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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. I LOVE this book. I've dabbled in strength training for 15 years but haven't been serious. I know most women lift lighter weights than they can actually handle, but didn't realize I was one of them. After struggling with no weight loss for over two years, this book is part of what had caused me to start losing weight and inches from my body. I am significantly stronger than I realized.
  2. I quit shoveling after 2 hours. Then remembered I have people coming over tomorrow and I didn't get the walk leading up to the house. Looks like I'll be shoveling more tomorrow. It's supposed to be 60 next week, I'm really looking forward to it!
  3. My kids aren't teens yet, but we met a delightful neighbor boy today. He sled with my two older kids for an hour while I shoveled. I'm glad to have met him, he was a sweet 13 year old boy who was great with my kids.
  4. We looked at a house on a road named after a horse. I can't remember the name of the road but it was something like a young girl might have chosen like Dreamers Moondance Way. If we had liked the house, it wouldn't have stopped us from living there but I definitely thought about not wanting to have to tell people that was the road I lived on.
  5. My three quit napping sometime before age 3. My current 2 year old still naps most days. My 5 year old will very occasionally still nap in the afternoon, but it's maybe once every 2 months. We still have a quiet time every afternoon.
  6. Have a blast! I had the opportunity to go to Alaska when my daughter was about that age. Taking her wasn't an option and I was nervous at first, but ended up having a great time. She had her brother and grandma and everyone survived fine without me.
  7. My oldest recently turned 7. We live in a neighborhood on the edge of a small town but we aren't really rural. There isn't really any place he can go yet. As of right now my son can ride his bike in the neighborhood, I would be comfortable with him walking or riding his bike to the school playground which is a mile away but he hasn't shown interest yet. When he is comfortable, I would be fine with him riding his bike to the library. A small thing I do is allow him to do is use the bathroom in stores or go look at the toy section without me taking him there (in the city nearby). I know that isn't a big deal for most free range parents, but most people around here don't seem to allow that until their children are older. He will likely spend some time at his grandparents farm this summer. He will have a lot more freedom there because it is rural. They have about 40 acres and his great grandma has another 20ish next door. There is just more for a young boy to do there. He's planning to fish and build a tree house this summer.
  8. I really thought this was a joke. I clearly saw white and gold on this post and a couple other places. I was messing with angles on my phone trying to see black and blue and suddenly it was clear as day.
  9. I visited Ireland a few years ago and the server told us our meal came with a side of mushy peas. We had no idea what it was, but when it was brought to the table we realized the name was quite accurate. I still remember how bright they were but I can't remember if I liked them or not.
  10. We filed a week ago Sunday night and had our federal refund by Monday of this week. We haven't received our state refund yet, it usually takes a couple weeks.
  11. I don't like to use Crystal Light because of aspartame, but that's about the only way my husband will drink water. He uses twice the water recommended for the package.
  12. For comfy shoes I usually pick my running shoes, Brooks Adrenaline but when I'm dressing a bit nicer and I'll be walking or standing a lot I wear my Danskos. I do have a cute pair of Born ballet style flats that get lots of wear in warmer weather they just aren't great for walking a lot. Born tends to be my goto brand for comfort and style. By style I mean something I feel cute wearing that also allows me to push swings and chase kids at the park. I'm not going to win any fashion awards.
  13. Definitely go to a running store. If I remember correctly Pegasus are a lightweight shoe for a neutral strike. Just like Nike makes a variety of shoes with different support, Saucony and New Balance do as well. Take your old shoes with you so that your stride and strike can be evaluated. I personally like Brooks Adrenaline but it may have too much motion control for you.
  14. What about calling your county extention office? I haven't tried there personally but they know most of the farmers in the area.
  15. Our 1st floor is hardwood with two large area rugs. Upstairs is all carpet. I vacuum once a week, but could probably stand to do it twice a week. I do sweep daily and sometimes 2-3 times a day though.
  16. I wouldn't call my dad, FIL, or BIL stylish but dad wears his with Wranglers. He's about the same age as George Straight. FIL wears his with overalls or slacks. BIL is a farmer, he usually wears Levi's, dark ones if he's dressing up.
  17. My 5 yo daughter has learned to braid hair on a doll. My 7 yo son can not figure out how to tie shoes no matter how many times I show him.
  18. The arch is the classic tourist attraction and it is interesting. The zoo is nice and is free (or was the last time I was there a few years ago). Depending on the time of year going to a Cardinals baseball game could be fun. My husband toured Budweiser as a kid and still talks about it. I believe St. Louis is where the Clydesdales are stabled.
  19. I read the introduction then skimmed the rest. The notes about how stories were changed to make them more kid friendly or interesting were fun to read. My favorite part was a map of my hometown from the late 1800's. All the streets had actual names instead of numbers like they do today. The home of one of the prominent families in town was marked, I've walked by house many times but had no idea how long it had been there. That particular family is still prominent in the area, I thought their legacy had begun the generation before my parents, I had no idea it was so much longer than that. I don't think it would work very well as an ebook but that could be because I have an old school Kindle.
  20. I'm sorry. Saying a prayer for you.
  21. My husband randomly got People magazine for a few months. Every issue came with a warning his subscription was about to expire and he should renew quickly. It was a marketing ploy. Any chance that's what happened to your son?
  22. We take a week off every 6 weeks and it just so happened that the local public schools have been out all week too. However, we normally still school on their snow days. My oldest is only in 1st grade so he has plenty of time for playing outside when his schoolwork is completed. We may reevaluate as he gets older. We don't get a ton of snow here so if we don't play in it the first day it may be gone the next.
  23. Hang in there! 2 years ago we moved to the town where my husband has worked for several years. We attend the same church, shop the same stores, and use the same gym but I still struggled. Once there was a parade blocking my route home and I broke down in tears clueless how to go a different way. It took a year for me to feel settled and about 18 months to really like my new town and quit longing for my old one.
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