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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. The 5 year old is hooked on Captain Underpants. Not sure whether to be proud or horrified!

    1. EndOfOrdinary


      Ds is only allowed to read them in Spanish. They are translated in 10 languages last thing I knew.

    2. SeaConquest


      Oooh, I like that idea! I will check. :)

    3. Critterfixer


      Be proud. He'll outgrow it early. One would hope.

  2. I have a son named Sacha, but I was prepared for people to 1) confuse him for a girl (it's generally a boy's name outside the U.S.) or 2) ask if his name is Alexander. Both happen regularly. I don't mind. I love his name and so does he.
  3. Massive family dinners... check Exchanging gifts... check Sending cards to everyone... check Menorrahs in the windows... check Dreidels, chocolate coins, jelly donuts, latkes... check Christians do not have a monopoly on festive holidays.
  4. It sounds like dysthymia to me. Are you taking anything to boost your neurotransmitters? Antidepressants, fish oil, SAM-e?
  5. I slept on mine through two pregnancies. You'll know if it's uncomfortable for you.
  6. This is such a fascinating conversation. I truly appreciate the insight the mathematicians and more experienced parents bring to this discussion (and this forum generally). As the parent of a wee one, I'm wondering now if I'm doing him a disservice by our more socratic style of math. I was thinking that I was leading him to learn how mathematical insight happens when the answer isn't immediately apparent, but perhaps this isn't the best strategy. How much struggle do you think is appropriate in the early stages of problem solving? I've tried to give him the most challenging problems, but do them socratically. But, if the hint is the insight, perhaps I should change my approach.
  7. This is the main reason why we choose to homeschool through a charter school. They have optional fun classes (Lego, art, Spanish, engineering, programming, music, gardening, performing arts, etc.) that my son absolutely adores. He currently schools with me 3 days per week and takes the optional classes 3 days per week. Yes, he has other extracurriculars, and some neighborhood/preschool friends, but he loves his charter classes and the built-in community of homeschooling friends that comes with it. For us, this hybrid style of homeschooling has been a total win-win.
  8. I think that it's possible, and is definitely within the scope of traditional Jewish belief.
  9. Thinking about picking up some RS cards. Do I need the whole kit or just the cards? Any decks I should skip? Are enough videos online to do without the book? Thanks!
  10. Yup. My oldest LOVED preschool. And he LOVES going to his charter school classes. We only homeschool because of his acceleration. My kids are total extroverts. Me, not so much.
  11. I was planning to use a baby steps approach -- Song School Latin 1 & 2, followed by Minimus 1 & 2, Getting Started With Latin, Lively Latin, then Lukeion to AP. This may not be the wisest approach, and I am sensitive to the issue of burnout, but my son is very interested in learning Latin. He thinks it's cool that he has a secret language. My goals in the early years of Latin are simply to generate interest and assist with modern language study (Spanish, French, and English). This is my first time teaching Latin, and I am a baby homeschooler overall, so I cannot say if this approach is the prudent path. I figure that we will evaluate and make adjustments along the way.
  12. Exactly. Enough with the mommy guilt already! OP, don't let people shame you into making a decision that isn't in the best interests of *your* family. It's super cool that people on this board are able to school multiple kids with toddlers running amok, but I'm certainly not one of them. My husband (who is self-employed and has a flexible schedule) watches my 16 month old the three mornings per week that I school my accelerated 5 year old (who works about 2-3 hours per day). Next year, I plan to put my youngest son in preschool two mornings per week to give him more time with other kids and my husband more time at work. And I don't feel one iota of guilt about it. My oldest thrived in preschool from age 2-4, and his younger brother is just as social.
  13. The 5 year old beat me at Prime Climb!

  14. My son is young (almost 6), so he is not able to do the Singapore 2 IP independently. I mean, we could, but handwriting everything himself would slow us waaaaaay down. So, I scribe for him 90% of the time. We also don't have a set number of pages per day, or even a set amount of time. I basically go until I think he has had enough, which tends to be about 45-60 minutes of math. On average, we do a chapter in the IP per week, but we only school 3 days/week. Some chapters are longer or more difficult than others. But, we also mix in the CWP, some other supplements, and living books to break up the intensity of the IP.
  15. What about using Spelling City with your AAS words?
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