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Everything posted by luvnlattes

  1. Jean, I'm assuming it must be the same science center that we joined since I'm in WA too. When I saw that goofy name on our statement I kept asking dh if he knew who it could belong to. We also called the number and got that woman's voice mail. You would think their company name would come through or they would at least give you a head's up that your credit card statement will read "XYZ company" and not the science center. I was ready to file a fraudulent charge as well. Luckily dh remembered I had mentioned something about joining the science center so I checked my e-mail and saw the charge was for the same amount. Sheesh!
  2. I read it and followed it for a while but then slowly quit. There were too many things on the avoid list that I like.
  3. I had my last child when I was 35. I could have gone for another but dh was done. He thought he was getting too old. He'd say, "Do you know how old I'll be when this child graduates?" I never cared about that. I had my first at 31 so I didn't feel the experience was that different at 35. I may have had more energy in my 20s but I have nothing to compare it to. Not sure what you mean about how did it affect my marriage. Are you talking about having all your kids school age now and thinking about adding a baby?
  4. My dad was a big meat eater. Every night was some type of meat, a vegetable, and a salad. Think lots of Swiss steak, stews, chuck roast, etc. We had chicken or fish every now and then. Casseroles were a no-no in his book and my mom cooked to his tastes.
  5. Our pastor knows who we are but I would guess that's about it. Our church runs around 500+ .
  6. :iagree:I even enjoy watching it! It's so tough to find anything decent to watch as a family. Dh will watch The Clone Wars with them but I'm not into it as much. We also watch I Love Lucy in addition to several of the others already mentioned. I think either of those would be okay for a 7 year old.
  7. I can't speak from personal experience but I have a close friend who had one a few years back. She was so happy with how everything turned out she said she'd do commercials for them! I didn't realize she had been that miserable. They removed everything, yet she doesn't take any hormones which surprised me. I hope the procedure brings you the relief you need.
  8. No cell phones here but the older 2 do have text free with voice apps on their iPods. The app only works when they have wi-fi access. They rarely used the phone feature but do text. I didn't feel that they needed phones because they're usually with me. When at a friend's, they can use their landline to call me if they need to.
  9. I'd be afraid to do that drastic of a change with clippers. I'd rather have it done professionally, watch what they do, and then decide if it was something I could maintain myself with the clippers.
  10. I believe it's because the songs are stored on the laptop hard drive. When you pull iTunes up on your computer it accesses the songs on your hard drive. This is why the library sharing that a PP talked about would work. Does he have an iPod touch? If so, it's much easier. We have all our iPods on one single computer (5 of them). My middle son buys the most music. He and the youngest have similar taste. If Z-man buys a song and Cheese Lover wants it, CL simply goes into his account on his iPod and accesses "already purchased" songs. From there he can download any newly purchased songs he doesn't have without having to get onto the computer and do a sync. For you, your son would need to sync up to her laptop the first time, but he could add additional songs she purchased (or vice versa) by doing the above without needing the laptop.
  11. :grouphug: I feel like this often myself. I try to remind myself not to look back, what's done is done, and decide what choices I want to make now. I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
  12. It's not something I would be interested in my boys doing. However, if I had signed my son up to wrestle and was unaware that he could be paired up with girls I would probably let it go for that match, and even for the rest of the season. Based on their young ages I wouldn't make a big deal about it. Most likely I would look for a different league the following season.
  13. I found out with each of mine. I didn't really want to find out with the third one. I thought it would be nice to be surprised but dh really wanted to know if we would need to buy girl stuff :D . I still think it would have been nice to be surprised. But in this case, you're the one who wants to know. I would say go for it!
  14. I did when my kids were younger. Now it would just add too much time to the day. My kids really want to be done by the time their friends get home from school, so schooling past 4 pm is unrealistic here. Also, for me, once I'm out of "school mode" it's hard for me to get back into it. This wasn't true so much when they were younger but it is now.
  15. :hurray: Sounds like a great time! Hubby and I saw a Cirque show in Vegas many moons ago. It was amazing!
  16. Whenever we've gone I've chosen to save the life of the animal. I never thought about it as rewarding them, strictly saving the animal.
  17. My husband is enjoying books by Vince Flynn right now. He's reading the ones with Mitch Rapp as the main character.
  18. I voted other because I used an evaluator until each boy got to be about 5th grade. In the earlier years I thought it was a more a true assessment plus my boys didn't take a lot of tests (other than for math and spelling) so it was kind of a foreign thing to them. I also enjoyed the opportunity to talk to the evaluator one on one afterwards about any concerns/questions I might have. As each turned 10 or 11, I switched them over to standardized testing. It was something I wanted them to get used to. I also didn't feel that I needed the evaluator's feedback as much by that stage.
  19. I would also keep all 3 vehicles at first, if any way possible. You mentioned you think the car will die soon so dh could continue to drive that until it actually does. By then you'd have a better idea for how you feel about the Suburban. At that point you could decide if you want to trade in the Suburban or the mini-van on a newer vehicle. Or you could just wait a couple of months and hubby could try commuting in the mini-van and see how that goes. Enjoy your gift! We'd love to have a Suburban around here :) .
  20. We started using the audio a couple of weeks ago and I've been happy with it. One of my sons is a slow reader and the other was constantly making up his own pronunciations for the scientific terms. We've started listening to the cd together and then discussing it afterwards. I also purchased the CD with visuals but forgot about it over the Christmas break! I need to take a look at it.
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