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Everything posted by Mom22ns

  1. Easy for me, because I know a young family that is really struggling. I'd love to have an excuse to help them out again. :)
  2. So is the problem his unemployment or his being home? Dh is employed, but he has worked from home for over 20 years. We all spent all our time in the same house. Being respectful of each other spaces and need for quiet at various times was key. We loved having everyone here all those years.
  3. :lol: So glad I'm not the only one. I had an idea for dd that I'm still trying to recall :leaving: .
  4. I had that happen once too. I think it was a dTAP even. After changing insurance and networks, we continued to go to the same pediatrician with ds who had some long term health issues. We set him up with an in-network dr too, but went to the Dr. that knew his whole story for checkups and issues that related. They told me he was due a tetanus booster and I said go ahead. It cost over $200! I was so mad they didn't tell me that before they gave it! They knew we were out of network and would have to pay. I could have gotten it free at his in-network doctor's office. :svengo:
  5. It is in the breakfast isle near the syrup, but I always forget that and look in baking with sweeteners. I do the same thing with corn syrup. I know where they live, but I don't think of them as going with pancakes. I do love molasses in oatmeal and on biscuits though.
  6. I'm so sorry. I hope he makes it until you get home! We had a dog die suddenly while we were away on vacation once. It was very traumatic to not get to say goodbye.
  7. In case he doesn't see this to answer, I'll update. I've offered to tutor Van and he's working through Lial's BCM trying to fill some gaps before starting Algebra. We've worked a little on his essay writing and as pp's in this thread guessed, his writing is already very close to being college ready. We've looked into the local CC and their entrance requirements and are working toward being able to create a homeschool diploma and getting him ready for placement exams.
  8. I put this on my transcripts too. If you know anyone that works in public schools, you could ask them to include a note on your behalf. I have a friend who is a public school administrator and I know she would have written such a note for me. I love that your dd is taking this on herself!
  9. There are schools with rolling admissions that give priority to students who apply early. Ds's first application went in, in August of his senior year. Dd changed her mind after getting more information on her first choice school and did a late application to another school in April. The range is wide! Watch out for scholarship deadlines; they are often earlier than application deadlines. There are often advantages to applying early, but making a decision late, while limiting, can still work out too.
  10. This covers my thoughts exactly. I wouldn't hesitate to put them in either situation if they are both academically appropriate for your kids. I would look at academics first. Can your kids sit in for a day at each? They might get a better feel for which one they like better. Forming friendships isn't guaranteed, but obviously they can't form friendships if they are never around other kids. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that need and looking for a way to meet it. I would have been inclined to start with the homeschool academy because of the flexibility. You could mix it with some online classes and some classes you teach and get variety and flexibility. However, that's just me. Pick the one that fits your family best and go for it.
  11. They still do and they give it every time you re-sign up too. I just got a free audiobook when I reactivated my account a couple of weeks ago. I sign up every time they have a good deal, cancel and then sign up again. I've gotten about a dozen books now at an average cost of less than $5 each with all the freebies and discounts.
  12. My kids did so much better with a consistent schedule, and so do I. I rarely had to wake ds. He was an early riser and was typically up at 6:00. I woke dd between 7-8 (the time was consistent daily, but it varied through the years as our schedules varied). We were all more productive and happier with a consistent morning routine. If the kids need more sleep, I'd put them to be earlier. If they are typically all up by between 6-7, I'd set a time toward the end of that range, and I'd wake anyone not up yet. If anyone has trouble getting up or shows signs of being tired, they would get an earlier bedtime.
  13. I had a super calm standard poodle that came from a shelter. She died suddenly at only 10, and I got a goldendoodle, who is highly trainable, calm with family, but gets way over excited with strangers. Our other dog is a pit/lab mix (probably). He was a stray that was dumped near us. He ran the neighborhood for a couple of months before we finally adopted him. He is the most laid back guy, and is actually a lot smarter/easier to train than I expect, but these would definitely be case by case.
  14. I remember someone posting a list where it showed average in-state and out of state tuition for each state. That might help. Also, remember that many states have tuition agreements. My dd is going to a school in a neighboring state that gives in state tuition to all its border states.
  15. I tutor college writing on tutor.com. I will tell you that 80% of the papers I read are APA, <20% MLA, and about 1-2% Chicago. This isn't specific to engineering majors, but I get every major, including computers and engineering. Typically I only get MLA from English classes. All others use APA. I recommend all kids learn APA, and at least do one paper in MLA just so they are prepared.
  16. This was true for our ds with multiple issues as well. He lives on campus, but less than an hour away. When he needs support, he comes home. Sometimes a weekends worth of healthy sleep and meals, coupled with some emotional support and encouragement can make a huge differences. It was a huge relief when he chose to stay close. I'm really sorry your ds is struggling. It hurts our mama hearts for sure, but I'm glad you can let him come home and have both the freedom and support he needs. I'm sorry for younger brother too. My youngest was SO happy to get out of Ds's shadow. I think her greatest fear was that he would come back before she could leave (he didn't). I have seen this issue first hand and know how hard it is on everyone.
  17. This is what I did too. For courses that weren't completed, I put IP (in progress) in the grade column. ETA: I never showed quarter or semester grades anywhere on my transcripts. If you are showing them elsewhere, this answer might be different.
  18. I agree. Play advisor. Narrow the choices, discuss the options, and look up the professors, then have her make a choice. If she still can't make the call, you can give her your suggestions. I always helped my kids choose. I still play the role of advisor and help. We look at options, we use RMP, we look at how a schedule can fit together, and then they make the final decisions.
  19. Right now we have 2 dogs, a golden doodle and a mutt that we're guessing is a lab/staffordshire terrier mix. Between me and my kids we've had mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, and dogs (mostly poodles as I'm not a fan of shedding). I love having animals around. They are family to me and bring me great joy.
  20. Interesting. I didn't know such a thing existed. Can you add a link?
  21. Start by buying a good pair of chemically resistant gloves from HST. Plan to do labs outside whenever weather permits. Following those suggestions, you can take your choice on which labs. :)
  22. Just curious, when you share it on paper with the school, what do you think they do with it? I'm sure the answer is enter it into their computer system which is tied to the internet. If the site they are using has good security, there is no difference.
  23. I read mostly fantasy, so I don't think you'd like my suggestions in general, but I'll third the Harry Potter series. I've gotten books 1-3 so far, but I'm waiting for credits to get the rest. They will be part of my listen-over-and-over library.
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