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Everything posted by Mom22ns

  1. My kids aren't that far from home (3 hours is the farthest), however, I think they would cope the same way with being far, as they do with just being away. We text a lot. Daily, several times a day most days. My dd snapchats at least a couple of times a day and now her boyfriend snapchats me too (which is always pictures of her so I enjoy it). When I was in college we did one short long distance phone call a week. But technology has changed that. There is Skype or FaceTime, texting, phone calls and more. I really think this reduces homesickness. That said, how often she will be able to come home might still impact the decision. Will she be able to come home for all major breaks: Spring, Fall, Thanksgiving, Semester... or only for the semester break? It can be very hard to be away from family for major holidays and most kids do go home for these breaks, so if the cost of travel is too high and she would be trapped at school when she really wants to be home, it might be more impactful.
  2. Our pillow top has the pillow top on both sides so it is flippable. We've had it for 15 years though. I just did a quick look and the company we got it from no longer makes any of their mattresses flippable. Who knew? They will last half as long :(.
  3. Ds's college never required an advisor's signature and he has never met with his for scheduling. I do like the way they assign advisors though. Freshmen are all required to take a 1 hour "Core" class and the teacher of that class is their advisor until they request an advisor in their major or for the first year. Students can request an advisor in their major at any time and ds has one for each major, but if they don't request one, they are assigned one at the end of freshman year. Dd had an advisor in her major from the beginning, but I think this is just because she is a nursing major. There is a general advising center and I wouldn't be surprised if they are harsh about missed appointments. No one would ever miss more than one if it put them at the end of the enrollment line.
  4. This describes my two pretty well. I don't think it is a male/female thing, but rather a personality thing though. It maybe a little more common to find sweet and cuddly in males, but not significantly so in my experience.
  5. We don't study grammar in high school and really liked Excellence in Lit for Literature. There is enough writing in it, but it doesn't teach writing, so whether it would be complete for you would depend on your child's writing level.
  6. See: What do you love about having a dog? I pretty much covered it there, but I would add the reasons have changed through the years. When I was growing up, it was my parent's decision and I just loved them. When I got married, it was a mutual bond and a companion. When I had kids they were protectors, teachers, and companions. Now as an empty-nester, they keep me from being lonely. Companionship has always been high on the list, but other reasons have come into play through the years.
  7. This exactly. I used them for overnights with dd who potty trained young (18 mos). She didn't want a diaper, but couldn't make it through the night. She definitely saw them as preferable to a diaper and since we only used one a day for a few months until she could consistently be dry in the mornings, the expense really wasn't significant. I used them briefly with ds when he first trained but could get distracted until it was too late sometimes lol. In both situations, the kids were excited to be rid of diapers and they were a perfect option. I'm a big fan, but only if you wait until the kids are really ready to train to use them.
  8. Did ours over the weekend. Return, larger than expected which was a pleasant surprise. We have two kids in college, so the return will be put towards tuition.
  9. DD has broken most of her toes, some more than once. I took her in for the first few. After that we just buddy taped it and moved on.
  10. Mom22ns


    I only eat it as an ingredient in processed food. I don't cook it.
  11. My first thought was Hillsdale, but what part of the country would you prefer?
  12. We found it to be true. When my parents died, my sister and I divided what we wanted, sold some, and donated the rest. Fortunately, the man who bought their house told us that he would take any furniture we wanted to leave. We left quite a bit that we couldn't get rid of, even for free.
  13. I think we look for reasons that kids appear lazy, MIL appears a b**ch and DH appears a jerk because no one can help if they just "are". However, if we look for the reason, then there is a way to help them move through and past it. If someone just wants to complain about those situations, they can label JAWM and we won't try to help.
  14. Now you tell me. I'll be out of my 40s in a few months and my kids are both off at college.
  15. They don't make matching sets in my cup size. It is very difficult to find a bra that fits, let alone one that would match my panties. That just doesn't hit the priority list. I do have a lot more variety in panties and dh does have preferences, but he wouldn't expect them to match my bra.
  16. We did this. We sent housing deposits in January because that was when they started making the lists and my kids wanted first choice on housing. Dd changed her mind later and we had that housing deposit refunded and she had no trouble getting housing at the Uni where she decided to go. Search the housing website for the university or just call admissions. They'll be able to tell you about housing deposits. All the schools we looked at (a small number) refunded housing deposits up until early June.
  17. This isn't true. My ds had solid scores on his PSAT with no accommodations. We then did his application for accommodations and he was granted extra time and a keyboard by the CB. The ACT board also gave him the extra time we requested. Having tested successfully without accommodations made no difference. OP, I would get testing done ASAP. If you can get testing done quickly, there is plenty of time to get accommodations in place before testing. The ACT board only took 2 weeks to approve our request, although CB was slower. You are not too late if you can find someone who will test soon.
  18. Your wardrobe sounds like mine. I'd wear jeans and shirts that don't have stains and think I was doing just fine. For PJs, does your dh have a pair of PJ pants you can borrow? Add an XL t-shirt and you're golden. My dd and all her college friends consider shorts and t-shirts to be PJs. The thing to realize is that at an event like that there will be women dressed to the T at every moment. There will also be women in jeans, leggings, tshirts, sweaters, etc. Dress for you and let it go. Of course with a philosophy like that, you can see why I really could use a new wardrobe too lol.
  19. Thank you! Why had I not thought of this? My youngest is now off at college. I am a retired homeschool teacher. I'm going with that from now on.
  20. Mom22ns


    The most likely thing to cause little pink spots on olive green jeans is bleach. Did you clean something with bleach and throw the towel in the hamper too? I know of no way to remove bleach spots.
  21. Both of my kids have kept their PCP at home, but they were both already seeing adult GP's before they left. They both have student health clinics available at school if they are sick, but do their preventative care while they are home on breaks. If they needed a new PCP at this point, I can't honestly say if we'd choose one here or there. Probably here. Neither plan to stay in their college towns after graduation. I doubt either one will bother to move their PCP until they have settled somewhere with a job (and hopefully their own insurance).
  22. I would do Pre-Calc then AP Statistics. Stats is very useful and a great change of pace from Algebra/Pre-Calc. DE College Algebra could be a good option for the senior year too.
  23. No. It would feel like far too much to post every acceptance. I've never seen anyone else in my news feed do it either, but that doesn't really mean anything. I don't remember if I posted when they made a decision, but I don't think so. I posted a picture when they moved into their dorm room with a "They're off" message so anyone that didn't know where they were going (or even that they had gone) could get caught up.
  24. I've known a few people that failed miserably at homeschooling, usually because they thought it was something their kids would do, not something they would have to do :001_rolleyes: . When their kids go back to school and are behind, they blame homeschooling. When they look back at the conflict and family stress it caused, they blame homeschooling. Homeschooling isn't for everyone and for those who fail it is often easier to blame the concept than it is to take responsibility for the failure.
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