will tell you what words are said and rate on a scale from 1 to 5 whether language, violence, s!x, etc. is an issue. They give a synopsis at the beginning but it's easy to skip over if you just want see what the issues are for a particular film. The synopsis is more brief than Plugged In so it doesn't give nearly as much of the plot away.
  17. You have a wonderful friend! I hope your anniversary trip is fabulous.
  18. Well, as you probably guessed I love lattes! Toffee nut lattes from Starbucks to be exact.
  19. :iagree:This is what I do and I bring the book with me. If the person helping me asks additional questions I have the info I need or I just show her the project.
  20. I would definitely return it and get the one I wanted.
  21. New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. Whichever day is less busy.
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