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MiMi 4under3

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Everything posted by MiMi 4under3

  1. This is reason enough to buy a new dress. But if you don't, no biggie. :)
  2. You can use a small amount of just about any detergent or soap, in my experience.
  3. I wish I knew. :lol: I went straight from 2 to 4, but I can't imagine that 4 is much different than 3.
  4. I use a new disposable razor each time I shave.
  5. I'd consider it a cost of parenting.
  6. Not at all. I recently turned 40 and I love it!
  7. Clean up the mess and tell him gently that we don't rip stuffing out of chairs.
  8. Have you tried re-setting his biological clock? I read this in Weisbluth's book, I think. (Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child?) When he hears the birds chirping, get out of bed for the day! That night he should be tired enough to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
  9. We order everything at once and ask the server to bring the take-out items at the end of the meal. One check, one tip.
  10. Yes. :) That's how we do it, but you can do it in whichever way suits you.
  11. I voted 6-10, but I was really tempted to vote 1-5. With 4 kids and 2 dogs in the house, all of our white couches are slip-covered and get washed 1-2 times per month. The white sheets (that I spread over the seat cushions) get changed at least once per week because every speck of dirt is visible. My point is that I cannot imagine the dust and dirt that build up on a darker upholstered sofa that cannot be washed - I'd be tempted to buy a new one every few years! Or get leather sofas.
  12. The kids and I saw this today, I loved it, the kids liked it. Above is an excellent description. Drop at grandma's. It's probably ok, but there are scenes that may be interpreted as scary by a young child. The bolded is something I hadn't considered. Hmmm.... Weren't other parts of the brain mentioned briefly? Abstract thought, reasoning...?
  13. Oh my! Thank goodness she's ok!
  14. Yes! I know a couple who divorced very peacefully in one sitting with the same lawyer. They grew out of romantic love, but still love each other as good friends. They still sometimes go out to dinner or a party together, and are very kind and loving towards one another. The mom will sometimes stay over the dad's house when he's with the kids in order to have extra "family" time, even though both of them have new partners. Unless you were told, you'd never know they were divorced!
  15. I voted "other" because I don't care if they know how to change a tire. That's what AAA is for. :)
  16. I think black doors (and window frames) are beautiful! Don't know if a black door will hide dirt any better than white, but it'll probably look great!
  17. I was planning to use this with dd13 in September. I would especially like to know if I'd need a spine for cross reference/reinforcement.
  18. I've only used the first book (2 years ago) but it went very well and the kids liked it. They actually remember many of the roots/prefixes/suffixes and their meanings!
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