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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. If it's any consolation it's a really dry, powdery snow so we won't be able to have snow ball fights or make a snowman.
  2. Sorry, I'm not a children's leader but I love the program! Giving you a bump so maybe someone else will see your message.
  3. I have a pair of Brooks that I love but can no longer find the same style. I'd look on Roadrunner Sports or the Title 9 website, the last time I looked they had several options that weren't too short.
  4. I scanned receipts from yesterday. It used to compare 38 competitors, it's down to 17. It did still compare Dollar General but outside of produce most of my savings came from comparing prices at CVS. The produce will hurt, Kroger and Meijer usually have pretty good produce prices. Walmart will still price match, it just means I have to pay attention to sales fliers better. Last month with the doubling onto the Bluebird card I got almost $30 back.
  5. i haven't had a chance to read through the whole thread but I have found my 5 & 7 year old to be pretty capable helpers with household chores. I find the bathrooms the kids use need cleaning more frequently than I have time and energy to handle. So I started sending the kids in there with Clorox wipes. I remind them every single time to use a fresh wipe for the sink and a fresh one for the toilet. It really does help keep the bathroom from being disgusting between times when I clean it.
  6. Following. I'm just trying to finish 1st grade right now.
  7. We used to live in an older neighborhood where solicitors rang the bell a few times a week. I had a handwritten no soliciting sign that worked for everyone but the Jehovah's Witnesses and those college kids that get dropped off in neighborhoods to sell books. My stress level went way down once I put up the sign.
  8. If you have time, the book "Kitchen Counter Cooking School" may be helpful. It isn't how to teach the class, but what the author did in teaching a similar class. Her class was not exclusively for low income families though.
  9. I live on the edge of the south. We encourage yes mam/sir when giving instructions to acknowledge we were heard. However if the child responds with another appropriate response, that's ok too. My husband grew up using those terms, I didn't. We want our kids to be able to address other adults the way the community around us and their grandparents generally expect kids to address adults. However we aren't super strict.
  10. Rachel


    I just bought the ecloth mop, it's similar to Norwex but a lot less expensive. Reviews I saw online were mixed about which was better. As soon as I finish mopping my house, I'll let you know how it does.
  11. I think you are fine. If you do start noticing stiffness in her legs, check her pads on the longer walks. Our 15 year old dog won't complain about long walks, but when he gets tired he drags his feet. This has resulted him him making his pads bleed. I felt terrible for not realizing it at the time. In the past year he's gone from happy to hike 4 miles to getting tired going around the block.
  12. Just two? Cinnamon and cayenne are the two I use most frequently. Not together obviously.
  13. This morning my two year old picked up the book on bats my 7 year old has been reading. He sat down next to me, picked up the book and quoted, "Deres a hundweda speechies of bats." Or for those of you who no longer speak 2 year old, "There's a hundred species of bats."
  14. Have you all seen this: https://fitforfood.fitbit.com/, and this? When Fitbitters who sign up burn 1 billion calories, Fitbit will donate 1.5 million meals to Feeding America. I'm not sure if those of you outside the US can participate or if they have similar programs in your country. ETA It looks like it only counts active calories, but it's still neat.
  15. The real invitation? Times are changing. Please let me remember how weird this is some day when my kids get married.
  16. Kelly, good job making the appointment. If you aren't buried in snow and it's not -10 where you are, try going for a long walk the next couple days. I know you won't feel like it, but the fresh air and the exercise will help you feel a little better. Since you mentioned you are a Christian, I'll say a prayer for you and also for your husband to be understanding.
  17. Please don't worry about crying at the doctor. I'm sorry your husband isn't listening, please call your doctor anyway. Once you have a treatment plan he may be more open to discussing it.
  18. I haven't sold much, but I have had good luck on the Varage Sale site mentioned above.
  19. We had hardwood in our bedroom for years, we now have carpet and I much prefer carpet. I do have hardwood in the rest of the house but I like my carpet in the bedroom.
  20. I've never gotten 20k but I have gotten 15k a few times. This past week it happened twice; once when I ran 4 miles and another time when I ran 2 miles & also managed to go for a walk the same day. Prior to last week, I hadn't hit 15k since the end of October. I can't get over 10k unless I do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes, it's a lot more difficult for me to do that in the winter.
  21. Hugs and prayers. I'm very sorry for your loss.
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