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Everything posted by ealp2009

  1. Wow! Thanks for sharing. I learned more about ALS than I knew before. Well done.
  2. Under the current law, it would be possible to say that surgeons don't have to wear masks I don’t think this is really true because the Joint Commission which accredits hospitals has requirements about what surgeons have to wear (even to the point of requiring particular undershirts). I would imagine they require masks. Even if something is not legally mandated a hospital can’t just do whatever it wants.
  3. Dr. Michael Greger MD and his website https://nutritionfacts.org/ is a wealth of evidence based information on how to be healthy and survive a pandemic.
  4. I don’t disagree. It seems though that this was a disproportionate amount of resources to spend and is seems particularly galling because it turned out to be fake. I had a friend who recently experienced what could be considered a hate crime. Thankfully she wasn’t injured (only property damage but she could have been) and there was literally no investigation at all. The average violent crime is getting a fraction of this amount of resources devoted to it’s investigation.
  5. I think it would be great if all crimes were investigated carefully and thoroughly. The reality they are not. There are many equally serious crimes not being given the resources that this fake crime was. Also, the story is pretty bizarre so I would disagree that they has no reason to think it was fake. Obviously, there were plenty of reasons to think it was fake.
  6. It is shocking and disturbing to me how much Chicago spent on investigating this when they thought it was true. There is no way they are spending this much on other crimes, even homicides I know my city is Not spending this much on one crime. From NPR: “This police department took it seriously. They believed he was the victim of a crime. And they worked so hard for the next three weeks. You saw - 26 Chicago police officers spent 3,000 hours of time, costing this city well over $100,000 for a fake crime that never occurred and, by the way, a fake crime that denigrates what a real hate crime is. https://www.npr.org/2021/12/10/1062937706/smollett-found-guilty-of-lying-to-authorities-in-trial-over-his-alleged-attack
  7. I’m so sorry! Hope he feels better soon. I am confused about this policy of staying off campus though, it seems like it would deter people getting tested if one must to stay off campus even with a negative test. Maybe I am missing something?
  8. Gross gross gross. Was he tried as an adult? He was a minor at the time of the rapes, so I’m wondering if age played into it.
  9. It appears Jones’ sentence was commuted. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/18/us/julius-jones-oklahoma-execution-decision/index.html
  10. According to testimony, KR’s mother didn’t bring him there and didn’t know he was there and he didn’t have the rifle until he got there. Maybe there are better news outlets on this but this gives a basic outline. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/nov/15/viral-image/kyle-rittenhouses-mother-did-not-bring-him-kenosha/
  11. I agree. It is really not shocking at all when any 80+ year old dies. Absolutely sad, but not unexpected. Life expectancy in the US is about 78. And if you are 80 and you get Covid your chance of dying is about 12% and it obviously goes up with other risk factors. I am very sorry for your loss and the unfortunate circumstances. I hope this death encourages some people to take the vaccine.
  12. This is interesting. My state has a vaccine registry and at least two of my children’s records are completely wrong, they have wrong dates listed and wrong vaccines listed. It is not particularly confidence inspiring. I have tried to correct it and I have determined it’s futile.
  13. I would skip the Benadryl https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/common-anticholinergic-drugs-like-benadryl-linked-increased-dementia-risk-201501287667
  14. This is off topic, but our local parks pool (in a very COVID cautious area) has a picture of life guards in training in an actual pool, as in wet, all masked, on their Facebook page. It was just so bizarre.
  15. TRE or trama or tension releasing exercises or shaking can help. I took a class from a yoga instructor that was three sessions long and then she gave out a little booklet that had the routine. Then I taught it to my son. It is not designed for ADHD but we have found it helpful.
  16. We found a trunk full of old ladies shoes, in the house we moved into when I was a child. I think my dad was hoping for something more exciting when he found the trunk. He did find a nice camera though too, but he somehow managed to figure out who it belonged to and returned it. It had belonged to a previous owner but not the most recent owner.
  17. Wow! I’m so sorry for you loss. That’s pretty heartless. I did not lose anyone that day and but I feel the same as you about things being held today.
  18. The scale of the fraud is absolutely mind blowing. Billions and billions of dollars I know my state was given federal funds to redo their computer system 10 years ago and it was never done. It very sad because people who genuinely needed relief weren’t getting it and but people committing fraud were getting so much. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/976583954
  19. Recycling plastic is generally a scam. I think for a 45 minute class I would use something like Dixie cups because the waste is minimal and they are paper.
  20. Wow! I’m excited by this. I’ve got one more that could use this. And I bet my older kids would enjoy reading it.
  21. The books, The Millionaire Next Door and the Next Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley, are pretty interesting and have some detailed data on who is a Millionaire, where they get their money, and their personal habits. I have been thinking about reading it with my kids and discussing.
  22. So we bought ours at a violin store where we rent my kids violins. They were really knowledgeable about instructments. And we spent about $100. I would call some instrument stores. I thought talking to someone was helpful and they might give you an idea about how many people they usually have the store. I was the only person in the store I went to, so I felt very comfortable being in there and the employee was masked. As was I. I know people who have bought from Amazon and spent about $60 and they were happy. I was glad to buy from a local store and I liked knowing it wasn't made in China. We got a concert uke too.
  23. Edited:. I apologize! I see you want to shop online.
  24. I can't imagine feelings not being hurt in this situation.
  25. How Not to Die and How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger MD are great. He also has a podcast and a website. All of his information is evidence based and his organization is nonprofit and commercial free. His books are engaging and can be read in small chunks. I have used his information in doing my own health and nutrition study with my kids.
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