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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. Love waking up to coffee and those two beautiful words in my email: "Refund approved."

    1. PinkyandtheBrains.


      Those are wonderful words.

  2. She did post a followup: Emily Bairn Summers There is no religious content in our curriculum or courses. Many people on our team are religious, myself included, but this is not a "Bible camp." Ore Academy is designed as: a safe place for profoundly gifted children and their families to gather, a place of learning, mentors, discovery and friendship, a place where we embrace nature and technology at the same time. 16 hrs · Unlike · 1 Emily Bairn Summers I grew up in a home surrounded by highly gifted siblings, some 2E. I am now raising a highly gifted son and daughter who is yet to be determined. I have witnessed the need for these children to have a place to be themselves, to have access to people wh...See More 16 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 2 Emily Bairn Summers I am sorry, Monique, I just noticed a typo that would make this thread very confusing. "however the camp is nonsecular." should have been typed "the camp is non-religous" or "the camp is secular." I think my tired mind slipped them together. 14 hrs · Unlike · 2 Monique Thank you, Emily Bairn Summers. I appreciate it!
  3. Galileo looks amazing! I hope they will branch out to San Diego as well. Thank you for sharing!
  4. Is it just me, or is this like pulling teeth? From a FB group about gifted kids: Emily Bairn Summers 3 hrs All moms of gifted children are welcome to join Ore Academy's Mom Meet Up this Saturday, as we discuss "fun and games" for gifted children. http://blog.oreacademy.org/2015/03/fun-games.html Ore Academy: Fun & Games Ore Academy is a place of learning, joy, friendship, and support for profoundly gifted children and their families. At Ore Academy, genius shines! BLOG.OREACADEMY.ORG|BY ORE ACADEMY Like · Comment · Share Nathan Summers likes this. Monique Is the Ore Academy Camp secular? 2 hrs · Like Emily Bairn Summers Thank you of your question. Ore Academy is founded by individuals who believe in God, however the camp is nonsecular. It is not sponsored by any religious organization. Nor do we do any proselytizing. 1 hr · Like Monique Do you mean the camp is nonsectarian? Is there any religious aspect to the camp? Would atheists and people of different faiths feel welcome? 1 hr · Like Emily Bairn Summers I would hope that all would feel welcome. The Ore Academy team consists of people from different faiths, as well as an atheist. Our aim is to support families of profoundly gifted from all walks of life. 54 mins · Like Monique I appreciate that, and appreciate you answering my questions. I'm just trying to understand if there is any religious aspect to the camp at all. 52 mins · Like Emily Bairn Summers I am trying to understand your question better. What kind of camp are you looking for? 21 mins · Like Monique I have a highly gifted son, and am interested in camps for him. I also belong to a homeschooling message board where Ore Academy was discussed. Many of us on the message board were wondering where the camp is secular. It seems like a pretty straightforward question: does the camp have any religious content?
  5. That is awesome! I have been enjoying her FB posts with my son. :)
  6. Exactly what I was thinking. I emancipated myself for financial aid purposes through military service. That fact ended up making college much more affordable. She might end up financially better off than had she taken the scholarship.
  7. Ditto this. I will be cheering you on in your journey. It takes a lot of courage to make the decision.
  8. Please excuse my ignorance, but what are tabletop and role playing games exactly? I mean, what do you do? I am completely clueless.
  9. Interesting. Did your kids go from SM 6B to AOPS Pre-A or Algebra? Like many others, I was planning to go from BA/SM 5 to AOPS Pre-A because I thought that SM 6 was mostly review.
  10. I have 12 items in my cart. Talk me off the ledge; I am about to spend $180. :eek:
  11. You might like the Beautiful Feet California pack: http://bfbooks.com/Literature-Packs/California-History-Pack
  12. I did both Botox and various injectables several years ago when I was still working (and had $$$ to burn). I looked amazing! I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had the money. Go you! ETA: I also used Retin-A, but had to stop because you will peel your skin off if you wax. A lot of people thread instead, but I prefer to wax.
  13. I'm looking for book recommendations for my 6 year old DS. He is very interested in wizards at the moment. We have not started Harry Potter because I assumed that he is too young to begin the series. I've not yet read the books, so I don't really know. Can you suggest any good read-alouds or books for him to read (he's currently at about a 4th grade reading level, but will listen to any level read aloud) about wizards, mages, etc. Bonus points for quality literature. :)
  14. We read this the other day (in one sitting), and I just could.not.get.into.it. I think I am in a read-aloud funk. Hoping that Five Children and It snaps me out of it.
  15. I think that we should make her an honorary member of this thread: http://jezebel.com/hero-11-year-old-mackenzie-mccarty-makes-lovely-taxider-1691962314?utm_campaign=socialflow_jezebel_facebook&utm_source=jezebel_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  16. My husband is Quebecois, so I know what poutine is supposed to taste like, and no, we do not have it in the States.
  17. Ok, now I need to know what fry sauce is. I need a dictionary of Americana, apparently.
  18. For anyone else interested, I just placed an order for the old (U.S.) edition of CWP through Sonlight. Christianbook and Rainbow are starting to run out, but the very kind lady at Sonlight (who even ran back to the warehouse to double check for me) assured me that Sonlight still had a bunch of the old edition in stock. Get 'em while you can! :)
  19. This is my experience as well. I have the HIGs, but have seldom ever used them. Thus far, my son has just intuited SM, and we only use the IP and CWP. He is bored by the WB and TB. I don't have the experience that CW has with SM (we are just beginning 3A), but we have not experienced any conceptual leaps to date (even using the curriculum "incorrectly"). I also have personal experience with MM; we used 1A and B before jumping ship to SM. For my son, MM was too incremental, there were too many problems on the page, and he needed the rigor (with a side of cute) that SM provides.
  20. Are home fries different from french fries? I don't think I've ever eaten a tater tot.
  21. My oldest was doing full sentences in two languages by 18 months. My youngest is 19 months, and only has around 50 words (all in English), so I'm convinced he's a moron.
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