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Everything posted by Caitilin

  1. Glory to God! He's looking good, long may it be so. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  2. Lol, we are having the same weather here, both yesterday and today. It's the worst part of fall, I think, is the quick switches in the temps.
  3. You're saying -(-12), so it becomes a +12. :001_smile:
  4. Ds4 wants to be Curious George; dd8 is going to be a disco ball; ds11 wants to be a punk rocker; ds10 hasn't weighed in yet, lol. The girls are too big this year. :crying:
  5. I think they're dumb, and that they do misrepresent femininity, but I'd hardly consider them controversial. :001_smile:
  6. I bought this one, and have real substantial improvement as long as I take it faithfully. :001_smile:
  7. Just gotta say, I love the iteration of "slipping them the wafer" as a way of describing receiving the sacraments in a less than honorable way. :D
  8. :iagree::iagree: These still creep me out a little! (But I have a pretty sensitive creepometer:tongue_smilie:)
  9. My gut response is purely "TMI". Obviously, I get tEa in marriage and so on, and rejoice in it, but I still don't wanna know about anyone else's, ya know? :D
  10. I have hidden pills in liverwurst for my dogs, and even the ones who can sort out the pill from other kinds of treats will snarf the whole morsel without a problem.:D
  11. Only my ds4 kisses on the mouth; the other kids have all picked up that the way to do it is either on the cheek, forehead, or top of the head--all the places they routinely receive kisses from mom and dad. :001_smile: I am sure my youngest ds will get there before long too. ~Sniffle~ ETA: I guess we're a fairly demonstrative family--we hug and kiss the kids several times a day. Kids hug and kiss us goodnight, and stop for a quick hug anytime.
  12. I pronounce the letter t in all the words except often, which I was brought up to perceive as incorrect. But how about the man's name "Martin"? With a glottal stop, or a t?? :D
  13. These would be my recommendations too; I think Cassy nailed all the things I was going to mention.:tongue_smilie: :grouphug::grouphug:Kalah.
  14. I have friends on this diet; it involves eating no grains, no unfermented milk products, no sugar--though honey is allowed--basically, an ultra whole foods diet with no grains or potatoes, plus lots yogurt, lol. :001_smile:
  15. Our boys are Finn Dominic, Ian Benedict, and Gideon Charles Peter. Also rans were Caradoc, Willoughby, Obadiah, Eamon, and Gabriel. (We like strange names.:D)
  16. I generally make one-dish meals, with minimal sides. Tonight we had veggie/chicken stir fry over brown rice, tomorrow we'll have Audrey's white lasagna (thanks, by the way!), Monday we're having bean and cheese enchiladas and sliced veggies. I have been planning out our week's meals to help the budget--and it works! Yippee!--and I plan so that supper includes some veggies, some protein source, and usually a complex carb; these are usually combined into one main dish, with salads being an exception. :001_smile:
  17. Oh, mama, he's just precious! And I love his name--between you and Truescifi, you've got the awesome names covered! :D
  18. Hurray for Raz! Congratulations, mama! (And good job on the name, too. ;))
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