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Everything posted by luvnlattes

  1. I'm another one who cries at Steel Magnolias every single time.
  2. I agree with those who recommend not buying it. If it's in our house, it will get eaten, so the only way for me to avoid it would be to not buy it. I really don't keep any candy in the house except for holidays like Christmas and Valentine's Day when I'll put candies in the candy dish. It disappears in just a few days.
  3. We bought one last year and I imagined I would use it a lot. In reality, I only use it occasionally, like for things that I want to be crispy on both sides. I also use it when I preheat the oven because it heats up quicker, then I switch over to regular bake. :lol: Now I do think I would use a microwave with the convection feature because then you could use it like a double oven.
  4. I drag myself around for a while to wake up and I don't want to talk to anyone. Dh is the same way. Our house is silent for about the first 30 minutes after we get up. Maybe it's because we need that first cup of coffee to get going.
  5. :iagree: I really had no intentions of seeing it because I was certain they would ruin it. A friend talked me into going when it came out and I'm glad she it. I loved the movie and the casting.
  6. So happy for him to find something that he excels at. :)
  7. UPS just delivered mine tonight...at 8:40 p.m. Poor guy is working late! I can't wait to take a look at it :) .
  8. Congratulations :party:! I have 3 boys and love it!
  9. I have one boy using Spelling Workout and another using Building Spelling Skills by Evan Moor. Both are your traditional here's a word list, study and work with it for the week, take your test.
  10. I'm currently reading I, Juan de Pareja to my youngest. It's part of our curriculum and he was supposed to read it independently. It was a little tough for him so we're doing it as a read aloud.
  11. We're going to my sister's and she's making a ham. She won't be cooking on Christmas Day. I'm making a turkey dinner on Christmas Day and just need to bring the salad and rolls for Christmas Eve. Since you have church at 4 and will be cooking the next day, I vote for going out to dinner. At least, that's what I would want to do.
  12. I was late to the party and just joined Facebook this summer. But the novelty has already worn off and after what happened to you, I'm seriously considering deleting my account as well.
  13. I don't limit our activities. I know after we've had a bout pass through the entire family that I re-enter the world with fear and trepidation :) . We just got well. I really, really, really, don't want to get sick again! Some years are worse than others and I don't know why because we really don't change anything. A couple of years ago we didn't get sick the entire winter! I don't know how we avoided it and I haven't been able to duplicate it.
  14. :iagree:. This was hard for me at first also. You did a wonderful job and it turned out beautifully!
  15. Thank goodness! I'm so glad to hear she has been found safe and sound.
  16. That's horrible!!! I would be extremely upset. As another poster mentioned could one of your kids have done it as a joke? You know, because you assign so much work, or made them take a test the week before Christmas, something like that. Maybe you hadn't logged completely out of Facebook and they were able to bring it back up on the computer you had been using? I'm trying to figure out how someone could have guessed your password.
  17. Yes! I bet she loves it :) . Congratulations.
  18. Thanks for sharing this. I look forward to listening to it later this afternoon.
  19. When my in-laws come to stay two of my boys give up their rooms. I have them bring the things I know they'll be using often into their brother's room where they'll be sleeping. They do go into their room for clean clothes each day but not much more than that. I want the guests to feel like they have a private area for their things. In your situation, I would do what I needed to do to keep from going in MIL's room "15x a day" :) . But I see nothing wrong if you need to go in there once or twice a day. Can you take the toy boxes out of the room where your nephew is staying? It doesn't seem like a big deal for the girls to go in and get their clothes each day, but I'd try to keep them from going in and out for toys all the time.
  20. I finished Learning Disabilities by Robert Cimera. It was a basic overview and I enjoyed the chapter on ideas for college. I fell behind while reading it, though. This week I'm reading Drive: 9 Ways to Motivate Your Kids to Achieve by Janine Walker Caffrey. I heard about it on this thread and decided to check it out. This book is #50 for me. It's been a quick read so far so I might be able to squeeze in another book this week. Next year I'm thinking of participating in the A to Z challenge. I've been busy scouting out books and placing holds at the library. I'm getting excited!
  21. We'll have cinnamon rolls from Cinnabon for breakfast. We buy them on Christmas Eve. For dinner we have turkey with all the fixin's.
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