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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. You're in my thoughts and prayers for a complete and speedy healing.
  2. http://giftedhomeschoolers.org/ghf-online/class-schedule/ Looks like some of the classes begin at age 8.
  3. With my science-loving DS6, we watch a lot of documentaries. He can watch them for hours.
  4. Hmm. This might be worth doing. They take the Cogat, which I know several homeschool testing companies offer. I may try to see if my DS qualifies.
  5. A little motivation (and humor) for your day: http://magazine.good.is/articles/pasta-jar-accidentally-highlights-the-importance-of-art-history-knowledge
  6. Of course they added new classes, so I had to spend even more. Gah, SWB!!! I cannot resist your powers of persuasion!!
  7. I'm not sure that I'll be able to pry the sailboat from my husband. Knowing him, he will just add another toy to our collection. We have sailed quite a bit with the boat -- from Florida, through the Bahamas, and along the Gulf States to TX, then from Santa Barbara to San Diego. My husband has also sailed in Mexico and done boat deliveries up to Northern California. It's just that sailing with small children kind of sucks, and I would much prefer an easier mode of travel. Plus, there are so many cool places to see that aren't right along the coast, so then you have to schlep the kids inland via public transpo. Not to mention seasickness, weather issues, constant repairs, groceries and laundry via public transpo and dinghy. Argh. It's just a lot of work. It seems so much easier to just park your home in a great destination -- whether coastal or inland -- and then use your truck to get around. Anyway, it's just an idea that we are kicking around. We are having fun thinking of all the cool places we would go, so I thought I would come here for ideas. Also, I deeply appreciate the generous offers to visit. I really might take you up on them!! And please know that you are always welcome to come sailing if you are in San Diego. :001_wub:
  8. They must have fixed the issue. I was able to sign up for everything I wanted.
  9. My son loves Typing Instructor for Kids. He loves the different worlds and games.
  10. We're thinking about selling our sailboat and buying a 5th wheel. We'd like to spend about 18 months doing a trip around the U.S. and Canada. We would leave in early Spring from San Diego and head North to the Western coast of Canada by early Summer, then head East to be on the East coast by late Summer, and South of the Mason Dixon by November. We would Winter in the Southern U.S., and make our way back West to San Diego by Summer. If you were to do an epic road trip like this, what places would be on your list to visit? Any interesting, off-the-beaten path ideas?
  11. Oh no!!! Please tell me it's not too late for Richard Rusczyk!!!
  12. I would not feel comfortable with it. A good friend died in his 20s because he fell asleep at the wheel. Cognitive impairment after approximately 18 hours awake is similar to that of someone with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.05%.8-10 After about 24 hours awake, impairment is equivalent to a BAC of 0.10%, higher than the legal limit in all states.10-11
  13. You need a 'What is Rain?' option for those of us in drought-ridden areas. I don't think my kids have ever played in the rain.
  14. How much typing do the kids do in the classes? Mine has started typing, but isn't proficient yet. Do they use microphones?
  15. DS6: 4 weeks of sports camp 4 weeks of theatre camp 1 week of fencing camp 1 week of surf camp DS20 months: Potty training Swim lessons Soccer camp Music classes All: 2 weeks in Florida
  16. If you are worried about allergies, we make Sunflower Seed and Jelly sandwiches, and they are allowed at our nut-free camp.
  17. OT, but if you don't mind me picking your brain a bit... I decided to take on Latin after reading several past threads that debated its merits. I remember that you felt that Latin was unique in the way it contributed to critical thinking skills with your DS. I am curious if you still feel the same now that your daughter is taking advanced Russian? It seems to me that Russian grammar is more difficult than Latin (more cases), which would lead me to believe that the skills you described could be acquired with a modern language (bonus points because I actually know Russian). Do you still feel that there is something unique to Latin that is worth learning (apart from a root study)?
  18. What About A Mighty Girl Book List: http://www.amightygirl.com/books?p=1
  19. I would assume this too, but I don't see how he would know that I met my husband on New Year's Eve in Vegas, that I had a sexual relationship with a girlfriend in law school, or that I have a Matryoshka doll that I got from Russia in a glass case in my condo. Did he tell me other things that haven't turned out to be true? Probably. But, I cannot explain these kinds of specifics with confirmation bias, or the use of an accomplice who happened to overhear a conversation. It also doesn't help to explain the times that he called me at precisely the moment when I needed guidance the most, and offered me his thoughts pro bono. ETA: I will also add that he was a Sikh, and purported to spend a lot of time in India donating some of the money to the poor there. I met him randomly walking along the boardwalk in Venice Beach. He came up to me and just started telling me things about myself. My (long-time) friend, who was with me, was totally shocked about how much he knew. I don't think she was in cahoots. She also had a reading with him.
  20. What ages did your kids start the program, and after which level of math?
  21. I feel so left out of the secret email club. ;) What are the new math books?
  22. As I recall it was 6 months/book. So, two years for level 5.
  23. Yes, I believe there are both genuine psychics and mediums (media?). I also believe that there are many cold readings happening. I have had experience with both types. For example, one psychic that I met knew the exact date and place where I met my husband, and also knew that he would become my husband (We met at 4am at a bar in Vegas, he lived in Montreal at the time and barely spoke English -- not super likely to be anything more than a booty call). He also knew the exact location of uncommon objects in my home, and very specific details about my relationship with a girlfriend that would be impossible to guess. This particular psychic was so good, he used to call me at (seemingly) random times to give me (free) guidance because he felt our connection so strongly (he said that I was easy to read). One time that stands out in my mind was when my husband and I were dating. My ex-BF came over, ended up staying the night, and I was thinking of getting back together with him. A few hours after my ex left, while I was heavily weighing the options, the phone rang. It was the psychic. I hadn't spoken to him in months, but he knew exactly the emotions I was feeling, and counseled me not to get back with my ex, and to move forward with my now husband. I didn't tell the psychic anything about what was happening. He literally called me out of the blue and warned me not to get back together with my ex. Stuff like that. My mother and some other friends went to see him and were completely floored after their readings. I spent a lot of time trying to cold read people in airports, when I used to travel for a living, and I just don't see how he could have known with specificity the things he knew. ETA: My mom is also a twin, and has some spooky twin stories. One time, my mother had this terrible dream that my aunt was on fire. She was so upset about it that she immediately called her sister. The telephone woke up my aunt, who had fallen asleep with a cigarette. The bed had caught on fire from the cigarette. They have other examples.
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