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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. Thanks for the book recs, CW. :) OP, have you looked at Beautiful Feet? They have a California history curriculum. ETA: I forgot that I bookmarked this California history bibliography put out by the California Library Association: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.cla-net.org/resource/resmgr/imported/Eureka%20bibliography%20summer%202011.pdf
  2. That is very sweet! As long as it isn't emblazoned with Santas or a ham and cheese sandwich, you are unlikely to offend. ;) Some small ideas, a decorative dreidel or some chocolate wrapped in gold paper/foil (gelt). A book is always lovely. Larger gift ideas include a menorah, a hamsa, or a mezuzah for the door.
  3. Why is every Torah-related homeschooling curriculum written by Messianic Jews (i.e. Christians). Gah! I smell a business opportunity.

    1. chiguirre


      Could you approach a Jewish day school and see if they'd be interested in offering a home study curriculum or online classes? A lot of the Catholic online stuff started that way...

    2. chiguirre


      Do Hebrew schools have textbooks (like Catholic CCE)? They might have nice TE, workbooks, activity guides? Heck, they might have websites with videos. Good luck finding something. It's so frustrating when you're used to high quality hs materials to have to scrounge up something from school materials or trade books.

  4. 30% off Brookdale House: http://brookdalehouse.com/sale/?ap_id=farmmom4him
  5. I did the same thing and resorted to doing what she suggested. I went through my Amazon Hanukkah wish list and just compared prices one by one to see if it was worth it to buy it on B&N (their prices are more expensive overall when compared to Amazon, but the BOGO did make some things less expensive when paired with like-priced items). I ordered 6 items from my wish list, and the additional coupon you posted did work, so it was a pretty good deal overall. It just takes a bit of time to weed through it all.
  6. I also downloaded. Here is my referral code: http://homeschoolgiveaways.com/bf-freebies/?c21858Le Not sure how all this works, but I hope it is helpful.
  7. Is it all games and educational toys? I looked on the site and it says that it is select items that have a BOGO logo, but I haven't found any that actually have the logo. ETA: I was able to find some with the logo, but please be aware that it is definitely not on all games and educational toys.
  8. 82 degrees forecasted for Thanksgiving. I am indeed thankful for San Diego.

    1. swimmermom3


      Have a wonderful one! Ds was just there for the Hot Rum series, his first go with a J70. He loved the weather.

    2. SeaConquest


      Yay, another sailor! Have a Happy Thanksgiving. :)

    3. swimmermom3


      No, obviously not a sailor, since it was a J88, but ds is and loves it. We all love San Diego.

  9. No advice, but just wanted to agree with this. You are amazingly kind and generous for opening your home and heart to so many in need.
  10. Legally, my son is a public school student, as he is enrolled in a homeschooling charter school in CA. However, I still consider us homeschoolers for several reasons. First, I am primarily responsible for his education (the school makes this very clear when you enroll). Second, I choose his course of study and curricula (we are secular homeschoolers, but could use religious materials on our dime if we wanted). Third, I choose the pace at which he studies (he is currently accelerated by several grade levels and it is not an issue at all) and do all of the teaching in his core subjects. We turn in one work sample from each subject every other month and keep a PE log. Easy peasy. Some annual testing is also optional (though strongly encouraged), beginning in 3rd or 4th grade, as I recall. We are not test-averse, so this is not a big deal for us, but I know plenty others who opt out. On the plus side, my son is able to take optional classes (fun stuff like Lego, music, art, robotics, foreign language, and art), as well as go on field trips all over Southern California, provided by the charter. We also receive a yearly stipend for extracurriculars and books/materials. These extras have made a world of difference for my extroverted son who needs a great deal of interaction with others. Financially, it also takes some of the pressure off our budget. Once my son reaches high school, the freedom and flexibility of privately homeschooling will likely outweigh the benefits of the charter, but I can see us staying with a charter through most of the K-8 years.
  11. I am trying to save some money by coloring my own hair, as my hair grows very quickly. My roots are mostly gray and the current color on my ends is a medium coppery auburn red. My recent attempt at color did not turn out well. My roots were far too light when compared to the rest of my hair. I left the color on the roots for 30 mins, then pulled through the color on the ends for an additional 15 minutes. Total time on the roots was 45 mins. I used Satin Hair Color from the beauty supply with the special developer for gray coverage. As I recall, the color was a level 5RC. I like how the ends look. The 5RC seemed to match well with what I had previously, but how do I get my roots to match? Do I need a different color for the roots and then pull through with the 5RC? How do I know which color to pick so that my roots don't end up much darker than the ends? Thanks for any advice.
  12. Ditto. We plan to test for familiarization with test taking/procedure, to reduce anxiety, and for entrance to special programs (e.g. talent search).
  13. I am so with you. Did you ever see the Chinpokomon episode on South Park? It is worth a watch if you have never seen it. (NSFW: Language) http://www.hulu.com/watch/249815 Age 2-3 was Lightning McQueen Age 4 was Angry Birds Age 5 was Minecraft and Pokemon My parents bought us a Wii U for Hanukkah; I am hoping to help orchestrate a new obsession in time for my son's 6th birthday in January. :)
  14. For the Spelling City users, has anyone uploaded Rod & Staff spelling lists? I see a couple posted in the forum there, but wondered if anyone else here has some uploaded before I reinvent the wheel. Thanks so much!
  15. I grew up in LA. We are not known for our public transportation. Nevertheless, I don't feel that it's unsafe for children. Assuming a large metro area system, I would say 10ish.
  16. I understand, but people repeat the fallacies and mothers internalize them. It leads to unnecessary suffering for everyone.
  17. It's irresponsible to dress and dance how you want? News flash: perfectly responsible people get drunk and/or inhale. It doesn't give rapists a free pass.
  18. Most antidepressants are perfectly fine to take while nursing. Please don't let her fall into the trap of feeling guilty for taking them, or worse. Trying to tough out PPD doesn't work. BTDT.
  19. It's game day! Beat the Bruins!

  20. I had to Google TWTM Forum on the Urban Dictionary. Batsh*t insane classical homeschoolers... bwahahaha! OP, to date, we have not had any seriously negative reactions about our choice to homeschool. Most people are impressed that I'd put so much effort into the endeavor. The worst of it was an offhand FB comment by my great aunt about how, in her day, they left the teaching to the 'real' teachers. I didn't bother to respond; the results speak for themselves IMHO.
  21. Exactly. ETA And the fries at the Habit are far superior.
  22. Carl's Junior? Uh, no. I'm a Habit or Tommy Burger girl myself, but So Cal is firmly In n Out territory.
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