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Everything posted by Mom22ns

  1. Ds 19 in my sig was very like your ds at that age. We put him in ps and it was a great decision for us. The structure he needed was more than I could provide and he got speech and OT. He had wonderful teachers and I would do it again in a heartbeat. That said, I pulled him out after 5th grade (wish I'd done it after 4th) and I have no regrets about that either. Today he is off at college and doing great. He still has struggles related to his Autism, but he is super smart and enjoys the academic atmosphere. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if he needs what the public schools has to offer, don't be afraid to use them. If they turn negative, you can pull him. It doesn't even have to be a year, pull him the day you decide it is no longer the right place for him. On the flip side, if you decide to homeschool and that isn't working, you can enroll him any time you want. Don't over-stress on this. Make the best decision you can today and keep it open and flexible. You can change you mind. It isn't a lifetime sentence.
  2. The steps to sleep for me are: 1. exercise (preferably early in the day) 2. bedtime routine (no electronics! read a book to get my mind off my anxieties) 3. melatonin (I take 3 mg, 30 minutes before I plan to be asleep) When any of these are missing, I won't get much sleep, and my stress levels are nowhere near as high as yours must be!
  3. Have you tried googling his name and city, his name and email address, etc? Often google will return a FB listing. When my kids got roommates assigned, the first thing I did was google them and I always find their FB.
  4. It feels unusual, but I'm there with you. I never really planned to be married with kids. I really didn't plan to be a housewife. My parents both had PhD's and my mom worked in an era when that wasn't all that common. However, once I was married and had kids, I desperately wanted to stay home with them and did from the time my youngest was born. I do a little consulting work and did some tutoring. Now that the kids are gone, I tutor on Tutor.com, but mostly, I'm a housewife and I'm very content.
  5. :crying: So, he could have his account as unsearchable (privacy settings) or it could be a mobile app thing, because their computer interface can definitely do things their mobile app can't.
  6. 100 miles of cycling is only 6 or 7 hours. How is that another credit? I definitely agree with giving him an A though :).
  7. This is the only way to find me on FB. My name is too common and returns hundreds of results, so searching by email address is necessary.
  8. He's adorable and throw me in with those who no want to do this to my mutt! Petco has one for $51.99 and free shipping on orders over $50.00.
  9. I had the same issue until I started treating my hypothyroid. I can now make it through most afternoons without a desire for a nap. It is the first time in over 30 year, maybe even 40. I don't think I was hypothyroid that whole time, but I did have quite a few symptoms off and on throughout my adult life. I'm guessing I was always a little low, even if not low enough for anyone to notice. I am incapable of a short nap. If I feel bad enough to nap it is always over an hour and the family usually assumes (cause its usually true) that I have a migraine if they find me asleep during the day. Short naps leave me more tired than ever. I've always been in awe of those (my mom for example) who could nap for 15 min. and actually feel better.
  10. This is me too. As a Sunday school teacher, I always hoped parents would discuss what I taught. I didn't consider myself a babysitter, but a teacher and reinforcement is part of learning. I always asked my kids what they had learned in the car on the way home from church if I wasn't their teacher. That said, the teacher was way out of line. What happens to the crafts and what you do discuss with your kids is your business.
  11. Yep. This is what colleges don't want. They also have privacy rules that keep them from discussing most situations with a parent, but you weren't asking what your daughter's grades were or why. Instead you were able to help the professor uncover a technical issue and everyone benefited. Well done for stepping in only as really needed, but not being afraid to help.
  12. This for sure! My kids have found about half of their professors use email as the primary contact and at least a quarter don't use blackboard at all, even though they are supposed to. I would have her drop the class. She is essentially coming in 2 weeks behind and the odds are too high that the teacher's organization is going to remain an issue. But from now on, check email every day!
  13. This was the only one that came to my mind as well. We never had any issues. If it had been necessary, I could have completed this documentation. We used real equipment and did solid labs. I agree that this is another (common) occurrence of one college being turned into "some colleges". If you surveyed every college in the world, you will find one that has about any policy you can imagine. It doesn't necessarily mean it represents a real issue for homeschoolers applying to college in general.
  14. If Christian is ok, you might consider Apologia Science using their full course CD's. I don't think they have them on all the new versions, but some used shopping can get you Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Everything you need on one little disc, no supplementing necessary. Being able to print the worksheets is nice, but even just looking at the questions onscreen and writing answers and solving problems on paper is enough. History is flexible. Knowledge of history (or lack thereof) won't keep any student out of college, because it isn't on the ACT or SAT. CLE is fine if you like it. Choosing a textbook for each subject would also work. Take some digital books. There are many autobiographies and other quality older books that work as great history supplements available free for download.
  15. On the other hand, there is no class with PAH. My ds learned most of what he learned from YouTube videos. The book was good, but both classes probably use a solid text. Carole's lessons were helpful, but seeing a second written explanation wasn't enough here. Watching someone talk and work through things in a video was better. I guess my advice would be to know your student. If she loves the teacher and gets a lot out of class, stick with WHA. If she learns well through reading (which works for us in some subjects, but not math), PAH was a solid trek through the material without a lot of wasted time.
  16. This is what ds does. He is taking 12-13 credits/semester and 3 hours each summer. He had some AP, DE, and CLEP credits to pair with that and can still graduate in 4 years with 3 hours to spare lol. He has accommodations approved through disability services, but has chosen not to utilize them. He feels like he has to adjust to a world without accommodations. Without the accommodations, he just can't do more than 12 hours at a time. There are some accommodations that might change that, but he is doing very well on his chosen path and likes feeling he is doing it without help.
  17. I don't think it's crazy, but I wouldn't push it either. Let him take the AP class and see how it goes. If he finds he can keep up with that, you can mention it again, but I'd give it time and let him get there. There really aren't any college majors that avoid writing. I get that history is worse than some, but as Merry pointed out, he can have accommodations. I wouldn't let an aversion to writing or extra time needed on tests stop him from pursuing a field he is really interested in.
  18. I only applied to one school and so did dh. Ds wanted to only apply to one school but I insisted on a financial safety which he pointed out several times was a wasted effort because the merit aid came through :001_rolleyes: . Dd applied to one school, was set to go and got some more information that changed her mind. She applied very late to her second choice and missed scholarship deadlines. I really wish I'd made her apply to both to start with, but she was sure and is a good decision maker. She is very happy at her second choice - which became her first choice, but financially it was a bad move to not make her have a backup to start with.
  19. This is so frustrating to me. As a person (in your state) who has always believed you can get a decent education at a state university for a reasonable price, this looks like the beginning of the end to that truth. One of my kids ended up in a private university with good merit aid and we have no regrets. The other is in an OOS university that gave in-state tuition. It looks like our experience will become more and more common.
  20. This is what we did too. It was a light fun semester but took enough time for me to be ok giving .5 credit.
  21. My kids both officially start back the 17th. Ds doesn't have Tuesday classes though, so he doesn't actually start until the 18th. Dd is leaving the 16th because that is as long as she can stand to go without seeing her boyfriend, who has been here twice during break :lol:. We really enjoyed the break and I loved that it was long enough to really feel like they were home, not just visiting. We're all ready for the next semester though.
  22. Congratulations to you and your ds! My 2E ds had his best semester yet this fall, but very similar issues to those you list are still making things challenging for him.
  23. DS - Writing (chosen before going to college) Multimedia Production (added after taking a video production class second semester freshman year) Minor: Philosophy (added after taking and loving philosophy classes both semesters his freshman year) DD - Nursing (chosen before going to college)
  24. All of ours do rolling admissions. We got those answers quickly and they were nice to have secured.
  25. I don't know of anyone who will read that much. Could he pick pages, a chapter, some highlights, something smaller to submit? Your best shot is probably a local English teacher that might be willing to do it.
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