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Everything posted by luvnlattes

  1. I usually give $3. Not sure where I came with that figure but that's what I tip.
  2. Thank you for posting. My oldest son is interested in architecture as well. I didn't know about this.
  3. We are a family of 5 and haven't had a problem staying in one room. Not all hotels can accomodate us, but many can so that's where we stay. I would not go out and leave my children in the hotel room to attend an evening event with my spouse if my kids were the same ages as yours. I might do that now but my oldest is 14. There are too many scenarios where something could go wrong that an 8 yo could not handle, imo.
  4. I read this last year. I enjoy seeing how people interpret things differently. :) Personally, I felt the book showed how the way we treat people has a much greater effect on them then we know, rather than assigning blame. I thought about that for several days after I finished the book which was a positive aspect for me. Some of the scenarios reminded me of my own high school experiences so I could relate. Maybe that's what made it different for me. Not trying to start an argument, just my thoughts.
  5. This was my first thought. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, they may all be interested in coming but other adults, not so much.
  6. I think it was about age 8 with me waiting outside the door. I remember a couple of times being unsure and telling them that if there was someone else already in the bathroom to just come right back out. I usually sent 2 of mine in together which you could do since you have twins.
  7. We have three 11 x 14 photos, matted and framed, one of each of the boys.
  8. All of the above. This year I'm trying to think about the next night's dinner before I go to bed which will mean I'll start defrosting the night before. Since we're only on day 3, I don't know if it will become a habit or not.
  9. I'm here.....tardy as usual :D . My fears vary depending on what we're struggling with at any given time. Right now it's history. We're using TOG, but for my 8th grader it may just be too much reading. I really don't want to give it up but I have to remember there are many ways to accomplish history and I need to do what works best for him. I'll be trying to figure this out over the next quarter.
  10. I've always thought that was a big contributor but never did any research on it. My in-laws spend their winters in AZ. They go into Mexico to get all their dental work done. My FIL loves his dentist down there and feels very confident in his abilities. I don't remember the exact prices but they are a fraction of what is paid here in the states.
  11. I'm afraid that's what my day will look like tomorrow. Hope your tomorrow is much better :) .
  12. Wow, I can't believe how long this thread is already! I'm planning to do the A to Z challenge this year and starting out by author. This week I'm reading Murderville by Ashley and Jaquavis. Dh read it last week and said he was surprised I was going to read it. All he'll tell me is that it doesn't seem like a book I would read :001_huh: . We'll see how it goes. I just finished chapter 1 last night.
  13. Sounds like a boy envisioning himself as a certain type of man. I think that the 6 feet 8 inches thing is kind of funny though!
  14. Same here. We had lots of medical last year so I understand being thankful about the deductible. Hope your little guy is feeling better soon.
  15. I was wondering if a different dictionary would say something else. It seems there's always an exception!
  16. My kids are older, like yours, and it wouldn't work for me. I'm still too involved in each of their schooling. My day is spent going from one student to the next to help or go over various things. I might have a few breaks here and there but my focus during the day is them and their school work. Only you know how much time you spend each day interacting with your students. How would that interaction change if there was an infant to care for? Obviously, if it were my own baby I'd make it work and be happy about it :D . But when it's for money, I would want to think through how it would affect me and my family.
  17. :iagree: It seems you can't always trust spellchecker. The online dictionary shows you just add an 's' to make handful plural. Hopefully, it's trustworthy :D .
  18. I have one using TT5 and one using TT7. Neither uses the textbook at all and haven't in the previous levels of TT that they've completed. Z-man will start pre-Algebra in January so I don't know if anything will change once he starts.
  19. I finished book #52 last night! I started off Monday trying to get into Disrupting the Class but I knew it would take me too long to read. Thankfully I had The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen on hand. I liked it and feel like I ended the year on the happy, contented note, kind of like the ending in that book.
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