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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. Wow. They even have an AOPS/Singapore 6 pre-algebra combo course! Awesome!
  2. We need to have a Mothering.com reunion. I left another forum -- probably the one discussed upthread -- because of stalking as well. It was seriously nuts.
  3. Since it is February, and so many seem to be in planning mode, I thought it might be time for a planning thread. I always find these inspiring. Do you have any plans in place for your AL? Thoughts about next year that you'd like to kick around? Come share! I use Excel for planning purposes. This is what I have pulled together so far for Sacha (first grade in 2015-2016): Math: We will probably finish Singapore 3A by the spring of this year, so I am planning to just do living math and reading from the BA guides over the summer (he goes to summer camp all day, so we don't school year-round). For the fall, we will start blending BA 3 with Singapore 3B. He will probably finish up Singapore 4B by the end of the spring 2016. I also do a week of living math books and problem solving (Zaccaro, Borac, etc.) as a break every month or so. We may also work through the Hands on Equations Verbal Problems book that I was able to score from our charter school. Science: We did life science this year -- mostly with living books and docus. Following Ruth's inspiration, I broke it up into 4 quarters of zoology, ecology, botany, and anatomy, which worked out fabulously. Thank you, Ruth!! Next year, we will do 4 quarters of earth and space science -- astronomy, geology, meteorology, and oceanography. Language Arts: We will move to WWE2. Since he is young, we will take it slowly and see how he does with dictation. I'm kinda dreading it, TBH. He's fluently reading at about a 4th grade level now, so I have stopped doing any phonics-type instruction/beginning readers with him, letting him just pick what he likes to read. We will continue with Spelling by Sound and Structure 3, but I give him the option to test out of each chapter to (hopefully) avoid any spelling busywork. We will add in the Island level of MCT for grammar, as well as Mosdos Opal, Junior Great Books 3, and whatever strikes my fancy for literature read-alouds. He also wants to learn cursive, so I'm still trying to decide on a font that I can live with. History: We love SOTW audio! We will start early modern and will add in Hakim's Story of US on audio as well. Still working on historical fiction and docus to complement this history cycle. Classics: We are having fun with SSL1; will continue on to SSL2. Modern Languages: He gets Spanish through his charter school. We will move to Shalom Uvrachah for Hebrew. He's learned spoken French from my husband and his family, but I am thinking of starting L'Art de Lire to get him reading and writing in French. Art/Music: He gets weekly art and performing arts classes through his charter school. They also have a music class, which he enjoys, and guitar lessons, starting in 3rd grade. So, we will probably just stick with what the school offers since they are free. Sports: Continuing with soccer and the weekly homeschool PE class he takes through the school. He's expressed an interest in hockey, and is currently taking ice skating classes, so we may start that as well. Logic: Primarily Logic, Thinking Through Analogies, Mindbenders 3, and Balance Benders Beginner. Computer Science/Engineering: We are just starting a MOOC Scratch course through Harvey Mudd, so we will see where that leads him. He gets a Lego class through his charter. I bought Typing Instructor, but need to make time for him to use it. And waaaaay too much Super Mario Bros 3D World, Mario Kart, Pokemon, and Minecraft!
  4. Besides what others have written, the difference for us would be upwards of 25k/year for private school vs. around 5k/year outsourcing classes.
  5. I've read the studies on inositol, and took about the same dose. Unfortunately, it didn't help me. It's 3:30 pst and I've had zero appetite all day. Even passed on cupcakes at a bday party. Amazing. It's so freeing to not obsess about food.
  6. I know that there are at least a few of us on the board who have PCOS and/or insulin resistance/pre-diabetes. After my second pregnancy with gestational diabetes, I am having a difficult time getting my A1C down and the baby weight off. After talking to my endo, we decided to give Victoza a try, as Metformin alone was not cutting it anymore. Victoza has been used to good effect with PCOS patients: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24362411 It does have a black box warning for thyroid tumors and pancreatitis, so it is contraindicated if you have a family history of thyroid or pancreatic cancer. However, amid some controversy over the drug, the FDA and its European equivalent recently reaffirmed the safety of the med. For me, the possible benefits outweigh the risks. The same med, at a higher dose, was also recently approved as a treatment for obesity. It has been used off-label for obesity for years, but finally won approval for this specific use. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/11/novonordisk-obesity-fda-idUSL1N0RC2GT20140911 I started the first injection last night and feel ok so far. No nausea yet, which is good. I will update if others are interested. I know that many others are struggling with these same issues, so I thought I would share. Fingers crossed. Some reviews of the med by others, if you are interested: http://www.drugs.com/comments/liraglutide/victoza-for-diabetes-mellitus-type-ii.html
  7. Thank you, Derek. We are a long way from Geometry at the moment, but this is very helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience.
  8. Just anecdotally, since I stopped practicing law, and spending every waking hour staring at a screen, my vision has improved a full diopter. I'm still blind as a bat, but a full diopter of improvement since 2007 is quite a bit. I was never able to get Lasik while I was still working because my vision continued to deteriorate each year.
  9. This is very helpful. I could see the same types of things happening here, as he is just not ready to work that long independently. For us, I don't think there is much to be gained from doing it this year, and he might just end up frustrated due to his [inherited] perfectionism issues. Thanks again for the update, Rivka.
  10. We have a metal one and the boys love it. No issues.
  11. No. Both my husband and I were also vaxed in the military.
  12. My eyes! My eyes! You just had to bump this thread!
  13. I was just being cheeky. I have no idea if Lynch has social anxiety.
  14. How do you feel, for example, about the Donald Sterling racism scandal? He too was sanctioned for "off-hours" behavior because of these types of broadly-written sports contracts? If I were Lynch, I would have my lawyer argue that my employer (the NFL) needs to make a reasonable accommodation re interviews to account for my social anxiety per the ADA.
  15. No experience with kids, but I can relate that I did exactly that after every exam in law school, and after the bar exam. I distinctly recall watching the South Park movie after a 1L exam because I desperately needed something that could take me out of my head and cease the endless ruminations. It worked wonders! I can imagine that he is trying to find a way to compartmentalize as well.
  16. I just looked at the link. Woah. That is not at all what I was expecting. Teaching mindfulness I get; it's backed up by scientific research on its benefits. But, the rest?
  17. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. As a Jewish homeschooler, I am wondering if there is overtly Christian content in the course, versus a more deistic or theistic general worldview. Again, I appreciate your openness.
  18. Watched Interstellar the other night. Definitely going to have to outsource theoretical physics.

  19. I just purchased 4 of them (ETA: I ordered Odyssey, Muse, Ask, and Dig) in print version for $9.95/year. Use the coupon code DFM1001. Hope that helps.
  20. You could try buddy reading with something like Progressive Phonics (free). If she balks at that then I'd agree that she just isn't ready. It will come. Be patient.
  21. Has anyone taken any classes through Schole Academy? Which ones? What was your experience?
  22. We had Cajun stuffed salmon, grilled asparagus, and rice pilaf. Finishing it off with a lovely bottle of Viognier. (I shop; DH cooks.)
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