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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. The one we have and the one in the picture has a way to snap the inner jacket to the outer. Then sleeves don't get jumbled and you could hang it as one coat. Not sure if you've tried the snaps (inside wrists and inside collar).
  2. The reason I was asking is because I got ds a jacket from thechildrensplace.com a year ago that we like. He is wearing it this winter, too. It's two jackets that can be worn together or worn separately. They don't have the exact version on their site right now but one very similar. Your 12 yr old may fit in one of their sizes. If you have a store near you, you can do in store returns for most online purchases. I usually find their online deals better. Like free shipping and often there is a coupon code to bring down the total. http://www.childrensplace.com/shop/us/search/boys-clothing/boys-outerwear
  3. I have a relative that goes by a nickname because they have a name that is seen as mostly for girls. I know it annoys them when they get phone calls looking for some woman. At least that usually means it's a phone call they can ignore lol (like a solicitor).
  4. I wouldn't call, though, because then the person bringing Communion might get ill. OP, it's okay. Don't feel badly. I've missed Mass before because of other people here being sick (like I had to care for them or watch the kids because dh was sick) and I hated it.
  5. Hey, sometimes you have to buy the cheap quality to get the random artwork. For years I've been working on this roll of A Christmas Story gift wrap. It's crappy quality but it amuses me.
  6. I hear you. I actually dated a Kelly once. And I know guys that spell Michael different ways (ea vs ae) but a girl named Michael would really stump me.
  7. Do you only need adult jackets? I'm not sure ages of sons.
  8. The theater we usually go to has weird choices. Adult matinee $8 Adult twilight $9 Adult evening $10.50 They don't have very early showings except like Summer Flicks. Children and seniors have the same price all day long, $7.50. I honestly don't remember what time the prices change. I can't keep up. ETA: when visiting family sometimes we go to a theater that has a cheaper day of the week.
  9. If you really want to pass along this book that is meaningful, it doesn't need to be done at Christmas. I mean, it can, but I don't know that I'd wrap it up and say it's their Christmas gift. My parents usually give us cash at Christmas. We do a lot of Amazon gift card exchanges among family members year-round so it's kind of a boring, predictable yet still appreciated gift lol.
  10. That doesn't really bother me. I could never get past some of the names I typed up for honor roll. Sh*thead. Pronounced Shu-theed.
  11. I flip flop on how I feel about Lorelai's involvement in Rory's life. Was she involved enough or not? Did she speak up enough or not? She was trying really hard to be non judgemental and give Rory space, which is understandable. But sometimes I thought, "knock some sense into your daughter." I did rewatch one part and noticed that she did say, "you need to cut that poor boy loose" or something to that effect. So she did try to get Rory to address the Paul thing at least. I like to think Rory had other underwear besides the missing ones, otherwise, someone take that girl shopping. I kind of wanted to see the final wedding cake, but I guess we can think it was the one Sookie liked. Since we didn't see the actual big day I guess we never got to see the dress. Which I know isn't the biggest deal, but they had like a whole episode about a wedding dress in an earlier season. Yeah, that was kind of a shame that Luke didn't understand how the surrogacy stuff worked, but I think it was meant as comic relief. I thought it was really out of place for this conversation to be happening after living together 8 years? I never liked the introduction of the dog. Then all the references to this celebrity I don't know. It's like ok, which staff member is obsessed with Paul Anka?
  12. When people say they use salted and just don't use salt in the rest of the recipe, that make sense but doesn't work if you're doing a box mix. I was going to make pumpkin bars and it called for a stick of butter and an egg. I didn't want to risk doing it with salted as that sounded like potentially terrible.
  13. Oh great the hive doesn't agree on this so back to my original thoughts --- recipes should specify! lol
  14. I actually was wondering about this topic last night! I wanted to make something that called for butter and I figured they wanted unsalted and all we have at the house at the moment is salted. I googled it and read the same thing that AnnE-girl said.
  15. I hear "might could" sometimes. I live in the South. When I first moved here "my bad" was really odd to the ears. Then I started hearing it other places, like in the movie Clueless. Go figure. Another one that was always weird is "same difference." But it isn't used correctly, really. It's used in place of "same thing." Out of frustration I've even said it myself to dh. I don't understand the "didn't used to" thing. Can you use it in a sample sentence? I'm not sure there's anything wrong with it.
  16. I'm surprised they are still around, at least the KMarts, since the many of the ones I used to live near closed years ago. When I was growing up I always associated Sears with malls. But I learned a few years ago they have some "hometown" stores. I went inside one once, but it wasn't really the type of store I was used to (as I mainly went to Sears for clothing).
  17. To be honest I'd probably go for the dye-free Rice Krispies if I was buying, but I'd eat either kind. I am a sucker for homemade RK treats. The store bought ones are gross to me. A well-made Snickerdoodle is a treat to me. Of course everyone's idea of what is well made varies. Some like soft cookies, some like crispy. I was going to suggest pumpkin bars or even brownies, but you said cookies. Basic chocolate chip cookie that isn't going to break my teeth is fine with me lol. In other words, simple is fine so long as it's yummy. Dh makes some really good oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip cookies. I can't figure out how to search for profiles on allrecipes.com to find the exact recipes but I know the choc. chip cookies have vanilla pudding mix in them.
  18. I had never heard of it and google seemed to imply to me this isn't new. But it's new to me!
  19. Reading a book The Highly Sensitive Person. Describes 15-20% of the population. I think that makes it even worse sometimes to deal with a bad attitude if you are an HSP (I am). I try to be considerate to cashiers. For real. I asked a sales associate a question on Black Friday and she said she didn't know because it was her first day (?!). I felt so bad for her. I've worked retail off/on. I worked at Best Buy on Black Friday one year. It was actually pleasantly smooth during my shift. I had been there way longer than some of the other cashiers, though. I felt overwhelmed for them.
  20. I don't think you should feel rotten. I would return the unwanted Lego set and use the money toward something else (another poster suggested use the money toward the robe. That might make sense and/or a lesser expensive Lego set). Have you been using camelcamelcamel? It can be helpful for tracking prices so you could paste in some Lego product links there and see what the normal price range is or get an alert if it goes down in price.
  21. I didn't realize that had to be done. I don't understand why everyone had to guess and not just use the office scale?? Maybe I'm missing something.
  22. :grouphug: Maybe it's time for the family to reconstruct their Christmas celebrations. Maybe this is the year to say let's just agree not to exchange gifts or to limit how many (pull names from a hat). Just a thought. I am sorry you are going through this. I have mixed feelings about Christmas. My parents can't think much about it because they are in survival mode with Mom's health (dad is her caregiver) and therefore wait til the last min. to discuss it. If I bring it up early my father gets snippy. Then there is my grandma who is older and can't drive anymore. She has someone that drives her places but I don't want to complicate things for her. So what I did last year was basically shopped on everyone's behalf and they paid me back. Then when it was time to open gifts I felt like the handmade stuff barely got a glance and everyone rushed through the present opening. This year it feels like the same all over, but I started really early so perhaps a little less stressful. My in-laws try to make Christmas this big thing and we have told them we are on a budget and we will not be spending much so please don't spend a lot on us. Of course they will spend a lot on us anyway so I'm sure there will be some guilt on my end when I open gifts. MIL tried twice to buy ds a super expensive toy that ds didn't even tell us or Santa he wanted. We had to stop her. Also MIL has made a few really unappreciated comments on my facebook lately so I think I'm going to just filter her out of viewing things. I didn't think that sharing a facebook picture memory would elicit a rude comment. It was taken when I had hung up some of the stockings, but not one for dh and I. She made it a point to tell me how many people are in my family. :glare: Decorating is really hard because I have a cat and toddler. I hung up the stocking holders and just set the stockings to the side. Dd would pull on them and knock herself in the head. I hope things look up for you. Hope your husband recovers quickly. Just stay home and do what you want. Edited: elicit not illicit lol
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