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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. We work from the IP and CWP. I only break out the TB or HIG if he doesn't intuit the math right away or needs more review. We don't use the WB at all.
  2. My oldest son and husband are dual Canadian-U.S citizens. My youngest son is a triple citizen, having been born in Mexico. We are a NAFTA family, I suppose. I would love to see a history of North America.
  3. Thanks. We're Jewish, but prefer secular materials. We're currently using SOTW, but thought this might be a nice supplement. I'm ok with biblical stories, but are they taught from a purely Christian perspective?
  4. Can these history courses be used secularly? We're currently using SOTW, but this looks like a fun supplement.
  5. I haven't seen this shared here before, but came across it in another homeschooling group. It's a discount coop, similar to the Homeschool Buyer's Coop. Great prices on numerous supplements so many of us use. I hope it helps to save you some $$$$. :) https://sites.google.com/site/kidsonlineacademy/home
  6. Cradle Catholic turned agnostic turned convert to Judaism/evolutionary deist.
  7. My friend writes historical fiction. Her novel, The Paris Apartment, was a best seller. http://www.amazon.com/A-Paris-Apartment-Novel/dp/1250048737
  8. The last episode definitely made me feel icky for participating in this spectacle.
  9. Edited because I just realized it's Wednesday!
  10. Honestly, you're not likely to notice much in a well protected marina. The surfers, however, are salivating.
  11. We're supposed to get 15+ foot swells. We're making sure that the boat is closed up tight, but not doing anything else out of the ordinary.
  12. Are you really expecting a 4 year old to parse through the semantics? I agree with Rivka, and with modeling a verbal script to follow, but I still wouldn't discipline her for an inability to follow the script.
  13. I would look into dialectical behavioral therapy. Cutting often is one symptom of borderline personality disorder.
  14. We have been using ELTL1 since the beginning of this academic year with my advanced Ker. Overall, I think that it is a great program if you are looking for something comprehensive but gentle in the early years. We recently switched over to WWE1 because WWE1 seemed slightly more accelerated than year 1 of ELTL (and I was pretty confident that my son would thrive with a bit more acceleration). I also wanted more freedom in the schedule to focus on the contemporary fiction that we enjoy. It's not that my son had issues with the CM/AO lit selections in ELTL, it's that I thought that he would enjoy contemporary selections more. We may go back to ELTL, depending on how things play out with WWE. As this is our first official year homeschooling, I am still getting my bearings as a teacher and tinker quite a bit.
  15. I know that everyone is trying to be helpful here, but state law varies tremendously in this area. For example, in CA, the above would not be legal. To the OP, I agree that they need to contact the military legal folks who will be able to advise on the laws (both local and UCMJ) that are applicable here.
  16. We had great success with Progressive Phonics plus the Nora Gaydos books. My son balked at OPGTR as well.
  17. Started back on Isagenix today. Time to get this baby weight off!

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