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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I have the Comprehensive Spielvogel, but I just checked and it's the 4th edition. I used it with my older boys and I guess it may be time to upgrade to a newer edition.
  2. Yes, OPI's Bullish for OPI. It's kind of red with orange undertones.
  3. I feel the same way. I think I am just tired - not I've worked hard lately, but more like a cumulative kind of tired that makes me feel like I need to go to bed for about three days kind of tired. Emotionally, mentally, physically tired all at the same time.
  4. How exciting! I am happy for you, but jealous at the same time! We would love to live overseas and probably will when our kids are grown. We have to settle for short missions trips right now.
  5. :grouphug: and prayers for you, your dh, your brother, and your nephew.
  6. This is me. That is why I go crazy when my kids start reading their math problem to me for help. I have to see it people!
  7. I read the book and watched the movie. If I had watched the movie first, I would have never read the book. I found the book very moving, but it should have never, ever been made into a movie.
  8. Heather - I've been off the boards busy all day, so I just saw this. I went through an experience so similar to yours with our last daughter and felt I had to share it with you. Our attorney called us about adopting a baby. We had an adopted daughter who would be 28 months when the baby was born, a little boy who would be 9 months old, and three older children. We both felt we could not say no right away and prayed about it. We said yes. She is our Olivia (yes, her name is Olivia!) and I cannot imagine life without her. She was meant to be part of our family. She and her brother, who is only 9 months older, are SO close. I cannot envision his childhood without hers. It was definitely hard the first year having three very small ones, but I wouldn't change a thing. :001_smile: I will be praying for you that you KNOW in your heart for sure.
  9. My 11th grader starts at 7:00 a.m. and works until about 11:00 when he stops for an early lunch. He starts back up about 12:00 and works until 3:00 or so. He usually has work in the evenings or on weekends for a few hours a week as well. I voted 7+. He has a heavier load than he had in 9th and 10th. He typically worked for about 5-6 hours daily during his first two years of high school.
  10. I have a gangly late-blooming 12yo boy and his shoulder blades do that. I think part of it is because he is so skinny. He had a physical recently and is perfectly normal.
  11. I absolutely loved The Help. I could relate to so much of it being raised in the South in the 60's. We had "help" who I considered part of our family.
  12. I've read it all, but not straight through. I used a reading plan one year to read some OT and some NT every day to get through the entire Bible in one year. I have read most of it many times, starting when I was a child. I'm talking about the Protestant Bible here, as I am Protestant!
  13. My 17yo only has a curfew for school nights - 10:00. On the weekends we play it by ear. We always know where he's going, who he's with, and what time he'll be home. If he is going to be late for some reason, we expect a call.
  14. I also used Getty-Dubay for my right-handers (four children) and my lefties (two children). While they did master cursive and can do it if they have to, they now print EVERYTHING and that is okay by me.
  15. That was me a few years ago. Now my littles are my tweens and teenagers. I would turn back time if I could, even given all the rowdiness and chaos! Enjoy it!!
  16. We are, but we are about 400 feet back from the highway. Given the details you listed - lots of acreage, keeping your barn, etc., I think it definitely sounds like a good option for you. We planted a row of trees in front of our house (6 years ago) and they are now large enough that we do not even see the highway in the summer. The sound of the cars going by just turns into background noise. :001_smile:Granted you would be closer, but it sounds to me like it could work for you.
  17. Yes, when she was very young she was definitely teased about having breasts. Now that she's 13, on the other hand, most of her friends are very jealous. :001_smile:
  18. :iagree:This is what I thought. When I read it to my dh, that was the first thing he said as well. I would never do that - I would just be out the money and figure it was my own fault for allowing a child that young access to my paypal.
  19. :grouphug::grouphug: Just wow. Kudos to you for hanging on through all that. Surely better things are to come.
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