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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I don't know if I'm understanding the question. Dd just had a wellness visit for age 2. At the end of the appointment they scheduled her 3yr wellness checkup for next year. Do you mean for a new patient? We have missed an appt. by accident before (we forgot we were leaving town) and I had to wait a little bit to get that one rescheduled. I'm guessing it was between 1-2 months. And I believe that was a longer than usual wait time because her dr had some extra things going on (lots of appointments and some vacation time?) For their initial appointments with their regular doctors, I don't recall the wait time.
  2. People wearing headphones with music loud enough that I can still hear it. Or any audio. Gaming conversations, etc. Seems like it defeats the purpose of the headphones. Someone explain the fork/plate thing to me. Is it when someone is loud pushing the food into the trashcan? Or is it because you would rather it go into the garbage disposal? Both? I shove food into the trash can (we don't have a garbage disposal). A fork would just be the convenient choice because it is already dirty. But I don't think I'm making a lot of noise when I do it. I don't like listening to it, either. The pajama thing is funny to me. I was hunting for the other half of dd's pjs last night but finally gave up and settled on a different top. I reasoned that it was better this way since the real top that goes with the set is long sleeved and she tends to kick covers off so maybe gets hot easily. We settled on a short sleeved one. It makes me happy to have the right set together, though. I have to sleep with clothes on. If I sleep naked I am uncomfortable and dream that I am naked in public :laugh: It is hard for me to sleep without socks, too. Even if I have covers on, my feet tend to get cold.
  3. Interesting. This has been a really sore spot for me. One year ds had a party and we asked MIL if we could host it at her home since we didn't have a big enough home. I had planned on just dessert, maybe snacks, but she insisted I was doing it *wrong* and we had to have a meal. Next thing I knew I lost all control of the party because it was at her home and it was mostly her family attending. When we hosted it at my parents' home they stayed out of it and as far as I recall Mom thought no meal was fine if done between meal times. Mom didn't grow up in the South and MIL has spent a lot longer here so that could be part of it. But then I look at some friends I know that live in the South and we attended at least one of their parties for their daughter. They didn't do a meal. They did snacks and dessert at the park. Different strokes for different folks lol
  4. You could probably end the party earlier than 5 if you want. I think two hours is probably enough time to play, eat and open gifts if you're going to do that. We went to a party earlier this year where the birthday boy did not open gifts at the party. You could provide a meal if you want within that budget, but that's totally up to you. When my son turned 8 this year we rented out the craft room at Michael's. They had two options and we chose the cheaper one, providing our own craft supplies. We picked up some Hot n Ready Little Caesars and bought drinks at a nearby store. We made a dessert. The place was not close to our house so I think I brought a cooler, too. Had some water bottles in there I think. Basically kept it pretty simple. I think your park idea is fine, but what you provide as far as food goes might affect the time you set the party (ie. if you decide to provide full meal and cake then maybe just do it closer to lunch so the parents can forego being in charge of one meal that day). Goodie bags. Totally optional. I see very mixed views on this. I tried to do themed bags. Ds had a monster/zombie party so the bags were skeleton hands and the goodies were Monster High bookmarks and pencils, a spider toy, and some candy. We had zombie balloons and I don't remember if anyone took one home but if I didn't think to offer them I should have. Anyway, I didn't spend a whole lot but I did have to plan in advance for certain items since I ordered online (like his balloons and gifts bags which didn't all come from Amazon or weren't all 2-day eligible). Now if you don't want to do pizza (allergies, etc.) then I don't know what to suggest off the top of my head, but you could easily get away with snacks and/or just dessert if the party is between meals and not too long. edited: provide food not good lol
  5. I don't know if anyone suggested a loom as another way to help knit. Dh took up knitting recently out of the blue. Knitted a scarf for ds in one sitting with a loom. I thought are you for real? Then started doing something with a different shaped loom (I think making socks for one of us lol). Jo Anne's had a bunch of looms 25% off last time I went in there.
  6. :svengo: I saw a video circulating (I can't remember if it was here or just on FB) with a boy speaking to Alexa and she thought he wanted her to look up some adult content. The parents started yelling at Alexa to turn off in a hurry :laugh:
  7. I rarely get the time but I enjoy painting ceramics. I did paint one recently. It was a Christmas ornament I found for $1 in the dollar store. It came with paint but I used my own. They never give you enough colors, anyway lol. I actually tried to find them again but they were gone. I don't like to keep everything I paint so I try to find things I can gift. I gave the ornament to my parents and they put it on their tree. Another thing I enjoy is cross stitch, but sadly I haven't made the time for that, either. I really like to be left alone to do that. I really need to be left alone to paint as well. Dh tried to watch the kids while I painted but they were hopping around and shaking the floor which made my hand unsteady. I was having to stop every so many minutes and remind them to not do that. I also didn't get around to doing touch ups when it was dry and spraying it. Ideally I'd paint when it's not too cold so I could go outdoors. I don't like using paint indoors as we can't open these windows. So my short answer is have you considered cross stitch or painting? lol
  8. You mean their definition of 2-day shipping? Yeah I noticed that varies a lot depending on location and/or time of day order is placed. Also whether or not your area delivers on weekends. We send a lot of our stuff to our PO box but our PO is not open on weekends. Some items we send directly to our house but we won't get it til Monday if delivery should fall on a weekend because the carriers here don't seem to deliver on weekends or reroute it to PO (most of our stuff comes UPS and our local PO has instructed us to include both addresses due to smart post). I think Wed. afternoon is the cutoff for me to place an order and get it before Monday. Wed as processing and Friday as delivery?? Not sure if I remember correctly.
  9. I don't know how much genetics plays a role, but if you don't chart it might help give you a clearer picture of your own fertility. I'm sure there are other factors that could potentially affect the fertility as well like environment. My mom had me as a surprise baby when she was 41. They had wanted three kids originally, but were no longer trying. I was the third.
  10. Do you remember all 49 you went to? My parents did some traveling with us that I don't even remember (like the Grand Canyon) because of our age gaps. I think what you have done is a lot and that honestly 50 sounds like it would be hard even without the obstacles you described.
  11. Yes! I said, "I'm decent at math. I don't think this thread is going to be for me."
  12. I have those aspirations, too. We all received mugs for Christmas LOL
  13. I have no dishwasher. We currently are using a mix of real cups and Solo cups. No judgement from me :lol:
  14. I don't really get the Goodwill thing because I thought they were often over crowded with donations. Or maybe I'm mixing it up with other donation bins I've driven by that are overflowing.
  15. Some days I am bitter about things. This year I was going to take a class to become a certified car seat tech. I couldn't because we only have one car and even if dh had taken off days of work to watch the toddler, someone would have to drive ds to school. The class was not near his school and lasted all day. I feel like dh wouldn't have taken the days off, anyway because certain times of year it's much harder for him to leave work than others. I guess it's no one's fault, but just circumstances. Next year will be my third year of wanting to take the class and I don't know where it will be offered. I really hope we can make it work (ds will be homeschooled so won't need a ride to school). I just started a PT job. I can only work the hours dh is home to watch our toddler. They know that and work around my schedule. But it just hit me that since dh works different hours in the summer and also leaves town one week for a conference, I will have to ask my employer about adjusting my hours/taking time off. Everything I do is so dependent on dh and his work. And the darn car. When he wants to visit family with the kids and I want to stay here or meet up with them later, I can't. I would be sitting at the house without a car (hours away from them) or I get stuck on longer vacations than I'd like. We have been trying to compromise on this, but it's hard.
  16. I buy clothes for my niece and nephew. We try to keep up with their likes, though. I see them a few times a yr and ask my SIL questions.
  17. I majored in advertising, not business, but we had to do phone surveys once and I hated that. I wouldn't be surprised if it's required at all.
  18. I'm OCD so maybe my response is not very helpful :laugh:
  19. I would compare used swimwear normally with underwear, though I did borrow a swimsuit at a friend's house once. I would see if I could find a good deal on a new suit vs. buying used. With an adult's under garments (swimwear/underwear) yes there are greater odds the woman had an under breast yeast infection I guess. And I suppose leaks from time of the month or something. Maybe if you give us a budget we could help find links for new?
  20. :laugh: Maybe they thought you just needed some help getting into it?
  21. I think some people have trouble accepting answers LOL. My MIL once bought me some Grinch pants... basically black leggings with Grinch feet attached. They were silly and I would have actually worn them around the house if they fit but they did not. I discovered they were also the kind with a lower waist which I do not like. She ordered online and insisted she just exchange for the next size up. I told her that would not solve the fit problem, but she didn't believe me. I resorted to trying them on for her which was humiliating for me just to prove that they were ill fitting and mentioned that that I didn't really wear low rise. Instead of accepting that, she insisted that low rise was the style but agreed that they next size wouldn't fit. I don't know if I'm overthinking, but it really stuck with me that she dismissed my preference because it was "the style." I know she likes long shirts so I wouldn't get her a short one and imply she should like it because it's in style.
  22. What a nightmare with the pants! I am having pants problems all around here lol. Ds' uniform pants are getting short and I don't know if it's from lots of dryer time or him growing. So I went around to stores looking for uniform pants (I prefer dark khaki over light) and they didn't have his size or they were so pale he would get them dirty very easily. I'm tempted to just buy a size up and return if they are too big. He isn't always with me when I shop but if he is I can have him try in store. The bed thing is no longer in original packaging and came as a set (I couldn't even double check the set contents because MIL or SIL threw away the label but they believe it was comforter, decorative pillows, shams and skirt) so I told dh maybe we could fudge the comforter fit and not use the skirt if it doesn't fit. We could at least use pillows and shams. To exchange would probably require me taking to store, getting refund, then ordering online. But so far I don't even see this particular one on their website. I suppose if we got a refund we could use for anything, though. Our current bed sheets came from online as I never see the stuff in stores here. I have a pile of clean laundry on the bed to sort so I haven't tried to put it on the bed yet. Just got back to town last night. Yeah I know the dimensions but it's hard for me to picture til I put on the bed. We only got Cal King because dh is so tall and his feet still hang off bed.
  23. My in-laws do ok with clothing for the kids, but for about three years I've had to remind MIL that ds does not wear slim just because ds' cousin wears slim. This year I noticed a gifted item was slim pants and dh said he okay'd that item because it was all they had in stock and thought it might fit. NOPE. Ds still does not wear slim LOL. I will try to return later. Ds is not large, but slim is just too narrow. FIL told me to adjust the waistband. I pointed out that they were already at widest point (actually, I think maybe one notch off on one side) so not going to work. Would someone please back me up that it's not a great idea to buy someone stuff for their bed when it's the wrong size? SIL and BIL bought us king size stuff for our Cal. King. It's not sheets, but I'm still nervous to put a bed skirt and comforter on the bed that will possibly be an awkward fit. I was going to privately exchange it but they assured us it would be okay and took it upon themselves to stuff it into space saving ziplocks so we could fit it in the car.
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