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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I have never taken meds for them, but I asked my MIL about hers. Apparently she has this wonderful medicine for them and it costs a lot without insurance, but she has good insurance so it's affordable. I think it's called Relpax. I have no idea how much it would cost for me. I was given a migraine pillow for Christmas. It has rice in it and can be used hot or cold (can't imagine wanting to use it hot?). I haven't tried it out yet so don't know how much relief it brings vs. a cold wash cloth or such. In fact last time I had one I thought about using one of the kids Be Kool fever strips. Migraines can be very debilitating for me. I don't feel comfortable enough to drive when I have them. I often have nausea.
  2. I think I have OCD (though the psychiatrist thinks just OCD like symptoms). I don't like it when ds is sick and lounging on the couch, but mainly because I don't trust him to cover his mouth when he coughs and sneezes (he doesn't always react in time or forgets) and to put used tissues into the garbage. He also is more likely to leave out a drink that the toddler will try to sip from, thus passing germs to her. But I don't know if any of that stuff applies to your dh and ds. If so, perhaps the mask suggestion would help. I'd worry the hotel suggestion would be enabling? Plus most germaphobes probably don't like hotels. I've seen too many shows that have convinced me I shouldn't sit on the bedspread and should wipe down remotes and phones if I plan to use them.
  3. Do you have recycling? Not everyone accepts cardboard. My parents have recycling but cardboard is not on the list. I don't have curbside recycling and would have to drive them to another town to recycle them.
  4. :grouphug: I think he'd really benefit from a shopping helper. My dad used to wait til Dec. 24 to shop for Mom. He'd take one of us (three daughters) sometimes to help. It wasn't the best plan in the world to wait so late, but I thought the fact that he had an idea and asked for help was good. I'm not sure how to go about doing it, but I do think a little birdie in your family needs to tell Dad when to hit "order now" or something. Last year I was so irritated I did all the shopping/wrapping for almost everyone at one home and during the unwrapping of gifts my dad realized he didn't wrap my son's gift. An item he picked out with me helping over his shoulder at the computer. If he needed me to wrap it I would have, but he didn't ask so I figured he had it ready. So during that we had to scramble down the hall with a bag and toss it in. It's kind of funny in a way, but it wasn't at the time. All this to say I get being a little irritated with people and gifts. You really deserve a pat on the back for all your work. I hope people take the time to say thank you. I don't know if it makes sense but I don't think receiving gifts is my love language but I enjoy buying/giving gifts.
  5. I like the idea upthread to find out what cousins in that age range may have asked for (if applicable). I'd probably physically go to a store and scout out the prices to see what's my biggest bang for buck. That way if possible I could get a couple items vs. one. I might even do one piece of clothing like a graphic tee or fun accessory. Sometimes I hit up sales in the art aisle. Sometimes the Legos are on sale. I was in Target the other day and they had a sign that Legos were on sale... I think 20% off certain sets? Or maybe buy a large Lego building mat and a small set. If they have other Legos they can reuse the building mat for bigger projects. Last year I found Hello Kitty Mega Blocks on sale in the clearance aisle. I'm not generally a fan of Mega Blocks brand, but I really wanted to give HK.
  6. I think a lot of it is going to depend on the person and their baby's size. I was a pretty small person with my first (weighed 108 lbs at beginning of pregnancy) and birthed a large (to me) baby. The doctor seemed to rush me through pushing and I tore and had to get stitches and it was a pretty awful experience. There were other things going on as well.. they had to drain my bladder and break my water. The pressure from all that was really uncomfortable. I don't think they used any kind of oil to soften/lubricate the perineum. They also pressured me into pitocin to "hurry up the placenta" which was ridiculous. It comes out easily on its own (especially if you put baby on your chest) and the pitocin was painful. Then, for my second pregnancy I requested olive oil or such and they told me they always used mineral oil (?) so I was relieved this wasn't some oddball request. I printed out a more detailed birthing plan including patient-led pushing (totally different hospital and practice so no odds of getting the same dr. who was actually not even my dr.). I asked what things the hospital had on hand like birthing ball, etc. They had a thing called a trapeze bar. I requested that. It helped a lot. There was a minute there where I felt completely out of control and doomed. Luckily that moment was brief and we were at the finish line. Overall, the delivery went very smoothly. It felt like this was my birth plan, not some pushy doctor's. I didn't tear. The baby was born 2 weeks early and smaller than my first. I think that had a lot to do with the delivery being easier on my body. I felt great, actually. I told dh he could leave and get back to ds and I could manage on my own, whereas after my first delivery I was a wreck. There was some pain on the second birth I forgot about til just now but probably won't apply to you. It was antibiotics I was forced to take because at some point in the pregnancy I tested pos. for Group B Strep. It felt like I was on fire when they were running that IV. I didn't have a doula or midwife for either birth. I didn't go to any special classes for the second, but we did attend a small birthing class for the first. They gave us a notebook with pictures and descriptions of each phase of labor. We really liked having that book, but it actually didn't match my body. I was in active labor without having contractions spaced the way the book described. I did, however, suspect I was in active labor and got confirmation from the dr. Given that you've already birthed babies, you may or may not feel the need for extra help. I'm not anti-doula (I love the idea), but I think you could go either way in some cases (I couldn't afford one and in my case I don't think it would have really changed anything except maybe pressuring the hospital to find that bar sooner or my meal after birth LOL). I am an anxious person, but I felt much more prepared/in control with the second birth. You can find different websites with birth plans. I found the check list more comprehensive than coming up with my own from scratch. I think my ob/gyn suggested babycenter? Anyway, I'd look into those. That's what led me to have the discussion about what items were available at the hospital like the bar.
  7. Lol That sounds like me and Michael's. I don't get to Jo-Ann's as often. Groupon just sent me a message you can get a $10 egift card for $5 at Jo-Ann's.
  8. If you use the Shopkick app you can have a Jo-Ann coupon emailed to you. It expires today :( But just in case someone reads this in time it's 20% off entire purchase and works on most items sale or regular priced. I was there today and they had some looms that were already reasonably priced. Dh recently got interested in making scarves but wanted a round loom as well as the one he has (the man seriously came home one night with a loom and made ds a scarf this month) so I ended up looking at them. They were cheaper than the Amazon prices so still a decent deal without the coupon. I couldn't find the coupon on my Retail Me Not app, but I see it now on my PC so that's another place to try for the same deal and similar deals.
  9. I live in the US. I'm used to seeing scones in the shape of a triangle. And they don't taste or look like American biscuits to me, either. Dh makes scones sometimes. He doesn't use eggs. Even if he left the flavors out, I don't think I'd compare them to biscuits as I tend to think of those as flakey/less dense and buttery. Root beer is an interesting topic to me because until I moved to the South I didn't know of Barq's. That one has caffeine in it and tastes quite different to me than some of the others I've had. I grew up with Mug and A&W. And of course I have to mention Not Your Father's Root Beer (alcoholic). I am not a beer person, but that stuff is okay. Oh and around here Ward's makes their own root beer which some people really like.
  10. This thread is messing with my head. Not all lemonade is created equally, but they aren't soda (in my part of the world). And then there's Mike's Hard Lemonade which is a different story all together. Alcoholic beverage. I routinely buy Simply Lemonade for the house. Mmm. They sell Raspberry, too.
  11. We have a 2yr old and 8yr old. I set up a price range for kids, but we didn't spend the same on each kid. And I can't tell you off the top of my head the number of gifts. We'll be opening gifts at more than one home and it's enough headache trying to think which gifts should be opened where (like the snow cone machine will be opened at the house with the ice maker lol). I have a spreadsheet that is mostly up to date so I can go back and count, but it doesn't matter. Not this year, anyway. Dd doesn't know what's going on.
  12. I don't know if he didn't get excited because not the same type of Legos or because he'd rather build alone? Did you specifically bring up Architecture style legos or just say "legos"? Are you sure the slippers are the right size for college guy? They didn't fit your teen who might be the equivalent of college guy's shoe size?? I don't think it's a big deal to gift the slippers but I'm not sure if that is something you would get him? Is it okay to just give him the thing he wants and call it good? The Legos were probably expensive and I could see it probably being more practical to return them and use some of the money back toward the subscription he wants. If you feel compelled to spend more than that, would the return of the Legos give you enough to add something else?
  13. Yes. I was not at my best. Part of the time dh was gone for x number of hours a week for an unpaid practicum, but much of the time we were both home. When the practicum ended he didn't have a job for a while and I started applying to various jobs because our rent went up and we were running out of savings. I landed a PT job that was misrepresented as a FT job. He wanted an overnight stocking job or something (there was nothing in his field at the time) that allowed us to both work and take turns watching ds, but was unable to find anything at that time. While it's important to have goals and time tables, I'd be careful about how to phrase those so they aren't perceived as a stress-inducing ultimatum. I'm sure your spouse is aware that having you work is unlikely for the reasons you mentioned up thread, therefore "someone has to get a job after the first of the year" sounds a lot like, "you have to get a job after the first of the year." And I don't know what first of the year means. January? February? He may not know, either. Other than that, I guess maybe spend some times in separate rooms doing independent activities?? Maybe pick an activity you both enjoy that you can look forward to? If you have Netflix or something, maybe an easy movie night? If I could go back in time I maybe would have been kinder? As for group projects, maybe something as simple as a jigsaw puzzle?
  14. Hm. I will have to do some searching. All I had originally heard was there was some incident with him and a gun. I didn't know they ever had a nanny. When I used to watch the show it seemed like the daughter was often watched by the wife's mom.
  15. My dh told me about this, but I wasn't sure if it was a separation or divorce. I was sad to hear. We used to watch their show a lot when we had satellite. I didn't even know about the second child til I heard the story.
  16. More or less had the same thing happen before. I was shocked at how many mutual friends we had since I figured they'd burned most of those bridges! The guy cheated on me and sent me a friend request and PM asking how I was. Told him I had settled down and had a kid (one at the time) and that took care of that LOL
  17. I didn't know about Tracktor but I have been using camelcamelcamel on a few things. I scored a cute Christmas sweater for ds this year for $7 and change. The price range on that thing goes up to $30.
  18. That's great! We have some homemade gifts we are trying to finish, but otherwise I think we are done. Well, one relative told me privately she *may* come to visit depending on flights so I told dh we may need to get her a last minute gift. But otherwise I think we're good! Almost everything is wrapped as well.
  19. I understand wanting to use family names, but I also totally get not wanting to. I hate that people are pressured to name every male the same name generation after generation and such.
  20. I don't even really talk about the elf spying. I know that's part of the storyline, but I don't even know if ds thinks about that. I really got a kick out of one thing I saw online today. Someone said a child touched the elf (which is a no no and can affect his magic lol) so they built an elf hospital (Gingerbread House labeled elf hospital). They had a pic of his schedule with check in/out time, drs, and allergies. There was a pic of him with an IV. It was pretty amusing.
  21. I get lazy and just use a nickname sometimes. I don't have a weird name, just uncommon these days. Like if we order pizza or something, it's easier to just use a nickname or my husband's name as they just need to jot down something.
  22. I didn't want one but dh caved a year ago when ds learned about the elves from family members that had them. MIL has one in her home where we stay for holidays. Anyway, I just read a rant on my friend's FB page before reading this thread. She said don't get an elf. Don't do it. lol. Lots of us commented admitting we have already forgotten to move him in the night. Moms went on to explain why the elf didn't move (some had creative explanations) or the panic they had when they couldn't locate the elf after Thanksgiving lol. I actually waited til Dec. for ours to show up. He has stayed in a few places too many nights so far. Currently he is in a stuffed animal hammock. I said he must like hanging out there with the stuffed animals. Ours doesn't do anything crazy. Dh did have him dangling from a fan pull once. That was kind of fun, but nothing messy or complicated. I placed him by our Rudolph stuffed animal once. I also bought him a little outfit but haven't put it on him yet. I bought it months ago when it was on sale. That's about as invested as I've gotten lol. Oh yeah and there is some spin off with the elf coming on birthdays. There is another book for that. We didn't get that. There is a book that comes with the elf and you read the story and name the elf. Ours is "Elfie" :lol:
  23. I didn't even know Global Forever stamps existed. If they have ever sold them to me I didn't pay much attention. I don't know how I phrased it.
  24. I think "A-vuh" (long A). Is that how you say it? I think I've only ever known one Shawn and he's a guy. Most people do spell it the other ways, though.
  25. When watching the show I kind of thought, "wait, there are other 30 somethings in town besides Lane/Lane's dh and Rory?" I was surprised there were enough to form a club. Over the years it just seemed like we seldom saw anyone Rory's age in town so I guess I figured they didn't exist or they moved off by now (like Dean).
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